I made something back in the day - but ya there was no full itinerary and there was a fair amount of time between when she left and when she disappeared - I think there were possibly local news items on some of these places indicating she might have stopped there but - if they existed they have long since been wiped. From the few stops we know about - it seems she bounced around though.


And here is a slightly updated Timeline than the one I have in the Diagram above:

Yes I recall all this now, my thoughts were initially identifying if the ‘full tour’ made a temporal pattern.

The fact FD did not take her on the full tour omits those systems from the puzzle IMOP. And reduces it to an area of space between just two points (A & B).

So my thoughts wandered obviously to what might be between these points. Also where they were relatively to my own wider research.

Then we have the spread of the wreckage which is not focused solely on one point, but indicates a directional spread.

And finally disregarding the ‘obvious’ propaganda that followed (which still could be true?) it’s evident that the change in direction may have been influenced by the Mahon meeting, what might Mahon have known or have been synonymous with during that period?

Thanks for the update, it’s good to see separate and independent research alongside one’s own; I can see that we’ve come to identify some of the same data independently.

Likewise I don’t currently see anything conclusive. Other than maybe:
  • One: it is just a series of textual precursors to flavour the narrative and has no direct relevance to any physical location.
  • Two: said flavouring is a precursor of the Guardian content and is narrative only.
  • Three: said Guardian narrative is flavouring of the wider Raxxla story, but is narrative only.
  • Four: said story is intended purely to draw the viewers attention to an unknown element within that general area.
  • Five: it might indicate that an entity, object or body exists between the points of interest which is an unknown.
  • Six: Said visions have shared similarities with each other indicating an unknown relationship.
  • Seven: Said visions occurred after the explosion.
Combined with my research
  • Said area is in direct correlation to the Morrigan triangle.
  • The visions have similarities with the various mythology of The Tuatha Dé Danann / Celtic concepts of a race of peoples existing within an ‘Otherworld’.
  • The Morrigan triangle is to date one of the most northern elements Ive identified linked to theology and mythology in game.
Working hypothesis

Is it possible that the narratives objective was not to identify a specific location; but to expand or bring attention to an environmental story hinting towards Brookes cosmology model?

Might said ‘illuminated area’ from the visions, being in the a northern aspect of the celestial hemisphere describe a similar design to that of John Milton’s Empyrean!

Given that ‘paradise’ aka John Milton’s pendant world, hangs from the brow of the Empyrean; might this story be a clue that this general area be part of this ceiling of heaven?
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They're mostly named after either nebulae, star clusters, constellations or particular stars. The former two are self-explanatory, and the latter seem to be for helping with flavour on the bubble's system names... but what about the exceptions (like the Regor sector, from which the Guardian cone of influence extends)?
Regor is an informal name for Gamma Velorum, which is the star at the centre of it, so it seems to fit that pattern.

Then you have oddities like the faraway permit sectors with procedural-esque names (Bovomit, Dryman, Froadik, Hyponia, Sidgoir, Praei[1-4], Bleia[1-5]) and the ICZ sector being composed of multiple overlapping spheres; also, does anyone knows what ICZ even means?
Given where ICZ is, my guess is "Imperial Core Zone" as a counterpart to the Federal(ish) "Core Sys Sector" near Sol - but I don't recall seeing anything officially stated anywhere.
It's also possible that the purpose of the whole thing was to introduce the visions and communication with the Caretakers via Halsey, and the locations are just because everything has to happen somewhere. It also allowed players to interact with it via a CG search.

The diversion to Azaleach seemed odd at the time, but the later investigation revealed that the diversion was simply to bring Starship One to the corrupt technician to rig the drives to fail.

I'm so far unconvinced that the location means anything in itself.

I'm personally wondering why Jasmina Halsey? Why Gan Romero? Galnet asked the same question and tbh I don't think anyone's answered that one.

Is it random? Is there some specific conditions required?

Clearly it's got nothing to do with Hyperspace accidents: Gan wasn't involved in any accidents as far as we know, nor did he seem to have a history of travel. Jasmina must have travelled a lot as part of her job and the Caretakers never saw fit to visit her before.

If you re-read the Galnet articles you'll see that Jasmina had her visions while she was in the escape-pod induced coma. Gan kept a dream journal. It seems like these things happened when both people were sleeping over a period of time - but everyone sleeps, so why those people? Why then and not years before or years after? It can't have been location based because Gan lived in Vega with his wife and kids, so presumably had been there a while at least.

