I read Guru 951 post when first put up, didn't know what to make of it, still none the wiser. However, true or not, whether for his or our entertainment who knows. But a big thumbs up, I've found it all very interesting and very engaging.
If only we can have somebody in FDev themselves, one of the developers, to just answer yes or no to "Can Raxxla be achievable*/found as the game stands now?"


"Has it ever been achievable* in the past in Elite Dangerous?"

"Is any of the previous Elite novels and games considered canon to Elite Dangerous, if not all, then what is?"

*just in case if Raxxla isn't actually a "place", but something else entirely; such as a trigger for more story content or who knows?
they have ... FDev has said it's been in game since launch & you don't need Horizons to find it

People get confused with Fdev quotes. The "it has been in-game and doesn't need Horizons" is in reference to the Formidine rift mystery. It has nothing to do with Raxxla. Fdev has only said in reference to Raxxla that it "is in the game and we know where it is" "it needs to be obvious" and "it is in the Milky Way." That, coupled with the in-game Codex is the only concrete information we know. They have never explicitly stated that it is accessible.
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In September 2015, Drew Wagar - one of the official writers for Elite Dangerous - stated "I spoke to David Braben directly in 2014 and he confirmed to me that 'It’s out there and we (FD) know where it is.' – So it does exist."

Raxxla is in the Milky Way. This was confirmed during DJTruthsayer's lore interview with Michael Brookes.

Author Drew Wagar said "My own personal theory is that it can't be too far from Sol as it was reachable long ago by more primitive ships. Whether this proves true... I guess we'll find out."
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Ayn Otori

Look up how the crashed ships were found - It involves the unregistered comms beacon in Sol the orbits our moon (check the Cannon website)

It's a good example of how complicated Frontier can make things (and I believe slightly bugged)

I've found a couple of things that fall under the "slightly weird" category. Tau Ceti has a station (Avogardo Enterprise) that is always undefined with the FSS when I enter the system. Is this relevant or a bug? It's impossible to tell.

You just have to fit that tin foil hat and try not to loose all sanity
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How did people keep finding crashed Thargoids years ago without FSS and now we have it, something that sould be near Sol is not found?

There were hints from beacons and an extreme amount of manual searching, to find the crashed Thargoids. Finding an object in open space that does not give any signals and is dark and small takes a lot of luck, if you dont know where to look.

A station sized object in orbit around a star or in a high planetary orbit, is extremely difficult to spot. If it doesn't reflect much light and you have to 'hear' it, it's close to impossible.
OK - If anyone here is in the bubble could someone double check this for me (Im on Xbox so another platform might help)

Go to Tau Ceti and use the FSS... does Avogardo Enterprise always show up unresolved?

probably nothing, but hey...
OK - If anyone here is in the bubble could someone double check this for me (Im on Xbox so another platform might help)

Go to Tau Ceti and use the FSS... does Avogardo Enterprise always show up unresolved?

probably nothing, but hey...

It does for me. One possible reason is that it's in deep space, not orbiting a planet. Just a thought.
Some Raxxla Weirdness:

So Everyone is hooked into the Casiopeia thing, and Guru 951 claim... I have some interesting developments.

"The jewel that burns in the brow of the mother of galaxies"

If you dissect the Cassiopeia stars, one main star is Caph. this means hand, which is held near the forehead in many drawings of Cassiopeia. But her actual brow, is somewhere in the middle of the V that is formed by Caph, gamma, and Schedar. The middle of this is peculiar as it contains a star called

Kappa Cassiopeia

This star has a red bow, looks like a jewel, is bright, and....


Was first mapped by Guru-951

So.... Kappa Cassiopeia, might have something to do with it, if that cmdr is telling the truth at all.

I checked Kappa Cass today, nothing special. (Except it's only a 2 million years old baby system and it has already a life form in it: Roseum Bioluminescent Anemone -imgur album- | too bad the main star is at end of its life already - a fast burning class A blue-white supergiant)

System map & orrery in case you're wondering (yes, I checked the landable bodies):



OK - If anyone here is in the bubble could someone double check this for me (Im on Xbox so another platform might help)

Go to Tau Ceti and use the FSS... does Avogardo Enterprise always show up unresolved?

probably nothing, but hey...
Not sure what you mean by Unresolved. It’s in the FSS under Concentrated Signal Sources.

To explain - Ive been there lots, and have scanned the system (FSS)

If I enter the system again and use the FSS (say to find signal sources) Avogardo Station is in the FSS as a blue mark with circle as if its not been scanned before - unresolved

This is most likely nothing but I don't think Ive seen it before in other systems, It may well be a "quirk" of the FSS.

edit - "quirk"= polite name for a bug.

edit 2 - bug does not mean alien
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