The Star Citizen Thread v5

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Here's to hoping for 3.0's success and a change in tune from this thread.

Amen. (somebody please say a prayer)

How hard could it be to design a working flight model within two years? How hard could it be to realize that working network code for a quasi MMO has to come before most finely detailed ship models? How hard could it be to get a fancy introduction sequence for a space opera going with CIG's budget over four years (five, according to Roberts initial statement)? How hard could it be to do a FPS deathmatch game based on an FPS engine? How hard could it be...

You tell us!

You've obviously been indulged in jeering cynicism for too long and cannot see the forest for the trees.
You need to get exorcised immediately, bring the holy water!
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How hard would it be for CIG to throw in a few mechanically simple missions (data ferrying, assassination, cargo delivery, et cetera)

Apparently very or we'd be seeing them already to prove us wrong.

I think that's rather fallacious suggesting that Elite isn't trying to be something great by bringing it up as a 'pro' for star citizen.
Some of you people that are indulging in jeering cynicism need to look in the mirror. How hard would it be for CIG to throw in a few mechanically simple missions (data ferrying, assassination, cargo delivery, et cetera), copy and paste them word-for-word to most space stations in the game, throw in a bit of RNG, and call it a day while throwing in some shoddy 3D portraits for added flavor? Not hard, I imagine.

So how does the SC mission system work?
- are there hand-crafted missions (and if so, how many of them will there be?)
- are they procedurally generated (I don't think I've seen any reports of anyone working on this? and this would obviously be a massive undertaking for a AAA title with voice acting/mo-cap on everything)

Given that a system somewhat like ED is 'not hard', then SC is clearly going to be a lot better, so explain *why*.

Is there a document we can read on these missions and the progress?
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Here's to hoping for 3.0's success and a change in tune from this thread.


The old fallback: yeah it's bad NOW but just wait for version [insert patch number here] then you'll see! You'll all seeeeee

Friend, the star citizens have been promising things will change with the next version for years. It ain't happening, not at any kind of reasonable pace. Clownshoes Imperium Gaming have shown themselves to be incompetent every step of the way.

When can we expect 3.0, and what will it contain, do you think? Because lord and saviour Christ Roberts (praise be) says 2.6 will be out this year "hopefully before 19th December" but they've shown nothing of it so far, and their hyped anniversary stream is apparently going to focus heavily on ships (BUY BUY BUY, CASH ONLY). And given that the most progress they made for 11 out of 12 months this year was the addition of shopping and a couple of ships, I wouldn't hold out much hope for 3.0 to change things drastically.
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The "we didn't fund a company - we funded a game. Remember the pledge."-thread has been going for six days without any response from CIG now. OP is pretty critical of the current state of affairs, but apparently has still absolute faith that Chris Roberts will come through. Personal highlight:

The hilarious part? That person claims to have been 14 when they backed. Now they're an "18yr old girl". Note that at 14, "she" couldn't possibly have known anything about Chris Roberts, let alone Wing Commander.

"She" (all evidence says it's a dude; Goons are on the case) appeared over on SA a few days ago after I tweeted her response and thread. It's glorious. Basically, this 18 yr took the $6K give by her family for her Confirmation (it's a religious thing) - and put it in JPEGs. Because she has faith in Chris, and loves Sandi.

The posts are truly hilarious to behold. And needless to say, the Goon reception is the stuff of legend.

Here is a sample:


But why total faith? All metrics are pointing to unmitigated development hell.

And let's be honest, CIG is not a very structured organization. Even if they could get an amazing project manager, from oh say, Blizzard, someone that worked on WoW or something, even they would have a hard time implementing change with Chris needing the final say on almost every aspect of the project.


I'm gonna answer this question as seriously as I can.

I think CIG have some amazing talent. I think Chris Roberts is a visionary. I think that he and a lot of people in his organisation are absolutely commited to their cause. I think they have a lot of very powerful tools and technology in the bag now to help make it happen. I think that technology in the past 4 years needed to come towards his ideas a bit - and maybe still does: A lot of what he originally intended wasn't possible on average gaming hardware 4 years ago.. The world had to come to him.
I think *If* he can break the *very serious* showstoppers he can achieve anything. I have no doubt his very best people are working on exactly that. It must be hugely frustrating for them that they haven't yet done it.

Lastly - and I don't know if this sort of sentiment is a bannable offence around here but....

"The reasonable person conforms to the world.. The unreasonable person expects the world to conform to them. All progress is driven by unreasonable people."