The only common factor I can see so far is that they were both in space for prolonged periods of time.

Presumably except for state visits like this, Jasmina spent most of her time on Mars. So this was presumably the only time she'd spent months off-world at a time, and asleep. Gan lived and worked on a space station.

The Raxxla myth seemed to appear when humans left Earth permanently. I bet all Raxxla hunters are people that spent a lot of time in space. Just a guess, but it fits the known facts so far.
I'm interested in why Gan Romero was mentioned at all, if that would be an off camera story not present in the game.

One entry that we have from his dream journal is:"an area of space, not black but radiant…glowing like heaven,' and being called by 'voices that didn’t come from anything with a body"

This radiant area of space, sounds a lot like stellar remnants,which are deemed quite rare by the exploration community.

Some recent finds:

I've found only two in my journey through the galaxy so far, and was always intrigued if this is somehow the area dream journal mentioned.

Given that stolen DBX was fitted with deep space exploration, Gan must've been heading very far of the Bubble.

Anyway,I'm on my roundabout way back from Colonia and plotted course trough couple of Nebulae,just in case if they might fit the bill as well
A bridge to the Empyrean?


If a cosmological model based upon John Milton’s Paradise Lost does exist in game, then the location of Heavens gate is of importance because it was the location of ‘Paradise’, a pendent crystalline sphere, aka Raxxla in game.

In Paradise Lost, John Milton established that the distance between Hells gate to that of Heavens Gate was relatively accurate, being on the opposite side of the zone of Chaos.

With these replicated and accurate in game, one could hypothetically use them to identify the unknown location of heaven’s gate - if there was a common axis?

The centre of this hypothetical zone of Chaos, as I’ve previously proposed, is based upon supporting evidence, to be most likely Sol, due to the presence of numerous systems named after storm/thunder gods that are in a bubble around Sol.

The lowest aspect of this hypothetical zone I’ve proposed to be Erebus; this is based upon the Paradise Lost text, which identified that the deepest vault of Erebus shook with the sound of the gates being opened, and that Erebus is precisely upon the outer rim of this zone of Chaos.

Remember, the axis for this alignment is shifted, IMOP and is in alignment with systems in game named after the Greek wind compass. In this relation Erebus is accurately positioned in the southern aspect of this zone.

If we then join these points and extend the line of sight; does it identify the gates of Hell?

When we do this, said line does actually intersect very close to the path of Jaques!


Within the path of Jacques there is an odd diversion, if we then extrapolate that path before Jacques left the bubble, between HIP 110079 and HIP 110620 then strangely said line intersects perfectly!

Note, this line is also at the midpoint between the systems ‘Bridge’ and ‘HIP 114458’ which is the home of the gen ship Achlys (the Death mist).

Note in Paradise Lost Satan met his daughter Sinn and son Death at the gates of hell. Where Satan travelled through Chaos, Death and Sinn followed, building a bridge or viaduct, linking paradise to hell.



Upon this axis there is also the system Mu Cassiopeia, which contains the Generation ship ‘Artemis’?


How peculiar!

If we then extend that line of sight upwards and beyond the hypothetical boundary of Chaos, into the northern hemisphere, said line of sight does strangely come into very close alignment with the systems Shamash and Thetis!

In addition to this, this hypothetical axis is also very close to the system Olorun, which is named after the Yoruba god of the sky. This is interesting because the Yoruba creation myth utilises a mythos involving a ‘golden chain’ much like in Paradise Lost, which linked the upper realm the Empyrean to the Earth.

This area is also notable as being the home to various other Sun deities, such as Helios, who denoted the most Northernly aspect of the sky.

How peculiar!



In addition, equally odd is how Amun likewise falls directly upon the outer rim of the ‘signal radius, from Thetis!

What a bizarre coincidence?



Following on from the above, I began to investigate an alternative for the line of sight going through Sol, but instead that it could go through MU Cassiopeia.
With this extrapolation the line of sight actually aligned perfectly with the midpoint of the Thetis signal!






It is highly likely (80% to >90%) that the systems ‘Bridge’ and ‘HIP 114458’ (Achlys / Death mist) identify an abstract point of origin for Satans bridge to the outer rim of Chaos, remembering that Sinn and Death guarded the gates of Hell and then built a bridge that traversed the zone of Chaos.

