The Star Citizen Thread v5

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I was actually backtracking a bit- weren't we told that the game had a blazing future after the summer reveal?
All the internet gaming magazine were all like "OMG Star CITIZEN is not only alive but actually incoming!"
That it showed all the naysayers and skeptic that "yes they can"?

Where are all those videogame journalits and analists now?
Has he or any of the other knights (not including Rolan here bless him) even commented at all recently?

The silence has been deafening from the CIG Defence Squad: Frontier Forums Division for the last few weeks now.

Not a peep from them at all.

Well, it must be because they've been enjoying the wonders of 2.5 and all the (lack) of content it contains, eagerly anticipating the just-round-the-corner release of 2.6, 3.0 and Squadron 42 to the expected fanfare (Derision? Mockery? Gales of helpless laughter?) from the gaming public.....


That's not it at all.

They haven't been here because they have nothing to back up their claims that Star Citizen is going to be the BDSE... Or for that matter, anything to show that proves that it will ever come out.

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I was actually backtracking a bit- weren't we told that the game had a blazing future after the summer reveal?
All the internet gaming magazine were all like "OMG Star CITIZEN is not only alive but actually incoming!"
That it showed all the naysayers and skeptic that "yes they can"?

Where are all those videogame journalits and analists now?

Hmm, not sure if typo or whether it was a rather cleverly worded description of the "analysts" that were waxing lyrical about SC following that Gamescom smoke and mirrors act? ;)
I remember briguy's various "mark my words" comments. The best one was him admitting that he might seriously begin to doubt CIG's ability to deliver if 3.0 were not delivered by the end of the year.

I would be very interested to continue that discourse with him come January.
3.0 is just a number. Making it entirely possible for CIG to 'deliver it' any time they like. And still have their more avid 'citizens' tell everyone that it is evidence of progress...
3.0 is just a number. Making it entirely possible for CIG to 'deliver it' any time they like. And still have their more avid 'citizens' tell everyone that it is evidence of progress...

I believe one criterion of that discussion that he agreed to was "as advertised at Gamescom". But you're right.
One of the reasons we see less shilling is the collapse of gray market trading in progress now. We have hit peak jpeg.
Remember when one of the critics of the project was attacked with the words "you are hurting my bottom line"? Now that CIG have semi-distanced themselves from third party sales and clarified they see them all as "gifts" with no refundability, these goods are devalued and only the really stupid customers with money burning in their pockets buy them.

It is now simply not worth it to come to forums, create fake accounts, nurture them for days and then spread the word about how awesome the game will be.
One of the reasons we see less shilling is the collapse of gray market trading in progress now. We have hit peak jpeg.
Remember when one of the critics of the project was attacked with the words "you are hurting my bottom line"? Now that CIG have semi-distanced themselves from third party sales and clarified they see them all as "gifts" with no refundability, these goods are devalued and only the really stupid customers with money burning in their pockets buy them.

It is now simply not worth it to come to forums, create fake accounts, nurture them for days and then spread the word about how awesome the game will be.

This is part of why I have little sympathy for the fanbase, even as it begins to emerge from the extent of its prior delusion.
3.0 is just a number. Making it entirely possible for CIG to 'deliver it' any time they like. And still have their more avid 'citizens' tell everyone that it is evidence of progress...

The best part is that (after 5 years) the pipeline and team is now in place to deliver the goods. I guess prior to that they were just talking outta their butts.
This is part of why I have little sympathy for the fanbase, even as it begins to emerge from the extent of its prior delusion.

No sympathy for those who lied, brigaded, went on the offensive of tried to profit from it. But what about the poor saps who simply believed what they were told about the game (by CiG and the cult), this forum is a relative oasis of sanity reddit and the RSI forums are a different kettle of fish altogether.

The cult deserve to lose out simply because of the way they behaved.

RSI deserve to lose out because they've squandered a load of other peoples money.

