The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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So long @Max...I hope we'll meet again...soon...Can't lie that I always enjoy in our little chats but it was never boring that's for sure.....actually you know what....diversity is never boring...
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After dozens of mentions from your anti-fanbase in this thread, it's amusing to see the man himself stroll in. So, Derek - what do you think their next move is? If putting in clothing shops took six months, what do we get at the end of the year? Ship sales and currency purchases? I figure they won't have much else this year except a S42 trailer next month and another at CitizenCon with a 2017 date teased.

No clue. They did issue a new surprising edict earlier this week and which I'm sitting on while awaiting one (I already have three) more confirmation before I say anything about.

Whatever they're doing next, it's certainly geared toward separating backers from their money. Which is why they prioritized "shops" over key features in 2.4. And those who don't understand that the "a" in aUEC means that once it goes live, the "a" is gone and that's where RMT comes in, deserves to be separated from their cash.

The thing is, the production has absolutely no schedule or solid project management. One minute the focus is one thing, the next it's on something completely unrelated. They had put the PU in a pseudo-maintenance mode with bug fixes only. And that was months before I said they were going to be doing shops. Then they announced it. Then they did it. Now it's here. And like everything else - it's crap (yeah, Alpha, blah, blah, blah).

With the reception of 2.4, despite the avocado testing bull    , it seems to me that if they ever hope to make money off shops, they had better get that fixed.

As for SQ42 status. By Monday, I will have the rest of the info that I need. But do you recall how Star Marine went? Here's a refresher course:

1) Once there was an fps module named Star Marine
2) Then it was hyped
3) Then it was hyped some more
4) Then it was MIA
5) Then it was hyped some more as coming (see the CitizenCon 2015 trailer. lol!!)
6) Then it go      canned
7) Then the tribe raised the roof
8) Then The Master went on a broadcast and claimed that Star Marine was already in the PU

We all looked at #5, then the PU. We're still rolling in the lols.

I already stated - many times - in my blogs and blog discussion forum that SQ42 was never - ever - going to see the light of day in 2016 and that Q4/17 was the best case scenario. As I type this, that's all but confirmed. And the rumors that I'm awaiting additional confirmation on, pretty much solidifies this opinion.

That being the case, the longer they keep screwing around with SQ42 (which looks like purified      already, according to my sources; which is why they can't show it), the more the risks of it being     canned (assuming CIG doesn't collapse first, as I fully expect that they will) increase.

And it's easy to     can SQ42 being really, it's just a big IOU to backers; given the number of them that are already entitled to it. In the face of ED making massive leaps, COD:IW, ME:A, the rumored Starflight, and several others in the works, there is simply no way for them to justify focusing on it when they can't make as much money on it as Star Citizen PU. While I'm sure croberts and sandi badly want to make a movie, their collective bank accounts are calling the shots because backers are paying for Star Citizen, not the that is whatever SQ42 ends up being.

Either way, the project, as a whole, is and there is no saving it. That time has passed. And it's just a cash grab now.
No clue. They did issue a new surprising edict earlier this week and which I'm sitting on while awaiting one (I already have three) more confirmation before I say anything about.

Whatever they're doing next, it's certainly geared toward separating backers from their money. Which is why they prioritized "shops" over key features in 2.4. And those who don't understand that the "a" in aUEC means that once it goes live, the "a" is gone and that's where RMT comes in, deserves to be separated from their cash.

The thing is, the production has absolutely no schedule or solid project management. One minute the focus is one thing, the next it's on something completely unrelated. They had put the PU in a pseudo-maintenance mode with bug fixes only. And that was months before I said they were going to be doing shops. Then they announced it. Then they did it. Now it's here. And like everything else - it's crap (yeah, Alpha, blah, blah, blah).

With the reception of 2.4, despite the avocado testing bull , it seems to me that if they ever hope to make money off shops, they had better get that fixed.

As for SQ42 status. By Monday, I will have the rest of the info that I need. But do you recall how Star Marine went? Here's a refresher course:

1) Once there was an fps module named Star Marine
2) Then it was hyped
3) Then it was hyped some more
4) Then it was MIA
5) Then it was hyped some more as coming (see the CitizenCon 2015 trailer. lol!!)
6) Then it go canned
7) Then the tribe raised the roof
8) Then The Master went on a broadcast and claimed that Star Marine was already in the PU

We all looked at #5, then the PU. We're still rolling in the lols.