Chris Roberts was never afraid of being completey unreasonable. He doesn't flinch from his vision. That's why he inspired so many people to take the ride with him - and frankly I believe we need more people like that.

I don't give him a free pass as a business manager - I think the forum poll clearly shows that. I think he has explaining to do. But I didn't give up on him yet.

Thanks for the welcome - but in fairness I was first here 3 years ago. I was banned after 3 posts.. for doing stuff like signing my post and giving group hugs.

I only really came back in here to say hi - and because my name was mentioned - and I guess to maybe stick a flag in the sand for the backers that didn't quit yet.
I understand there are a lot of people here that backed and refunded - but maybe some that didnt do that yet. I'm not going to - no matter what.
If I lose my cash I lose it: It was the risk and worth taking.

When CIG does succeed you guys will be very welcome to fly round in my ships.
Honestly for myself I knew it was always going to be a gamble. I think most diligent backers knew that - even at the very start. There is a huge risk element and over time the risk is becoming more apparent.
It was never going to be an easy-to-achieve delivery. Many of the promises were based on things that had never been done before.

I totally get the scepticism - and I don't blame anyone who refunded their money - imagine if you could do that at a roulette table before the ball stopped rolling - but I want to stick around until the ball stops rolling. I think theres more to it than luck.

I know its total heresy to say it here but I do sincerely believe in Chris Roberts.
I have about $6300 spread over 4 accounts. I actually counted up that I could sit 170 friends in spaceships. *checks facebook* *frowns* *checks tinder*

I paid that amount over time knowing I wouldnt get it back - at least in any tangible form. I paid for pixels. I kind of think of it like putting down down-payments on a big holiday: Like a luxury cruise or something in 2020.

IF the game succeeds and you guys get to play (join the cruise later) then I'm happy.
I get people to play with in a game I will love - and I'm not going to be upset that you got to go on the same cruise for 40 bucks that I paid 6000 for becuase if it wasnt for people like me being ridiculous there wouldnt have been a cruise for any of us.

Honestly I dont really need to have more spaceships than anyone else - I paid what I did becuase it was really as much as I could afford and I really want the cruise to happen.

I hope that this was an understandable analogy.
Look I understand that you all have serious reservations.. And in this forum we have got over 6000 posts where you have emphasisied everything that could be said about everything that has gone wrong or could go wrong with SC.
But those points I made - they're kind of non-refutable. And I made them to show why I still believe in the game.

They may not actually weigh up enough to persuade you - but they weigh enough for me. I think SC has a chance to succeed - but I think the risk is higher because of some bad business decisions that we need visibility on.
Its perfectly possible to respect someone or something and still hold it accountable.
I have complete faith in CR the developer. I just think the business side has been going wonky with the wrong prioritizations. I want it to get back on track.

It would kind of be a last straw for me (and I tihnk a lot of other backers) if they closed my thread and banned me for it. https://forums.robertsspaceindustri...r-the-pledge/p1

The fact they haven't leads me to believe that they understand the sentiment - even if they don't agree with it.

The fact that the vote in it suggests an even divide in the community on the issue (and actually a small majority who agree with me) means they have to consider the consequences of their actions and at least CONSIDER changing course a little towards more transparency.
And given that the most progress they made for 11 out of 12 months this year was the addition of shopping and a couple of ships, I wouldn't hold out much hope for 3.0 to change things drastically.

I think the reason we're not seeing gameplay updates for trading & piracy etc. is because they have absolutely no idea themselves how it is going to work.

How will trading be balanced?
The economy is supposed to run on NPC's and players creating and ferrying the goods around. Ships that can carry 98 000 tons of cargo will be able to strip a station in a couple of runs. They will also make so much money so as to break the economy.

How will piracy work?
Shoot ships and they drop cargo? (Elite 1984)
Disable ships and board them? (No solo piracy)
How do you catch ships in Quantum Drive?
How do you stop ships running away?
How do you scoop cargo?

Is this still the plan for mining?
How much of that is done? Can we mine solo?

Bounty hunting? Exploration?

All the above should have been worked out BEFORE the first line of code was written, that way you can design the ships and other mechanics to work better within their intended role. As yet we only have some pretty pictures to look at and we're nowhere near a game.

CIG is concentrating on the minutia and making more ships because they know how to do that, In my opinion they don't have a clue how the rest will work.

