The Star Citizen Thread V10

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It's all about SQ42 now, the PU exists only to sell ships which CIG consider DLC for a game in early access.

SQ42 is the only investable part of the project, I've said this many times in many places since the 'new owners' rumour surfaced months ago.

The devs know this, the leads know this, the managers know this and there have been leaks to this effect that I know others who post in this thread have also been party to.

Backers of Star Citizen - you've all been sold down the river.
A statement which, if true, makes all estimated values entirely meaningless.

But it is true as all values are relative to having a buyer and a seller, and only in the moment of exchange.

At the moment of purchase, that 10% was worth $46 Million, as that was the price agreed to by all parties in the transaction.

I mean how much is your home worth?

You can get in a "Valuer" to give you an estimate, but that wont mean someone will buy it for that, or you would be happy selling it for that, nor would it be the same price it would be for materials and labour, and next week those materials and labour might cost more or less.
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But it is true as all values are relative to having a buyer and a seller, and only in the moment of exchange.

At the moment of purchase, that 10% was worth $46 Million, as that was the price agreed to by all parties in the transaction.

I mean how much is your home worth?

You can get in a "Valuer" to give you an estimate, but that wont mean someone will buy it for that, or you would be happy selling it for that, nor would it be the same price it would be for materials and labour, and next week those materials and labour might cost more or less.

All of which merely goes to demonstrate that my original assertion - that the 'value' of SC was merely one put on it by one particular investor - is true.
Well this is great news for the uninvested or unpledged armchair onlooker, in that the entertainment will continue on for another year. I guess even for the backers this is good news as it keeps the dreams rolling, although it's shocking to see how low the reserves were at the end of 2017. Presumably emphasis is now firmly on Sq42, so what does this mean for the MMO part? My guess is it will drift into the background. The only way this investment makes sense is if they think they will sell massive numbers of units or they are banking on backers continuing to fork out and probably both. One thing we do not know is what milestones are attached to this funding. Have they got interim goals to meet? Now we have a fascinating new dimension to factor in and ponder when the tipping point will be for the backers. Surely there has to be a point when funding reduces.
PTU patch L dropped! The new NPC's are getting smoothened out. I will be grinding the prospector when 3.4 goes live. Aim to have it in a week with my lucrative trade route.

Notes, Major Issues and Testing Focus
Alpha Patch 3.4.0l has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: PTU-1028053.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE.

Please monitor ptu test chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.

USER.cfg settings:
r_displayinfo = 3

Testing Focus
  • New Ships: Hawk, Freelancer variants, 600i Touring
  • Lorville Central Business District
  • Hurston mission variants (bounty missions, downed relay missions, FPS AI missions, delivery missions, scramble races)
  • Mission Givers: Wallace Klim, Clovus Darneely
Major Known Issues:
  • Mission markers will sometimes fail to appear. W/A: On the mobiGlas, untrack and retrack the mission to generate a marker..
  • The 600i's lifts are currently not functioning.
  • VOIP/FOIP is currently not functioning.
Feature Updates
  • Numerous improvements to C. Hurston.
Bug Fixes
  • Wallace Klim should no longer be occasionally facing the wrong way.
  • The assassination mission around Hurston should now get an objective after accepting.
  • AI ships should no longer appear to not respond or engage.
  • FPS AI should no longer appear to not respond or engage.
  • The Ruto hologram should now work.
  • Fixed missing screens inside the Transfers Exchange.
  • The delivery lockers should no longer become stuck open if the player abandons the mission.
  • The relay panel should now be interactable on associated missions.
  • Fixed 2 server crashes.
  • Fixed 3 client crashes.
Presumably emphasis is now firmly on Sq42, so what does this mean for the MMO part?

CIG's emphasis is continually shifting depending on what is starting to get stale, what they can hype without having to deliver, and ultimately what will bring in the most cash at any given moment. If it's all about Squadron 42 this week then that just means they're struggling with the PU (as demonstrated by how little 3.4 has added, contrary to earlier versions of the roadmap). Now they've bought themselves another 18 months where they don't actually have to show any progress on S42 because it's not early access in the same way as the PU (because "spoilers", not because they don't actually have anything playable, naturally). Closer to Q2 2020 the roadmap will start to get extended as core features miss their targets, same as always.

