I am, of course, not saying you are wrong....who knows??? But why are you so sure that Raxxla has been "identifiable and discoverable" since Gamma? Do we have any evidence of this?

There are lots of things that have been "in game" since Gamma, but some we couldn't explore until Horizons and others we wont be able to explore until Oddessy.

Just experience and....
gut instinct! ;)

But I've always thought that DB wouldnt put it into the game without it being accessible from the outset.
I think he plays fair
Not convinced by the conspiracy theories!
Do you know if that is repeatable? If so that is interesting

personally, have not tried it yet, just found the video when i posted it..
But in the video description it says its repeatable...

Edit: its also from 2015, so i cant say wether or not it was somthing that used to work and now doesnt, as I was not a CMDR at that time, but maybe someone who was and had experienced BHoles, lol, BHoles, lol, can let us know if it used to work forsure....

I would think with the quality of that clip that its not faked... if it is, its an extremely amazing hoax
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Yes. I'm now quite convinced Precambrian era lifeforms on planet Earth were actually Thargoids, wiped out by a passing Guardian Arkship or something.

Are you saying Raxxla can be found far far back in the eons of time that has already passed?
That is intriguing. Lets go!
anyone else getting mis-jumps????

I dont know what im doing, but every once and a while, I will use my transaction list to open a target on the galmap, then open the system map and select my destination station, plot the route...

Then ill back out, and charge the FSD, but it will have selected a different system entirely....

Its happend a few times now where i didnt notice and ended up in a system that was not my target and confused as a cat in a pool....

I always target off my transactions when doing missions, so I have no clue why or how this is happening... Im doing things in the background while playing, so I cant screen record, and I have no idea when it will happen again, but its happened enough times im wondering if its somthing Fdev added??(I thought they removed mis-jumps) or a bug I should report?
The video description says "patched", which I take to mean it was a bug that's been fixed (of course maybe the bug was that only one particular blackhole should do this and/or only in certain circumstances..).

I like the thought though, that maybe it was patched becuase there is only 1 BH or certain BH's that can be entered....

I'd be interested to find another, and try to enter it in diff ways, like with Thargoid items in cargo, or other special items, or try to enter SC while entering the event horizon, or even plan a hyperjump point on the other side while your entering it, and jump into Hyperspace going "thru" the BH...
Just by sheer numbers - and not-unlimited amount of commander's attention
Before the patch the "Other" type of signal has been attributed only to Engineers (let say dozen), Tip Off related crash sites (~150?), listening posts and similar (also may be hundreds, I don't have numbers at my hand)
At the other side "Human" were all planetary settlements (dozens of thousands), space installations (thousands?), combat zones (hard to estimate) and all special and not so special POI's (all those procedural and hand/intentional placed and/or designed). If my assumption is right and some POI's from the last category has migrated to "other" (and probably the most interesting of them) then their observation/discovery can became much more easier (and less speculative).
Yes, I guessed that was the thing you're talking about, just wanted to be sure. I remember the days I had to count every "human" POI in the vicinity of a body to compare with the numbers I got from FSS. That had been exhausting. I hope you're right and they've moved those real interesting signals to "other". That would surely step up our pace.
Yes, I guessed that was the thing you're talking about, just wanted to be sure. I remember the days I had to count every "human" POI in the vicinity of a body to compare with the numbers I got from FSS. That had been exhausting. I hope you're right and they've moved those real interesting signals to "other". That would surely step up our pace.

I still do a check of FSS human detections versus CZ and surface bases. It’s the only way to find a wrecksite at a distance (and sometimes even close up as some of those POI seem to be bugged)
Looked to me like he went around the edge of the exclusion zone. Maybe it has a particularly small mass and there-fore a small magic circle.

All looked normal to me.

I seem to remember that when I first went out to the Pleiades (late 2015/early 2016) I entered the BH at Maia (Merope??) and it just continued with no obvious endpoint you just didn't get anywhere. There was no exclusion zone limit like there is now & I seem to remember a few YT vids that implied this was common experience. I think some patch introduced the exclusion zone, which does beg the question why was it introduced-so Raxxla may indeed be a BH that leads somewhere. But if you’re watching YT of BH entry then I’d say check the date it was posted, it’s probably past expiry date by now.
Yes, I think moon of a moon still counts as a moon of the GG since it’s still orbiting the GG although performing epicycles instead of normal elliptical orbit. But don’t forget that the Codex entry pours sufficient doubt on Lyta Crane’s “DW knowledge” that “orbiting the eighth moon” could be misinformation in any case!
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Yes, I think moon of a moon still counts as a moon of the GG since it’s still orbiting the GG although performing epicycles instead of normal elliptical orbit. But don’t forget that the Codex entry pours sufficient doubt on Lyta Crane’s “DW knowledge” that “orbiting the eighth moon” could be misinformation in any case!
Ive always assumed a moon's moon was also a planet's moon. I figure we consider our moon to be a part of the (Sol)ar system as much as it is our own, right?


Volunteer Moderator
Please don't discuss information gained from data mining on the forums.

Apart from anything else it has lead many people down the wrong path throughout the years of Elite, and if there's one place that doesn't need misinformation spread then it's thise thread. There's enough wacky ideas here as it is :D
Please don't discuss information gained from data mining on the forums.

Apart from anything else it has lead many people down the wrong path throughout the years of Elite, and if there's one place that doesn't need misinformation spread then it's thise thread. There's enough wacky ideas here as it is :D
Is that really datamining though?

All the info was retrieved in game.
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