I already stated - many times - in my blogs and blog discussion forum that SQ42 was never - ever - going to see the light of day in 2016 and that Q4/17 was the best case scenario. As I type this, that's all but confirmed. And the rumors that I'm awaiting additional confirmation on, pretty much solidifies this opinion.

That being the case, the longer they keep screwing around with SQ42 (which looks like purified already, according to my sources; which is why they can't show it), the more the risks of it being canned (assuming CIG doesn't collapse first, as I fully expect that they will) increase.

And it's easy to can SQ42 being really, it's just a big IOU to backers; given the number of them that are already entitled to it. In the face of ED making massive leaps, COD:IW, ME:A, the rumored Starflight, and several others in the works, there is simply no way for them to justify focusing on it when they can't make as much money on it as Star Citizen PU. While I'm sure croberts and sandi badly want to make a movie, their collective bank accounts are calling the shots because backers are paying for Star Citizen, not the that is whatever SQ42 ends up being.

Either way, the project, as a whole, is and there is no saving it. That time has passed. And it's just a cash grab now.

Read this post guys. Please, actually read it. There is absolutely no evidence provided, just as evidence is NEVER provided when Dsmart open his trap. You people that frequent this forum to laugh at SC are all frothing at the mouth for absolutely ANYthing you can get your grubby paws on that supports your SC hate train. Open your eyes. Dsmart said the same crap about ED before it came out, spouted just as much vitriol about David Braben. How convenient for him to now become a fan of the game and use its outspoken fanbase as nothing but sockpuppets for his newest FUD campaign. Don't let Dsmart stick his hand where the sun don't shine and use you people. Think for yourselves.
No clue. They did issue a new surprising edict earlier this week and which I'm sitting on while awaiting one (I already have three) more confirmation before I say anything about.

Whatever they're doing next, it's certainly geared toward separating backers from their money. Which is why they prioritized "shops" over key features in 2.4. And those who don't understand that the "a" in aUEC means that once it goes live, the "a" is gone and that's where RMT comes in, deserves to be separated from their cash.

The thing is, the production has absolutely no schedule or solid project management. One minute the focus is one thing, the next it's on something completely unrelated. They had put the PU in a pseudo-maintenance mode with bug fixes only. And that was months before I said they were going to be doing shops. Then they announced it. Then they did it. Now it's here. And like everything else - it's crap (yeah, Alpha, blah, blah, blah).

With the reception of 2.4, despite the avocado testing bull    , it seems to me that if they ever hope to make money off shops, they had better get that fixed.

As for SQ42 status. By Monday, I will have the rest of the info that I need. But do you recall how Star Marine went? Here's a refresher course:

1) Once there was an fps module named Star Marine
2) Then it was hyped
3) Then it was hyped some more
4) Then it was MIA
5) Then it was hyped some more as coming (see the CitizenCon 2015 trailer. lol!!)
6) Then it go      canned
7) Then the tribe raised the roof
8) Then The Master went on a broadcast and claimed that Star Marine was already in the PU

We all looked at #5, then the PU. We're still rolling in the lols.

I already stated - many times - in my blogs and blog discussion forum that SQ42 was never - ever - going to see the light of day in 2016 and that Q4/17 was the best case scenario. As I type this, that's all but confirmed. And the rumors that I'm awaiting additional confirmation on, pretty much solidifies this opinion.

That being the case, the longer they keep screwing around with SQ42 (which looks like purified      already, according to my sources; which is why they can't show it), the more the risks of it being     canned (assuming CIG doesn't collapse first, as I fully expect that they will) increase.

And it's easy to     can SQ42 being really, it's just a big IOU to backers; given the number of them that are already entitled to it. In the face of ED making massive leaps, COD:IW, ME:A, the rumored Starflight, and several others in the works, there is simply no way for them to justify focusing on it when they can't make as much money on it as Star Citizen PU. While I'm sure croberts and sandi badly want to make a movie, their collective bank accounts are calling the shots because backers are paying for Star Citizen, not the that is whatever SQ42 ends up being.

Either way, the project, as a whole, is and there is no saving it. That time has passed. And it's just a cash grab now.
So when and how does one go about trying to take back the cash they stole under false pretences? My attempts at questioning their progress, methods were met with a permanent ban from their forum and my attempts at a refund were met with obtuse faux misunderstandings of my reasoning for it and flat out refusals.
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So with that, i'm leaving you to it, and i shall leave from posting on this thread as well. ;)
Have fun.

