The system ‘Sin’ is in game but it’s difficult to assess if it’s meant as a representation of the Mesopotamian deity, or a reflection on Paradise Lost.I'm not sure of it's relative position, but there is definitely a system named Sin. I think it's pretty close to Mbooni and Viracocha
Given its relative location in game to other similar systems I’m more inclined it’s Mesopotamian.
However within Paradise Lost, Sin is an interesting integral character, along with her offspring Death.
Noticeably they guarded the impenetrable gates of Hell, then constructed an indestructible bridge linking Paradise directly to Hell.
This concept forms part of my initial interrogations when first considering if there was a Miltonian cosmological model in game, because if such were true, shouldn’t there also be such an astonishing construct in game, and if so where?
It’s an interesting concept, because in John Milton’s Paradise Lost Milton identifies that Heavens Gate identifies the location of Paradise, and that Heavens Gate was on alignment with Hells Gate. So in theory if you know where Hells gate is and you know where the Chaos is, you could theoretically plot the centre of Chaos and then identify where Heaven’s Gate ought to be!
Following this initial idea I noticed how the path of Jacques, exits the ‘underworld’ in the same southern direction as did Satan in Paradise Lost (comparatively), it also intersects two systems ‘Bridge’ and the Gen Ship Achlys - a death ship?
Achlys meaning ‘dark mists’ aka ‘spirit of death.
In this southern area we have potentially the boundary of Chaos marked by ‘Erebus’. What else could be between this area that might denote said bridge, and if so does it correlate to any other location on the opposite side, or is this as far as the metaphorical references lead?
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