This is based upon its exact alignment with an axis drawn from Sol the centre, through Erebus the base, and which intersects an aspect populated by systems named after Sun or ‘northern’ deities.

This is also based upon the alignment with the generation ship ‘Artemis’ which given all other alignments surely cannot be a coincidence, and whose inclusion only adds weight that such alignments are intended.

It is highly likely (80% to >90%) that the alignment of said axis, travelling through MU Cassiopeia, aligns with the midpoint of Shamash and Thetis signal.


The Pendent world - Paradise aka Raxxla, if in line with an Miltonian model, ought logically to exist someplace upon this outer rim, outside the boundary of Chaos, close to the brow of the Empyrean.

In Paradise Lost Satan is told by the character ’Chaos’ to travel upwards from the throne of Chaos, which is somewhere at the base of the zone of chaos.

Satan doesn’t actually go directly to Paradise, but rather flies to the upper boundary of chaos and from that vantage point sees Paradise far off into the distance, where he was told he would find it, hanging from the walls of the Empyrean, close to where he first fell.

This pendant globe supposedly hangs close to the Eastern gate of heaven, however said gate has a retractable stairway, which unfolds inclined, so effectively the pendant globe hangs somewhere from the wall of heaven in a north east position.

If so replicated in game if we are sure of the apex of chaos, we need to look within a north eastern direction.

I believe the Thetis signal sit upon this alignment.

Key findings references

The Older Gods
Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'

The Cosmological model universe
Post in thread 'The Quest To Find Raxxla'

Robert Holdstock Conundrum
Thread 'The Robert Holdstock Conundrum'

The Path of Jacques

Could FD care to comment @Paul_Crowther?
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On another note, regarding looking a audio signals in space. It would be nice to listen in on that "Whisperer in Witch-space". However witch-space is the time-space tunnel we travel through in a hyper-jump. Obviously we can't just go "visit" Witch-Space since, unlike the early travelers using a risky FOSC system, we don't get accidentally trapped in witch-space. However, we can try to record the sounds in a hyper-jump. So, I did that just now. This is just a very first raw shot at it and it's not from a camera but from the cabin. I didn't find much in the signal but I will look further and try to clean it up. I do notice what looks like a small wheel in a triangle, but it's probably nothing but random chance. The area is a bit more distinct in Audacity itself.

In relation to the above discovery, which I refer to as the "D7 Anomaly". I've been doing some stuff. Posting here with D7's permission.

I took many recordings of Hyperspace from the bubble all the way to the centre of the Galaxy:
  • So far I've found no significant variation (i.e. it doesn't get weaker or stronger that I can see anywhere along that route).
  • Location may cause it to vary, it's just I haven't found any variation myself in the limited testing I've done.
I then took the cleanest image of it I could get by fiddling with spectrogram settings into krita (photoshop-like software) and adjusted the levels and contrast to bring out the shape a lot more. I then use a partial opacity eraser to knock back the background to bring out the shape.

This image isn't me drawing over the shape, this is the actual shape that's present, it's just enhanced to make it easier to see. I encourage anyone to do this (Krita is free).
  • The version on the LEFT I've over-cleaned it a little to bring out the outlines more.
  • The version on the RIGHT I've only cleaned outside the outer outline, and I added the circle back in by hand because I'm about 80% sure I could see it on the raw images.
Cleaning up the D7 signal A.png
Cleaning up the D7 signal A1.png

You'll notice on both of these there appears to be something sticking out of the bottom right of the shape, a long thin double line with what might be a circle on the end, and possibly something similar on the left corner too. I only noticed after making these images (I did this a few days ago and have had more time to look at them!). So there might be more to it that I was too heavy-handed on erasing in the original pass, I will continue to attempt to get better versions.

As always, I would encourage people to try this for themselves. To investigate this yourself all you need is Audacity to see it. Krita, or photoshop, or similar helps for making the spectrograms more visible, it is a small shape. There are no special conditions; it appears in every hyperspace jump I've recorded, it can be hard to spot but D7 highlighted where it appears - it always appears in the same place - once you see it it's hard not to see it :)

This artefact is also directional:

If you record while facing forward (the default position), the D7 artefact only appears in the LEFT channel audio.
For reasons I won't go into now (still testing), I started recording while looking in other directions:
  • Looking all the way LEFT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the RIGHT channel.
  • Looking all the way RIGHT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the LEFT channel exactly the same as looking forward.
Conclusion: The audio source that makes this shape is coming from somewhere on the LEFT side FORWARD of the ship.