That's unfortunate. I know that CIG folks were already advised not to engage me under any circumstance, officially or anon, but I didn't think you'd leave.

Quite frankly, I'd like for you to stay because I didn't come here to rain on your parade, or to fight. I had just grown sick and tired of reading (but not posting) all the baseless, nonsensical, disinformation that you keep spewing here as fact. Particularly since it then gets repeated elsewhere. Then I have to clean up the disinformation mess that you and your ilk spread around, and which is the primary cause of backers getting all the wrong information about this project, and what they can expect from it. It's bad enough that I spent a considerable amount of time taking INN apart for specifically that reason when I had grown tired of their disinformation campaign as well. Which is also the primary reason that I agreed to do the Guard Frequency 121 stream. Now, I'm going to take each and every one of you to task because I've had enough already. I have absolutely no intentions of stopping.
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This is truly hilarious. The day I decided to start posting, one shill leaves, and thus far two "I've been lurking for years, I just registered because...." show up.

HINT: I don't respond to posts (the posters will forever wallow in obscurity, deep within the depths of the inconsequential abyss) that are a waste of my time. Any meaningful discourse, gets my attention.
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Eitherway, this will get the thread locked. Just ignore the shills.

When's the next self imposed deadline for a Star Citizen release?
Ahaha it seems it did so, well this is going to be interesting, just giving the heads up that any time the "5 years, 114 millions, No Game" lie is said a kitty dies.
Even people that don't know the gaming industry should know that.
My facts were presented and removed.

- - - - - Additional Content Posted / Auto Merge - - - - -

This is truly hilarious. The day I decided to start posting, one shill leaves, and thus far two "I've been lurking for years, I just registered because...." show up.

HINT: I don't respond to posts (the posters will forever wallow in obscurity, deep within the depths of the inconsequential abyss) that are a waste of my time. Any meaningful discourse, gets my attention.

And on Dsmart's tombstone it reads;

"Will forever wallow in obscurity, deep within the depths of the inconsequential abyss"
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And it's easy to     can SQ42 being really, it's just a big IOU to backers; given the number of them that are already entitled to it. In the face of ED making massive leaps, COD:IW, ME:A, the rumored Starflight, and several others in the works, there is simply no way for them to justify focusing on it when they can't make as much money on it as Star Citizen PU. While I'm sure croberts and sandi badly want to make a movie, their collective bank accounts are calling the shots because backers are paying for Star Citizen, not the that is whatever SQ42 ends up being.

Either way, the project, as a whole, is and there is no saving it. That time has passed. And it's just a cash grab now.

Just don't see this happening.

I get where you're coming from and why CIG might prefer to cancel it, but I think the impact of pulling Sq42 would be too huge for them to even consider it.

Either Sq42 arrives or it doesn't.

If it doesn't.. well it's not going to be pretty. Backers revolting, refunds being demanded and so on, if this happens as you suggest (and I don't think it will) then it will be a signal that things are in pretty dire straights, and a strong enough one for some folk to pull their money out.

If it does arrive it's either gonna be good, bad or mediocre. If any of the latter two again there's gonna be backlash as the cold hard reality of it all sinks in and a portion of the backers are brought back down to earth.

Regardless I think Sq42 is going to be telling either way, I mean it will be the first indicator of whether CIG can actually deliver a product or not, and if so of what quality.

I don't think anyone actually thinks it'll come in 2016 btw. (Except maybe CIG :|)

Are your 'sources' saying it's delayed?
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Just don't see this happening.

I get where you're coming from and why CIG might prefer to cancel it, but I think the impact of pulling Sq42 would be too huge for them to even consider it.

Either Sq42 arrives or it doesn't.

If it doesn't.. well it's not going to be pretty. Backers revolting, refunds being demanded and so on, if this happens as you suggest (and I don't think it will) then yeah it will be a really strong signal things are in pretty dire straights , and enough for some folk to pull their money out.

If it does arrive it's either gonna be good, bad or mediocre. If any of the latter two again there's gonna be backlash as the cold hard reality of it all sinks in and a portion of the backers are brought back down to earth.

Regardless I think Sq42 is going to be telling either way, I mean it will be the first indicator of whether CIG can actually deliver a product or not, and if so of what quality.

I don't think anyone actually thinks it'll come in 2016 btw. (Except maybe CIG :|)

Are your 'sources' saying it's delayed?

