Me too now, didn't mean anything by my edit but that older sayings are full of prejudice that go unseen (pun intended). Not that anyone here thinks that way or anything else.

Anyway, back to subject, someone mentioned an unscientific and lateral approach...count me in, I can help there for sure :) Its all this science that baffles me. No approach is less valid than any other and no matter what we do its probable that someone will stumble on Raxxla rather than be following a path...if its accessible to all in the first place.

And there may not be any 'clues' as such anyway, depends who wrote the story imo
I assume the roid belt and ring fields in soontill where fully investigated.

Would be funny to hide raxxla there.

I'm not going to be in the search until my second character gets to where I want him... And my primary is way out in the Galaxy, so nowhere near raxxla.


Deleted member 38366

Quick follow-up on the Asteroid Belt Clusters :

Seems their in-game representation is bugged, since they nowhere near represent their total Mass as shown in the System Map.

Example (very high Mass distributed amongst only 4 Resource Belt Clusters total) :

However, upon checking those 4 (which should be massive), I only saw the standard generic low-Asteroid count ones that are found everywhere.
Seems like a Bug, since back in the V1.x era this used to be different. Drop-out was as far as 100km out, with many thousands of Asteroids offering good Mining Grounds.
All that is apparently gone.

If anything, I'd say a 5-10 Asteroid count Belt Cluster would make for an exceptionally poor hiding place for stuff - and it seems that's all they offer now, all of them.
Quick follow-up on the Asteroid Belt Clusters :

Seems their in-game representation is bugged, since they nowhere near represent their total Mass as shown in the System Map.

Example (very high Mass distributed amongst only 4 Resource Belt Clusters total) :
View attachment 156517

However, upon checking those 4 (which should be massive), I only saw the standard generic low-Asteroid count ones that are found everywhere.
Seems like a Bug, since back in the V1.x era this used to be different. Drop-out was as far as 100km out, with many thousands of Asteroids offering good Mining Grounds.
All that is apparently gone.

If anything, I'd say a 5-10 Asteroid count Belt Cluster would make for an exceptionally poor hiding place for stuff - and it seems that's all they offer now, all of them.
I think the belt mass also accounts for all the small undetectable masses that aren't in a cluster. The gravity from the belt mass is presumably evenly distributed in the region we can see in the orrery map for the system.
So, reading up on a lot of the Galnet archives and looking for any resemblance to the Raxxla, Dark Wheel codex. The word Utopia seem to come to mind based on the idea of El Dorado, Atlantis, and Kingdom of Prester John which can be described as places of utopian ideas.

-El Dorado which is viewed as society reaching prosperity
-Atlantis was considered a powerful society
-Kingdom of Pester John a society of knowledge

Now I'm not sure how many of you went in the route of pledging to Pranav Antal who wants to set a utopian society based on "peace prosperity through the advancement of ethically aligned technology." A lot that aligns with the 3 mention mythological cities

But looking into more of the Galnet archive I notice one interesting information that popped out to me the most.


The Sim-Archive, located in the Antal system, is Utopia's greatest achievement – a vast digital repository containing the collective wisdom of all their departed brothers and sisters. Like any system, however, the Archive requires constant maintenance, as a failure in the system could result in the loss of irreplaceable knowledge. Pranav Antal stated that Utopia's ambition is to digitize the human consciousness and thereby transcend our physical selves.

Has anyone investigated the possibility of flowing information that might be used to progress the information given to the commanders?
Current obsession; 'The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia'. The potential correct source for 'Astrophil and the Spiralling Stars'

"a striking resemblance to the children's story "Princess Astrophel and the Spiralling Stars" (and consequently became discredited)"

First written by Philip Sidney circa 1580 whilst he was in his 20s it originally was intended for his little sister, who was 8 years his younger.

The name Astrophil is a play on words for Philips own name, but what if 'Princess Astrophil' is in fact supposed to indicate the feminine aka 'Mary Sidney'... and it certainly was written for a child.

Mary Sidney was also synonymous with the 'Star Chamber' court later in her life.

"She claims she's found a map to some pirate stash, and all I have to do is loan her my ship so we can go dig it up. Maybe we should go find Raxxla while we're at it!"

Arcadia is a pastoral story but it does indeed contain pirates, and a hidden pirate stash...and Cora / Kore / Persephone could be infurred by Arcadias themes of rebirth.

"Much like the ancient myths of Atlantis, El Dorado and the kingdom of Prester John, interpretations of the story range from the skeptical to the outlandish"

'The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia' is also a source material for its own outlandish myth, namely wrapped around the very peculiar 'Oak Island' mystery.

There's no mention of an omphalos but possibly a 'tree of knowledge'. Which may or may not be linked to Draco and the pole an axis mundi...

Early days but I'm more and more inclined to think 'Arcadia' is the intended source material.
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It stands in the atrium, the fine spinning-wheel of ivory.
The nimble wheel is white, and the distaff is black,
The distaff is ebony encrusted all with lapis.
It stands in the atrium on a rich carpet.