Normal fans deserve to get what they paid for.
The cult deserve to lose out simply because of the way they behaved.

RSI deserve to lose out because they've squandered a load of other peoples money.

Normal fans deserve to get what they paid for.

Yes, but that will never happen. They got rodgered but good. The question is, why did they never speak up during all of that? Did they all just spend somewhere around the value of a video game and have now written it off as a fairly cheap mistake, as crowdfunding goes, while silently adding Chris' name alongside Schafer's and Molyneux on their Memento polaroids?
No sympathy for those who lied, brigaded, went on the offensive of tried to profit from it. But what about the poor saps who simply believed what they were told about the game (by CiG and the cult), this forum is a relative oasis of sanity reddit and the RSI forums are a different kettle of fish altogether.

The cult deserve to lose out simply because of the way they behaved.

RSI deserve to lose out because they've squandered a load of other peoples money.

Normal fans deserve to get what they paid for.

This is well said, and a good prompt for me to retreat a bit. It's all too easy to confuse the cult with normal fans.
Yes, but that will never happen. They got rodgered but good. The question is, why did they never speak up during all of that? Did they all just spend somewhere around the value of a video game and have now written it off as a fairly cheap mistake, as crowdfunding goes, while silently adding Chris' name alongside Schafer's and Molyneux on their Memento polaroids?

People kept silent to avoid being perma banned from RSI or downvoted off reddit completely like everyone who ever spoke up. It's human nature to agree with group think, even when it's plainly ludicrous. The blame for that one is squarely on RSI's shoulders for the way they run their community.
People kept silent to avoid being perma banned from RSI or downvoted off reddit completely like everyone who ever spoke up. It's human nature to agree with group think, even when it's plainly ludicrous. The blame for that one is squarely on RSI's shoulders for the way they run their community.

That's fair enough, and it's not so much blaming them as wondering how they ended up staying in that position as long as this. Groupthink is one thing — in fact, I'd say that that puts them closer to the cult than anything since it requires them to be in-group — but it doesn't quite explain the complete lack of activity. So it's more a case of “should I feel sorry for someone who apparently is ok with all of this for some unfathomable reason?”
That's fair enough, and it's not so much blaming them as wondering how they ended up staying in that position as long as this. Groupthink is one thing — in fact, I'd say that that puts them closer to the cult than anything since it requires them to be in-group — but it doesn't quite explain the complete lack of activity. So it's more a case of “should I feel sorry for someone who apparently is ok with all of this for some unfathomable reason?”

Personally I think it's more a case of being unaware of it than being OK with it. Remember when CR answered the escapist with a huge ill-conceived rant about how Derek Smart is a very nasty man indeed even though the Escapist never mentioned him, and all the subsequent "you are Durpek Slurm" idiocy directed at anyone saying such hugely controversial things as "what's the release date now".

Blaming Derek was very dumb and unprofessional but it worked to an extent, anyone raising a concern was a DS alt hell bent on trolling. So a lot of people ignored the huge legitimate red-flags Derek (and others) were raising.

If you want to direct attention away from real problems unite everyone against a common foe, (non Godwin's law example) look at Brexit 20-30 years of the tabloid press and the government blaming immigrants/EU for everything all the time then have a referendum on EU membership. The government were taken totally by surprise at the efficacy of their evasive scapegoating hate-campaign. Hence the total lack of preparedness for the result of the vote, they knew it was all just negative propaganda so they never thought people would be stupid enough to go for it. An absolute triumph of spin over reality.
talking about yet another delay in this project and how CIG do not tell its backers anything reminded me of a thread I started back in 2013. About the very first delay from CIG.

Kind of sad to look back in history and see that nothing has changed. Even at the beginning CIG didn't want to tell its backers about SC's actual development and what was really going on.

Haha, and the first response (from a moderator no less)
what are you talking about?

CIG has always been ultra open in everything.

what else do you want?
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