After following this thread for the better part of two months (and reading back through most of it), I think I'll join this quest after the update drops and I make the slog back from Colonia. Hopefully I can trade my AspX for the new Phantom while I'm out here.
I think it is worth to start looking for Raxxla again for two reasons a) FD have said that one commander has been to the system Raxxla is, but has skipped it. b) they have hinted that they hope new tools will give players chance to find it more easily.
As Mengy said on a) no one's ever been able to provide a verifiable source for it. It's basically a 'bloke down the pub reckons' story. By contrast, other things are verifiable.

For b), was that from something in particular? Would be good to have a source.
Yep ! there are just like a million of gas giants with eight moons in the neighborough of the bubble...
and that's just to find the base of The Real Dark Wheel ...
Been considering it since that rumour came out of the beta, and... ever noticed that there’s not much in the way of lights on the Orbis on the Horizons menu?

Edit - with inspiration also coming from Jorki's many posts on the images/systems/stations on the menus!
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As Mengy said on a) no one's ever been able to provide a verifiable source for it. It's basically a 'bloke down the pub reckons' story. By contrast, other things are verifiable.

For b), was that from something in particular? Would be good to have a source.

I’m hypothesising that Raxxla is hidden in a USS, & I gather with the new scanner mechanism USS should be locateable when you jump into a system, rather than having to fly to its vicinity. Hence may well be “easier to find”, once you’re in the right system! ;)
I found a bug in beta, a persistent signal source with no matching frequency. Flew out to a distance that would make a Hutton Trucker blush, and still it loomed in the distance. It persisted through closing to main menu, complete shutdown, and logging back in 12 hours later.
I found a bug in beta, a persistent signal source with no matching frequency. Flew out to a distance that would make a Hutton Trucker blush, and still it loomed in the distance. It persisted through closing to main menu, complete shutdown, and logging back in 12 hours later.

I've seen this. It's a 180° reflection of another signal source. If you resolve all the signal sources behind you, it will disappear. :rolleyes:


I’m hypothesising that Raxxla is hidden in a USS, & I gather with the new scanner mechanism USS should be locateable when you jump into a system, rather than having to fly to its vicinity. Hence may well be “easier to find”, once you’re in the right system! ;)

The codex says it's kind of "low emissive" station. Possibly unscannable. And not Orbis. Of a new type.
The codex says it's kind of "low emissive" station. Possibly unscannable. And not Orbis. Of a new type.

That's The Dark Wheel station. Not Raxxla.

I doubt they are in the same system.

It's fully possible that it's practically impossible to find Raxxla without hints or help from TDW, but I don't think even they have actually located it.


Right, Herr Professor-Doktor, as usually. [yesnod]
It's me. I am so convinced The Real Dark Wheel (not the one in SD) is the thread which is supposed to be pulled on.
The starting point to the personal journey... That's why, imho, both TRDW and Raxxla are present and related one another in the Codex.
Anyway I doubt Raxxla would be more "scannable" than TRDW base.
I thought the Real Dark Wheel knew where Raxxla was, but lost it. How they lost it is beyond me, but that was my impression.

According to the original Dark Wheel novella Jason Ryder either found Raxxla or certain evidence proving it's existence. He was killed before he could pass on his knowledge. I don't think there is evidence that the Dark Wheel ever found it and, based on Harper's "And Here the Wheel" I believe the evidence suggests they didn't (hence giving rise to the schism between Neptune and Oberon.
All we know about that, is this post from John Harper(author of And Here The Wheel):

I shouldn’t comment before my breakfast coffee has taken effect, and it’s a long time since I read the novel so my comments may be off, but I note that he said the coffin was going Home, and mentions the “Butcher of Reorte”. Reorte planet 4 is named “Home”; could this be the CIEP HQ?
The codex says it's kind of "low emissive" station. Possibly unscannable. And not Orbis. Of a new type.

That's The Dark Wheel station. Not Raxxla.

I doubt they are in the same system.

It's fully possible that it's practically impossible to find Raxxla without hints or help from TDW, but I don't think even they have actually located it.

Been considering it since that rumour came out of the beta, and... ever noticed that there’s not much in the way of lights on the Orbis on the Horizons menu?

I’ve posted before on my suspicions about the Horizons & non-Horizons menu screens. Wouldn’t be at all suprised to find one is named Raxxla, & the other might be TDW-related; a stealth station would make sense for either (“obfuscated on the outer rim”!). I don’t beta so I don’t know about the current codex contents, but am looking forward to catching up on release. Since TRDW is a conglomerate of like-minded organisations there may be other things currently hidden that the new FSS may reveal, but suspect most of them (including Raxxla) will have been removed from the beta. Where did this tale about TRDW and a gas giant with 8 moons come from, and how reliable is it (not file dipping I hope)?

I’ve been following up a different Raxxla hypothesis over the last two weeks, will give it another day or two before reporting......

edit: in the John Harper comments that Han_Zen linked above, he also mentioned “A hidden Circle space station .. It is probably a former imperial system since the rotation generates imperial standard gravity.” Has anyone tried the FSS in Reorte (see previous post)? Or Lave?- the empire had some interest in Lave & Dr Walden from what I remember of another novel.
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I’ve posted before on my suspicions about the Horizons & non-Horizons menu screens.
Yep, and those posts were a big influence on my looking at the horizons one in connection with the TDW info from the Codex. I should have credited you in the post. Sorry about that old chap! Post now updated accordingly.
Yep, and those posts were a big influence on my looking at the horizons one in connection with the TDW info from the Codex. I should have credited you in the post. Sorry about that old chap! Post now updated accordingly.

No problem mate, wasn’t complaining! Just relates to my current hypothesis!

There's a section on TDW in the Codex. It's one of the rumours talked about in there. (Wouldn't be touching it with a barge pole if it was from file dipping :) )

Ah, was wondering whether it was the codex, or a reddit rumour...
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