A workman of Aegina has carved upon the base
Europa, whose complaint the god hears not.
The white bull carries her. Europa, desperately,
Cries out, and looking down, is terrified to see
The monstrous ocean kissing her rosy feet.

Thread, and needles, and half-open boxes,
The wool of Miletus, colored with purple and gold,
These fill a basket near the sleeping wheel.
Meanwhile, in the heart of that queenly palace,
Twenty misshapen and enormous phantoms,
Twenty monsters, all ensanguined, and half-seen,
Wander and throng about the sleeping wheel:
Nemea's lion, the hydra of Lerna,
Cacus, the dark brigand of the dark cavern,
The triple Geryon, and the typhons of the waters
Who breathed with a great noise at evening in the rushes;
All bear on their heads the bloody blow-marks of a mace,
And all, without approaching, pass with a terrible air,
And upon the wheel, where hangs a fine and fastened thread,
They fix from afar in the shadows their humiliated eyes.
(French things sunday)
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So, reading up on a lot of the Galnet archives and looking for any resemblance to the Raxxla, Dark Wheel codex. The word Utopia seem to come to mind based on the idea of El Dorado, Atlantis, and Kingdom of Prester John which can be described as places of utopian ideas.

-El Dorado which is viewed as society reaching prosperity
-Atlantis was considered a powerful society
-Kingdom of Pester John a society of knowledge

Now I'm not sure how many of you went in the route of pledging to Pranav Antal who wants to set a utopian society based on "peace prosperity through the advancement of ethically aligned technology." A lot that aligns with the 3 mention mythological cities

But looking into more of the Galnet archive I notice one interesting information that popped out to me the most.


The Sim-Archive, located in the Antal system, is Utopia's greatest achievement – a vast digital repository containing the collective wisdom of all their departed brothers and sisters. Like any system, however, the Archive requires constant maintenance, as a failure in the system could result in the loss of irreplaceable knowledge. Pranav Antal stated that Utopia's ambition is to digitize the human consciousness and thereby transcend our physical selves.

Has anyone investigated the possibility of flowing information that might be used to progress the information given to the commanders?
Something about the Simarchive does strike me as suspicious. I like your thoughts on this. I think looking further into it could be beneficial.

Ultimately, based upon what I’ve read throughout Galnet, Abandoned Settlements, and Generationship logs these are my current beliefs.

1) The Information provided in the Codex is hinting to at least two “things”. One we’d call Raxxla and Another We’d call Soontill.

2) I believe the “spiral of stars” portion should be taken literally. We’ve seen a spiral of stars already. The Thargoid star Chart. Some say it’s an unknown galaxy but the scale is way off. What could they be searching for? Soontill is my belief. Soontill was presumed to be “dead” or destroyed but I think the emphasis on it’s death was more to draw focus away from its rebirth much like Persephone and Kore. If it was destroyed why do we continue to have a supply of Soontill relics. It may also explain why the Thargoids ventured to the bubble.

3) Why focus on Soontill? I think Raxxla is indeed already being exploited as suggested in the Codex (Oberon Ryder may have come to this conclusion as well). Most likely by the club or Sirius (The Planet Lucifer has my suspicion), so Soontill may give us the ability to counter their dominion and reveal what Raxxla really is.

4) I believe We’ve been provided tools to aid in this search for Soontill. Thargoid Sensors, Probes, and Links. They just haven’t been deployed in the correct area perhaps. I have a few places I’d be very curious to see if these objects have a reaction in. Prism near the star Ruby or Anticlea, Soontill System itself (low priority system imo), and Zephyrus (aka the West Wind and a genus of a species of bee, Fibonacci also confused Zephyrum with Zephyrus a bit) near Violet World (“if you were to understand it all seek Fibonacci’s Zephrum”). Thargoid technology is also supposed to react violently when near Guardian technology so perhaps deploying them in space by Lucifer or the Simarchive can evoke different reaction.

Im currently working on getting Corrosion Resistant Cargo racks to test this myself but if anyone else can beat me to the punch then please do.

At least Two articles that seem to allude to this stuff there’s more but these are the most blatant in my mind that require the least amount of explanation. Supratech vs Herculean Machines. Far God vs The Void Cult. While reading them consider what you’re reading as a metaphor for Soontill and Raxxla.

I also believe we’re running out of time. In 3306 I think these things may be forced into the limelight or one side will prevail over the other.

If you try it and open Pandora’s box on us, sorry.
If you try it and open Pandora’s box on us, sorry.