It's a bit sickening that they're trying to spin the outside investment as a big win, given that a lot of it happened months ago and was only discovered by people sifting through company filings, and given how Roberts used to boast about about the important of his independence, and having more than enough money to get everything done.
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A prediction that would have been correct if not for this or that is a prediction that was wrong. I predicted my team would win last match, and I would have been correct if the other team hadn't suddenly scored more goals...


There, saved about 15 of you regulars posting the stock response.
New videos showing CIG offices. Looking very nice.

Wilmslow, UK


Austin, US


Frankfurt, GER


Los Angeles, US

New videos showing CIG offices. Looking very nice.

People are working in offices, that's a new one. Seriously, is that a new concept for you, have you never seen an office?
I get it, your a fan of CIG, but c'mon, nobody cares how their offices look.
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So, remember when I said that Episode 242 was the last show of the year? Yeah, well #TonyWasWrong. Join me and special guest @dsmart on tonight at 9:30 CST to discuss #StarCitizen. It won't be an official show, but it should be ... interesting. - Tony

less then 2 hours to go, not sure if I can watch it live but I ll have it on follow so tomm at the latest ^^
Bug Fixes
  • Wallace Klim should no longer be occasionally facing the wrong way.

How many mission givers are planned for SC in total?
I played a few MMO's and normally there are dozens if not hundreds of mission/quest giver around.
I never quite understood why Cayman Island Games makes such a fuss about the few mission givers they've developing right now

Recruitment videos.

Obviously not quite successful given the 96 open job ads they're running on their website.
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The 100 job ads they are running on their website were also running on various recruitment sites (and have been since March 2016) until this week.

The external ads have now all been taken down.

They aren't expanding, they are contracting. They are still hurting for a few senior dev roles but they've kept all those old ads up anyway. Most of them have been there for years.

There is one more piece of news to come out, it might come out on this upcoming Guard Frequency podcast but I tend to think it'll be Jan before it's out.

And without further ado, here is Bootcha's latest Sunk Cost Galaxy video.



Volunteer Moderator
Predicting it right here, right now: Next step is going public.

Called that 5 days ago. ;)

Looks that way, yes but [more on the thought stream I'm having on this later]*.

CIG can't do the creating shares out of thin air trick again. They'd need to consult their major shareholders to do this and it's pretty unlikely their new major stake holder would sign off their 10% being diluted unless they were facing their entire investment being wiped out. They clearly wanted exactly 10% of the company.

Now they've established a de-facto valuation of the company by way of this action I think they may try and float CIG UK on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange so that they can sell shares to the general public. Chris Roberts still has 75% of the company so he could potentially put 267,334 of his personal holdings in an IPO, raising £40m (for him personally) and still retain 51% of the company.

* Although the directors would have received the proceeds personally and Chris would become an extremely wealthy man overnight in the proposed scenario above they could then (if they chose) loan the money back to the company (for a return of interest of course). They essentially take Coutts/Natwest place, extending CIG a credit line.

If they were planning on doing an IPO I'd expect to see further sub-division of the shares, nobody is going to want to pay close to £150 per share as that just locks out the small investors. They'd probably sub-divide at least by a factor of 100 so that each share then costs ~£1.50. Backers would lap it up.

Anyway that's my prediction for what may happen.
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Volunteer Moderator
Unironically you do have to hand it to the emperor though - as things appear to stand right now


Now we have a quote to turn that into a proper meme:
GamesBeat: In your case it looks like you gave up a little bit of control, but you got a lot of assurance about how much runway you have. You still seem to have the ability to go back and get some more should that contingency arise.

Roberts: That’s true. I don’t give up any control. The difference in control and the operations or planning of the company, or even how the board is run now — the only additional stuff is we’ve obviously added a few extra governance items to protect minority investors. But on the investor side there is no company override of control. As long as we’re not spending on a super-yacht, like I said, it’s cool. I don’t think anyone that crowdfunded the game would be very happy about that either, if I was snapping pictures on the back of a yacht somewhere. [laughs]

I’d much rather put it into the game, because that’s what I care about. It’s my chance to build something I wanted to build my whole life, to a scale and ambition I’ve wanted to do, that I felt like I couldn’t — it would be almost impossible for me to get a big public publisher to back that. It would be too much of an investment. It would take too long and be too risky.
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