After a little testing I found that looking about 45 degrees LEFT while in Hyperspace gets the D7 anomaly to appear in both LEFT and RIGHT channels equally, implying that (For whatever reason) the audio originates from that direction in Hyperspace. There might be an up/down component to it too, but I can't really think of a way to test that.

It has existed for at lest 7 years:​

Using youtube recordings of other people's hyperspace jumps I have confirmed it exists in recordings from as far back as 2017, possibly further. It gets clearer and easier to see post-Odyssey when the Hyperspace graphics were changed (actually it was more that stuff was removed).


I have no idea what this is, what it means, or even if it means anything. It may well be a developer joke for all I can tell. What I can say fairly certainly is that it's not random noise or Pareidolia; This shape does exist in all audio recordings of hyperspace, as first identified by @D7 in the post above.

The area it appears in is the block of sound that can be described as "whispers". I believe this is directly related to the Raxxla Codex clue: "To the whisperer in witch-space...", but... I don't know what it means even if it really is that connection?
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In relation to the above discovery, which I refer to as the "D7 Anomaly". I've been doing some stuff. Posting here with D7's permission.

I took many recordings of Hyperspace from the bubble all the way to the centre of the Galaxy:
  • So far I've found no significant variation (i.e. it doesn't get weaker or stronger that I can see anywhere along that route).
  • Location may cause it to vary, it's just I haven't found any variation myself in the limited testing I've done.
I then took the cleanest image of it I could get by fiddling with spectrogram settings into krita (photoshop-like software) and adjusted the levels and contrast to bring out the shape a lot more. I then use a partial opacity eraser to knock back the background to bring out the shape.

This image isn't me drawing over the shape, this is the actual shape that's present, it's just enhanced to make it easier to see. I encourage anyone to do this (Krita is free).
  • The version on the LEFT I've over-cleaned it a little to bring out the outlines more.
  • The version on the RIGHT I've only cleaned outside the outer outline, and I added the circle back in by hand because I'm about 80% sure I could see it on the raw images.
View attachment 382151View attachment 382152
You'll notice on both of these there appears to be something sticking out of the bottom right of the shape, a long thin double line with what might be a circle on the end, and possibly something similar on the left corner too. I only noticed after making these images (I did this a few days ago and have had more time to look at them!). So there might be more to it that I was too heavy-handed on erasing in the original pass, I will continue to attempt to get better versions.

As always, I would encourage people to try this for themselves. To investigate this yourself all you need is Audacity to see it. Krita, or photoshop, or similar helps for making the spectrograms more visible, it is a small shape. There are no special conditions; it appears in every hyperspace jump I've recorded, it can be hard to spot but D7 highlighted where it appears - it always appears in the same place - once you see it it's hard not to see it :)

This artefact is also directional:

If you record while facing forward (the default position), the D7 artefact only appears in the LEFT channel audio.
For reasons I won't go into now (still testing), I started recording while looking in other directions:
  • Looking all the way LEFT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the RIGHT channel.
  • Looking all the way RIGHT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the LEFT channel exactly the same as looking forward.
Conclusion: The audio source that makes this shape is coming from somewhere on the LEFT side FORWARD of the ship.

After a little testing I found that looking about 45 degrees LEFT while in Hyperspace gets the D7 anomaly to appear in both LEFT and RIGHT channels equally, implying that (For whatever reason) the audio originates from that direction in Hyperspace. There might be an up/down component to it too, but I can't really think of a way to test that.

It has existed for at lest 7 years:​

Using youtube recordings of other people's hyperspace jumps I have confirmed it exists in recordings from as far back as 2017, possibly further. It gets clearer and easier to see post-Odyssey when the Hyperspace graphics were changed (actually it was more that stuff was removed).


I have no idea what this is, what it means, or even if it means anything. It may well be a developer joke for all I can tell. What I can say fairly certainly is that it's not random noise or Pareidolia; This shape does exist in all audio recordings of hyperspace, as first identified by @D7 in the post above.