Speaking of Pandora, it could be a real Nemesis. Not only does the planet Pandora and Nemesis exist in Momus Reach, also the station Tatrarus Point is in system. The tartarus is very similar to Hades in that it was a place of torment and suffering for the wicked and was the prison for the Titans.
Worth mentioning is that the box was gifted to Pandora by Zeus, and Zeus is the father of Persephone.
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Odd note. I was just posting something this:
I went to a wiki to find the DW codex info and found this:

Not in game atm, but I just ground rep for all of SD at jameson memorial and I'm pretty sure only 4 factions exist atm. Did one get kicked out?

BTW, going off my post, does anyone know a list of all sectors in the bubble? That would make it easier to search all special sequence systems within those sectors.
Odd note. I was just posting something this:
I went to a wiki to find the DW codex info and found this:

Not in game atm, but I just ground rep for all of SD at jameson memorial and I'm pretty sure only 4 factions exist atm. Did one get kicked out?

BTW, going off my post, does anyone know a list of all sectors in the bubble? That would make it easier to search all special sequence systems within those sectors.

Galactic map by sector names:
Something about the Simarchive does strike me as suspicious. I like your thoughts on this. I think looking further into it could be beneficial.

Ultimately, based upon what I’ve read throughout Galnet, Abandoned Settlements, and Generationship logs these are my current beliefs.

1) The Information provided in the Codex is hinting to at least two “things”. One we’d call Raxxla and Another We’d call Soontill.

2) I believe the “spiral of stars” portion should be taken literally. We’ve seen a spiral of stars already. The Thargoid star Chart. Some say it’s an unknown galaxy but the scale is way off. What could they be searching for? Soontill is my belief. Soontill was presumed to be “dead” or destroyed but I think the emphasis on it’s death was more to draw focus away from its rebirth much like Persephone and Kore. If it was destroyed why do we continue to have a supply of Soontill relics. It may also explain why the Thargoids ventured to the bubble.

3) Why focus on Soontill? I think Raxxla is indeed already being exploited as suggested in the Codex (Oberon Ryder may have come to this conclusion as well). Most likely by the club or Sirius (The Planet Lucifer has my suspicion), so Soontill may give us the ability to counter their dominion and reveal what Raxxla really is.

4) I believe We’ve been provided tools to aid in this search for Soontill. Thargoid Sensors, Probes, and Links. They just haven’t been deployed in the correct area perhaps. I have a few places I’d be very curious to see if these objects have a reaction in. Prism near the star Ruby or Anticlea, Soontill System itself (low priority system imo), and Zephyrus (aka the West Wind and a genus of a species of bee, Fibonacci also confused Zephyrum with Zephyrus a bit) near Violet World (“if you were to understand it all seek Fibonacci’s Zephrum”). Thargoid technology is also supposed to react violently when near Guardian technology so perhaps deploying them in space by Lucifer or the Simarchive can evoke different reaction.

Im currently working on getting Corrosion Resistant Cargo racks to test this myself but if anyone else can beat me to the punch then please do.

At least Two articles that seem to allude to this stuff there’s more but these are the most blatant in my mind that require the least amount of explanation. Supratech vs Herculean Machines. Far God vs The Void Cult. While reading them consider what you’re reading as a metaphor for Soontill and Raxxla.

I also believe we’re running out of time. In 3306 I think these things may be forced into the limelight or one side will prevail over the other.

If you try it and open Pandora’s box on us, sorry.

The (original) Thargoid backstory is discussed in Drew's lore thread on this forum.

And its described in some detail towards the end of his book 'Premonition'.

Of course it seems that that original lore has been modified, so its not clear what we can still believe, but at least the reasons for the Thargoid presence is shown there.

On matters of Soontill, I believe 'And Here The Wheel' tells us that the Soontill system is the real deal, though I've yet to finish reading that book yet, so can't give chapter and verse.

The Zephyrum of Fibonacci is a clue from Drew for the Formidine Rift mystery, if I'm not mistaken.. (before my time in ED)

Happy holidays to all Seekers of Raxxla - may the Fernweh be strong in you all.
Something about the Simarchive does strike me as suspicious. I like your thoughts on this. I think looking further into it could be beneficial.

4) I believe We’ve been provided tools to aid in this search for Soontill. Thargoid Sensors, Probes, and Links. They just haven’t been deployed in the correct area perhaps. I have a few places I’d be very curious to see if these objects have a reaction in. Prism near the star Ruby or Anticlea, Soontill System itself (low priority system imo), and Zephyrus (aka the West Wind and a genus of a species of bee, Fibonacci also confused Zephyrum with Zephyrus a bit) near Violet World (“if you were to understand it all seek Fibonacci’s Zephrum”). Thargoid technology is also supposed to react violently when near Guardian technology so perhaps deploying them in space by Lucifer or the Simarchive can evoke different reaction.

If you try it and open Pandora’s box on us, sorry.

Acquring a Thargoid Link from HIP 19026, then headed for Prism. Any particular area in Prism I should release the Probe, Sensor and Link?

Edit: Entraces collapsed at HIP 19026 B1 C. I have a bad feeling about this.
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