SQ42 is CIG only hope honestly,I had to agree with you mostly.....I do believe that CIG will deliver that part of the game(2/WEEKS/somewhere in 2017) but I can't see nothing special about that....CIG will play on hi-budget cut-scenes with famous actors,still the game-play will be the same as in AC&PU just without any MP action, as we know CR don't talk anymore about the SQ42 CO-OP option that was so popular few years back.....I don't know but my personal opinion is that current FM in the game are just so bad that even if all other parts of the SQ42 works/looks great I just simply can't see an awesome game anymore....mediocre or average possibly good yeah but that's the best case scenario....
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Read this post guys. Please, actually read it. There is absolutely no evidence provided, just as evidence is NEVER provided when Dsmart open his trap. You people that frequent this forum to laugh at SC are all frothing at the mouth for absolutely ANYthing you can get your grubby paws on that supports your SC hate train. Open your eyes. Dsmart said the same crap about ED before it came out, spouted just as much vitriol about David Braben. How convenient for him to now become a fan of the game and use its outspoken fanbase as nothing but sockpuppets for his newest FUD campaign. Don't let Dsmart stick his hand where the sun don't shine and use you people. Think for yourselves.

No I just don't want SC to be crap. Or at least, if it is crap, not got get hundreds of millions of dollars of backer money to flush down the toilet. Because at the moment, that's what they're doing. Controls are still nowhere near fun, netcode is terrible, the patcher doesn't even rsync instead of downloading whole files, and don't get me started on the first person physics.

So, with space flight playing terribly, first person playing terribly, I'd say that's very much "thinking for myself" right there. On the other hand I see people painfully try everything they can to squeeze an iota of fun out of this tech-demo. As I wrote earlier, it's a bit like people exploring the galaxy in Elite Dangerous and going "ooooooh" over a slightly different combination of lighting or terrain in some system 30.000ly away from Sol, only that ED at least has some pretty stunning nebula and the various angles on the galactic disk (as well as exploration data payout money) to reward you for the long trip.

That guy asking "How did we end up with this Elite Dangerous" on Reddit? I think he has a point, though I don't neccessarily agree with all of his statements. Another guy posts a video complaining about the lack of progress where progress would be needed most, and half the votes are downvotes. He doesn't think SC is the most amazing thing in its current state, he must be a hater. Oh and let's not forget how the SC fanboys treated Scott Manley after he voiced his concern. You guys were foaming so much, you accused him of "clickbait" without even bothering to notice that that video had been unlisted exactly because he didn't want this to be dismissed as clickbait.

And as for Derek Smart bashing on Elite Dangerous - I wanna see that. Because the *worst* I could find was this:

Despite the fact that ED was delivered late, mostly unfinished, very buggy (it still is), and for non-space sim fans is as boring as watching paint dry, they delivered as promised.

And I found that to be a fair assessment (with the exception of a true offline mode, which was not delivered as promised). Not that I would really care about it either - what Derek Smart says or doesn't say about Elite Dangerous doesn't affect what Frontier delivers. He's not breaking any game by not gushing with praise and adoration.
Also, he had quite a few things turn out to be true - mostly stuff that would've been too difficult or too short-term to change for CIG, like what would be shown in the SQ42 trailer. I'm also still waiting for the lawsuit against The Escapist.

The only time I giggled with glee was when that famous Freyermuth email was sent to The Escapist with their lawyers in CC. That thing will end up as teaching material in legal courses. The slideshow title will be "Why you should tell your client to not write any letters". And oh look, nothing came of it.

Except that any criticism of SC is by default invalid and means the person penning the criticism is a hater.

Don't just accept everything CIG produces as perfect. Be critical and... well... think for yourself!
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There is no irony.

When a project goes into development, the budget determines the start and finish of the project. If you start in month1, regardless of what you were doing, that is the project start date. Period. The End.

croberts has gone on the record - several times (including to Forbes) - saying that the project started one year before the crowd-funding campaign. Which puts it at 2011.

The original CIG campaign:

The follow-up Kickstarter campaign:

That means:

2011 - 2016 = year five

$114 million in year five

tech demo (not a pre-alpha, let alone an alpha) in year five

Even if they didn't start writing code until 2013, that doesn't automagically take away two years off the project, let alone discard the costs associated. Heck, aside from calling croberts a liar, one would argue that he blatantly lied when stated - many times - that the game would be out in Nov 2014. Then - even after the massive scope creep - he said 2016. As in...


So yeah, go ahead and tell us again just how wrong we are, and that development really only started last week because, you know, the PU was back in 2015 and they had to start from scratch.
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