The area it appears in is the block of sound that can be described as "whispers". I believe this is directly related to the Raxxla Codex clue: "To the whisperer in witch-space...", but... I don't know what it means even if it really is that connection?
Maybe each toast 'point' is something else to listen to? Now to keep trying to deduce what each one actually is
In relation to the above discovery, which I refer to as the "D7 Anomaly". I've been doing some stuff. Posting here with D7's permission.

I took many recordings of Hyperspace from the bubble all the way to the centre of the Galaxy:
  • So far I've found no significant variation (i.e. it doesn't get weaker or stronger that I can see anywhere along that route).
  • Location may cause it to vary, it's just I haven't found any variation myself in the limited testing I've done.
I then took the cleanest image of it I could get by fiddling with spectrogram settings into krita (photoshop-like software) and adjusted the levels and contrast to bring out the shape a lot more. I then use a partial opacity eraser to knock back the background to bring out the shape.

This image isn't me drawing over the shape, this is the actual shape that's present, it's just enhanced to make it easier to see. I encourage anyone to do this (Krita is free).
  • The version on the LEFT I've over-cleaned it a little to bring out the outlines more.
  • The version on the RIGHT I've only cleaned outside the outer outline, and I added the circle back in by hand because I'm about 80% sure I could see it on the raw images.
View attachment 382151View attachment 382152
You'll notice on both of these there appears to be something sticking out of the bottom right of the shape, a long thin double line with what might be a circle on the end, and possibly something similar on the left corner too. I only noticed after making these images (I did this a few days ago and have had more time to look at them!). So there might be more to it that I was too heavy-handed on erasing in the original pass, I will continue to attempt to get better versions.

As always, I would encourage people to try this for themselves. To investigate this yourself all you need is Audacity to see it. Krita, or photoshop, or similar helps for making the spectrograms more visible, it is a small shape. There are no special conditions; it appears in every hyperspace jump I've recorded, it can be hard to spot but D7 highlighted where it appears - it always appears in the same place - once you see it it's hard not to see it :)

This artefact is also directional:

If you record while facing forward (the default position), the D7 artefact only appears in the LEFT channel audio.
For reasons I won't go into now (still testing), I started recording while looking in other directions:
  • Looking all the way LEFT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the RIGHT channel.
  • Looking all the way RIGHT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the LEFT channel exactly the same as looking forward.
Conclusion: The audio source that makes this shape is coming from somewhere on the LEFT side FORWARD of the ship.

After a little testing I found that looking about 45 degrees LEFT while in Hyperspace gets the D7 anomaly to appear in both LEFT and RIGHT channels equally, implying that (For whatever reason) the audio originates from that direction in Hyperspace. There might be an up/down component to it too, but I can't really think of a way to test that.

It has existed for at lest 7 years:​

Using youtube recordings of other people's hyperspace jumps I have confirmed it exists in recordings from as far back as 2017, possibly further. It gets clearer and easier to see post-Odyssey when the Hyperspace graphics were changed (actually it was more that stuff was removed).


I have no idea what this is, what it means, or even if it means anything. It may well be a developer joke for all I can tell. What I can say fairly certainly is that it's not random noise or Pareidolia; This shape does exist in all audio recordings of hyperspace, as first identified by @D7 in the post above.

The area it appears in is the block of sound that can be described as "whispers". I believe this is directly related to the Raxxla Codex clue: "To the whisperer in witch-space...", but... I don't know what it means even if it really is that connection?
The inner semi circle part look a lot to me to the galactic center, rotated a bit:

Other intersecting lines above, that looks like Giraffe someone mentioned, might be the regions near it, and the emphasis dot might be 'x' mark the spot.
In relation to the above discovery, which I refer to as the "D7 Anomaly". I've been doing some stuff. Posting here with D7's permission.

I took many recordings of Hyperspace from the bubble all the way to the centre of the Galaxy:
  • So far I've found no significant variation (i.e. it doesn't get weaker or stronger that I can see anywhere along that route).
  • Location may cause it to vary, it's just I haven't found any variation myself in the limited testing I've done.
I then took the cleanest image of it I could get by fiddling with spectrogram settings into krita (photoshop-like software) and adjusted the levels and contrast to bring out the shape a lot more. I then use a partial opacity eraser to knock back the background to bring out the shape.

