This post is for all Raxxla Hunters. The quoting of Rochester's post is merely illustrative as are the tree symbols. The primary purpose is to make you think on why the Oisir-Raxxlans were supposed to have built the pyramids downwards and not skywards.‘He views in bredth, and without longer pause Down right into the Worlds first Region throws His flight precipitant, and windes with ease Through the pure marble Air his oblique way Amongst innumerable Stars, that shon Stars distant, but nigh hand seemd other Worlds, Or other Worlds they seemd, or happy Iles, Like those Hesperian Gardens fam'd of old, Fortunate Fields, and Groves and flourie Vales, Thrice happy Iles, but who dwelt happy there. He stayd not to enquire’ John Milton Paradise Lost.
I am going to make a point that may lighten a path for some and yet confuse others. For any consternation this causes, I would like to apologize in advance. Sometimes you loose a few seeds in getting a tree to grow towards heaven (the tree metaphor here is very intentional).
The renaming of Delphi of December 11, 3304 from Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 was clearly important as it coincided with the introduction of the Codex Knowledge Base, Codex Map, and an archival record of each individual CMDRs actions. It was was so important the head of
Perhaps it isn't the place that is important but something about it. Nevermind that Delphi was the center of both Greek culture and geography. Delphi for centuries was destined to alter events both within the Greek civilization and beyond. All who sought The Oracle had to cross a threshold. That threshold bore the entrance maxims that altered history even when the words of the Oracle fell upon deaf ears. There were other maxims in the temple, but those three were more important than all the others combined. You had to cross the threshold to find the Otherworld...
Socrates said the following at his trial for corrupting the youth...
The unexamined life is not worth living - Wikipedia
I only hope that some will understand the meaning of this post. Sometimes it takes falling fruit to change history (see Eve and Newton).
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