Sorry all, I may have killed all hope of getting some answers.
It was Aegis (in Sol) who hired me to do it though ...

Hi all, first post but long time lurker. Trying to make sense of it as an amateur astronomer. I know it was maybe mentioned so far. But I believe the only clue is the first sentence of the toast.

To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies!

= star, star system, something

mother of galaxies = Cassiopeia

brow = the summit of a hill or pass

Schedar = The star’s name, Schedar, derives from the Arabic word for breast.

To the Schedar that burns on the summit of the breast of Cassiopeia!

So am I crazy or is it something? The system is empty and after scanning all the signals only those two were interesting but I think they are generated the same around the galaxy.

View attachment 179638View attachment 179639

The only problem I have with this is that Cassiopea is the mother of the galaxy, Andromeda. One galaxy, not galaxies like in the toast.
Put on some tinfoil and a cup of coffee. My old notes on the same subject, however I did not follow it through in the end. Too many open ends.
But perhaps you can pick something up, I don't mind sharing.

Asterism Virgin has a lot of galaxies. Maybe it says about Virgin?

Indeed, the Virgo Cluster is a well known group of galaxies, but not the only one. Wikipedia ( lists several that relate to constellation and visible objects:
Local Group (wikipedia says “two clusters of galaxies in a "dumbbell" shape: the Milky Way and its satellites form one lobe, and the Andromeda Galaxy and its satellites constitute the other”)
Leo triplet
Centaurus group
M81 group
Sculptor group
Canes Venatici group
Draco group
Ursa Major group
Gemini cluster
Pegasus group
Cetus group (space whales! 😉🐳)
Cancer cluster (though just a visual alignment, not a real cluster)

There’s also a protocluster named BoRG-58, but wouldnt advise exploring that-you might be assimilated! 😁

To quote Sky&Telescope ( “We often think of Sagittarius as home to only one galaxy — the Milky Way. But two members of the Local Group and a smattering of fainter galaxies reside here, too.” And of course there’s the mythological link of Queen Cassiopeia and her daughter Andromeda.

To get “mother of galaxies” from Virgo would be a bit of a philosophical leap of faith (parthenogenesis). Seems to me Cassiopeia and Milky Way are the best candidates, but any of the others (leo, Sagittarius, Ursa Major etc) could be thought of as female and described as a mother...
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Off topic but sort of relevant- I signed up yesterday afternoon to Aisling Duval so I can fit prismatic shields to my exploration ship and passenger liners. So do I move the propaganda 3 weeks today ready for the following Thursday BGS tick? Or 4 weeks? I’m confusing myself since I signed up on a Thursday afternoon (never done any PP before, is there a timer on her PP page?)
Off topic but sort of relevant- I signed up yesterday afternoon to Aisling Duval so I can fit prismatic shields to my exploration ship and passenger liners. So do I move the propaganda 3 weeks today ready for the following Thursday BGS tick? Or 4 weeks? I’m confusing myself since I signed up on a Thursday afternoon (never done any PP before, is there a timer on her PP page?)
From my notes below (cos I always forget) I think it might be the former. Then the tick happens. Then after a few hours (or the tick the next day?) you'll have waited 4 weeks so then be able to buy the shields. I might be wrong though.

My notes:
Pledged on a tuesday.
Server tick on thursday.
After 3w you will be 2 days short of a tick.
Get 750 merits and pay in now.
After 3w2d (thur) the tick will occur, and you will go to rank 3 (your merits will show as 375).
Now you have to wait 5 days (tues) to reach 4w, at which point you can buy the weapons (you don't have to wait until thursday).
Yeah I still think it's Capitol. Or was, whatever. You know, there are layers to these things, a bit like Google algorithms taking over the world.
(Really can't handle whiskey. I wish I was 20 again, but like, not mentally. Maybe not physically either. But when you think about this world, it's like, really interesting.)
Hi all, first post but long time lurker. Trying to make sense of it as an amateur astronomer. I know it was maybe mentioned so far. But I believe the only clue is the first sentence of the toast.

To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of galaxies!

= star, star system, something

mother of galaxies = Cassiopeia

brow = the summit of a hill or pass

Schedar = The star’s name, Schedar, derives from the Arabic word for breast.

To the Schedar that burns on the summit of the breast of Cassiopeia!

So am I crazy or is it something? The system is empty and after scanning all the signals only those two were interesting but I think they are generated the same around the galaxy.

View attachment 179638View attachment 179639

The only problem I have with this is that Cassiopea is the mother of the galaxy, Andromeda. One galaxy, not galaxies like in the toast.

Hmmm weird, I been to that system and found the really small type A (blue/white) star that looks like a tinny jewel compared to Schedar A but never got any mission or data from it.
Eye of Ra is femmine counterpart of the sun god Ra. That goddess (Hathor) is often represented by a cobra (and some other animals). Hathor was some time named as sky goddess (mother of galaxies?). The symbol of Uraeus is the feature on many royal headgears and crowns in Ancient Egypt (the jewel on the brow?). It often appers as a cobra. And again. Cobra is the name of the game engine (am I right?). I start to think that Raxxla is a part of the game engine too. 🤭

I'm so crazy today...
Eye of Ra is femmine counterpart of the sun god Ra. That goddess (Hathor) is often represented by a cobra (and some other animals). Hathor was some time named as sky goddess (mother of galaxies?). The symbol of Uraeus is the feature on many royal headgears and crowns in Ancient Egypt (the jewel on the brow?). It often appers as a cobra. And again. Cobra is the name of the game engine (am I right?). I start to think that Raxxla is a part of the game engine too. 🤭

I'm so crazy today...

😂😂 We're all Raxxla.
BOOM. You win!
Has the bottom fallen out of the Thargoid Sensor market? or is this a consequence of having signed up with Aisling for Prismatic Shields and I'm now in a Hostile Power station?
EDDB is telling me I can sell UA/TS at Smith Hanger in HIP 70269 for 302K, but there seems to be no option to sell these- there's no blackmarket & no Commodities Market interest :cry:
I think Thargoid Sensors are legal now. You should be able to sell on the commodities market, even if there's no interest?

just not showing on the Commodities Market list of items. Logged out, walked copawlot, relogged & still not showing. Inara says there's a FC 90ly away that's buying. Will try there!
(may be another bug!)

edit: yep, could sell them there. Unfrtunately being chased by a pirate & didnt want to go silent so got a big fine!!
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So this lft business at the moment. Am I right to think that if it is indeed directly connected with the dark wheel that the permit for the system has been available since launch? If so are there any galnet articles that are connected in any way to this system or a group that has ties to this system.

My own thoughts on this is I doubt it has anything to do with the raxxla plot as polaris seems more of a prominent place to put any progression to something such as whatever raxxla is. Lft seems more of a base that the thargoids want something from if Buurs video is correct. Raxxla has not been confirmed to be a planet. Nobody knows what it is yet (outside of fdev).

The alleged toast of the dark wheel is not confirmed to be the actual toast.

Anyway that's my 50p worth. Keep on entertaining folks.

It seems the permit has been available. That systems was mentioned in patch notes (along with two other permit systems) 4 or so years ago I believe.
Was just passing through LZ Ursa Majoris 7 when i heard the little noise that something was there... so i looked - and found a mega-ship... oooh cool!
So i check it out - 10 Canum Venaticorum... odd name... hunting dogs? .... Just as im scanning the ship log, I get a fleet of vipers.. and me in my asp held together with tinfoil....
ya I lasted about 2 seconds. Reminded me of the time I found those canisters of gold just floating out there...
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