This image isn't me drawing over the shape, this is the actual shape that's present, it's just enhanced to make it easier to see. I encourage anyone to do this (Krita is free).
  • The version on the LEFT I've over-cleaned it a little to bring out the outlines more.
  • The version on the RIGHT I've only cleaned outside the outer outline, and I added the circle back in by hand because I'm about 80% sure I could see it on the raw images.
View attachment 382151View attachment 382152
You'll notice on both of these there appears to be something sticking out of the bottom right of the shape, a long thin double line with what might be a circle on the end, and possibly something similar on the left corner too. I only noticed after making these images (I did this a few days ago and have had more time to look at them!). So there might be more to it that I was too heavy-handed on erasing in the original pass, I will continue to attempt to get better versions.

As always, I would encourage people to try this for themselves. To investigate this yourself all you need is Audacity to see it. Krita, or photoshop, or similar helps for making the spectrograms more visible, it is a small shape. There are no special conditions; it appears in every hyperspace jump I've recorded, it can be hard to spot but D7 highlighted where it appears - it always appears in the same place - once you see it it's hard not to see it :)

This artefact is also directional:

If you record while facing forward (the default position), the D7 artefact only appears in the LEFT channel audio.
For reasons I won't go into now (still testing), I started recording while looking in other directions:
  • Looking all the way LEFT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the RIGHT channel.
  • Looking all the way RIGHT while recording in Hyperspace makes the D7 anomaly appear in the LEFT channel exactly the same as looking forward.
Conclusion: The audio source that makes this shape is coming from somewhere on the LEFT side FORWARD of the ship.

After a little testing I found that looking about 45 degrees LEFT while in Hyperspace gets the D7 anomaly to appear in both LEFT and RIGHT channels equally, implying that (For whatever reason) the audio originates from that direction in Hyperspace. There might be an up/down component to it too, but I can't really think of a way to test that.

It has existed for at lest 7 years:​

Using youtube recordings of other people's hyperspace jumps I have confirmed it exists in recordings from as far back as 2017, possibly further. It gets clearer and easier to see post-Odyssey when the Hyperspace graphics were changed (actually it was more that stuff was removed).


I have no idea what this is, what it means, or even if it means anything. It may well be a developer joke for all I can tell. What I can say fairly certainly is that it's not random noise or Pareidolia; This shape does exist in all audio recordings of hyperspace, as first identified by @D7 in the post above.

The area it appears in is the block of sound that can be described as "whispers". I believe this is directly related to the Raxxla Codex clue: "To the whisperer in witch-space...", but... I don't know what it means even if it really is that connection?

Excellent work Louis!b I concur with your detailed methods and results. It's quite possible this shape eventually gets recognized as something in the ED nostalgia or game semantics or related the hunt for Raxxla and could become an important indicator.
Anyone near check this out?? I had thought only main sequence and Hipp/HD/Blue stars had that glow? coincidence its around the region talked about aboveView attachment 382181
Im currently in Rykers and only approx 1200LY from there (although 23 jumps in my Python!) i can have a quick bimble down but I'm ocd about scanning every system i pass through so it maybe tomorrow by the time i reach it.
I can have a nosey around the circle area on my way to.

Exactly my thought too! Hard to unsee it as a bird, but... idk why it would be :LOL: Like, even if it's a joke or Easter-egg just for fun... it's weird!
Maybe each toast 'point' is something else to listen to? Now to keep trying to deduce what each one actually is
Yes! If "Sirens" are the Landscape Signal, and "whisperer" is the D7 anomaly, then there may be more (or these things may not be related?!)
The inner semi circle part look a lot to me to the galactic center, rotated a bit:

Other intersecting lines above, that looks like Giraffe someone mentioned, might be the regions near it, and the emphasis dot might be 'x' mark the spot.
Hmmm, that's interesting too. I believe the segmentation and naming of those segments happened in Beyond Chapter 3 along with the Codex in 2018. The D7 anomaly seems to pre-date that, but possibly the odd shape of the centre of the Galaxy may be intended to resemble it? I wonder why they didn't make the Galactic Centre region just a circle?
I found this interesting but have no idea if its actually in game?




Many of us have investigated Saturn a lot for this very reason, sadly no investigations have ever found anything (and the hex isn't present in-game) :(
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