Actually - that's one of the big indicators of "workplace stress" - concentrate on the easy small things and ignore the big difficult stuff (been there, done that).
The solution is simple.
Stop giving them money.
Then observe how things unfold from that moment onwards.
And prepare the popcorn ;)
The hilarious part? That person claims to have been 14 when they backed. Now they're an "18yr old girl". Note that at 14, "she" couldn't possibly have known anything about Chris Roberts, let alone Wing Commander.

"She" (all evidence says it's a dude; Goons are on the case) appeared over on SA a few days ago after I tweeted her response and thread. It's glorious. Basically, this 18 yr took the $6K give by her family for her Confirmation (it's a religious thing) - and put it in JPEGs. Because she has faith in Chris, and loves Sandi.

The posts are truly hilarious to behold. And needless to say, the Goon reception is the stuff of legend.

She seems quite reasonable to me. Maybe she's coming across as very naive, but to me she's just a person with a positive attitude and a lot of money to lose.


NMS designer joining CIG sounds like regular hire - it really depends what he worked on. Some parts of NMS work gameplay design wise, some parts of them didn't. Maybe he feels he can contribute and actually lift SC off - good for him! Without knowing more, hard to comment on this. Joining this late however feels a bit daring.

As for asking for gameplay - FINALLY! If they want SC ever come out, they should keep asking for that.

He worked on QA and level design on NMS; and says that's the same thing he's going to be doing in Star Citizen.
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The hilarious part? That person claims to have been 14 when they backed. Now they're an "18yr old girl". Note that at 14, "she" couldn't possibly have known anything about Chris Roberts, let alone Wing Commander.

"She" (all evidence says it's a dude; Goons are on the case) appeared over on SA a few days ago after I tweeted her response and thread. It's glorious. Basically, this 18 yr took the $6K give by her family for her Confirmation (it's a religious thing) - and put it in JPEGs. Because she has faith in Chris, and loves Sandi.

Wow so sad 6300$ spend by a youth not grown up and the parents didnt do anything about it ?
Otherwise could be a way to get the money back, but maybe there is no interest to do so. The amount of Confirmation money shows must be a rich or huge Family (or booth).


Wow so sad 6300$ spend by a youth not grown up and the parents didnt do anything about it ?
Otherwise could be a way to get the money back, but maybe there is no interest to do so. The amount of Confirmation money shows must be a rich or huge Family (or booth).

This was my "advice (edited as per this forum's guidelines)" to her:

Deloria, you probably know by now that this dirty leaver is the last person that you should be listening to. There is a reason that your idol Sandi, hates him. So just ignore it; all of it. Go with your gut feelings and belief; safe in the thought that at the time you did it, you felt that you were spending your money on something that you wanted and believed in. You put $6,300 in a dream (video games are cheap, so that's a non-starter) and pledged to support Chris & Sandi Roberts; even if they didn't deliver anything. That takes courage, bravery, and conviction. So don't let anyone take that away from you, or tell you anything different.

Now, about that college fund. I'm assuming that if your family can afford to give this much money on your confirmation, that you already have a college fund setup? That being the case, you have probably noticed that the reason CIG are pulling every trick in the book to continue raising funds is that they really don't have the funds to continue funding the dream to completion. So, have you considered increasing your pledge? Even if you're still considering going to college, most people take 1 year off to do stuff. So maybe it's worth it to donate 1yr from that fund to the dream because you can always earn it back when you go to college and get a job.

Again, ignore the FUD; these clowns don't know anything and they're just jealous. And furthermore.
NMS designer joining CIG sounds like regular hire - it really depends what he worked on. Some parts of NMS work gameplay design wise, some parts of them didn't. Maybe he feels he can contribute and actually lift SC off - good for him! Without knowing more, hard to comment on this. Joining this late however feels a bit daring.

As for asking for gameplay - FINALLY! If they want SC ever come out, they should keep asking for that.

That guy from NMS joining SC?

sounds like:

Frying pan -----------> fire....very hot hell fire.
Wow so sad 6300$ spend by a youth not grown up and the parents didnt do anything about it ?
Otherwise could be a way to get the money back, but maybe there is no interest to do so. The amount of Confirmation money shows must be a rich or huge Family (or booth).


How the hell can a supposed minor transfer that sort of money online in the first place?

Funny thing, 2-3 Months ago we were the bad guys saying "there is no game" there is no gameplay how does X work how will Y handle Z ect when we asked for gameplay mechanics to be explained. We were accused of hating on SC...
Once they start explaining any gameplay mechanics, they are going to lose whales. Because you can't create gameplay which actually does appeal to everyone.

Until then any backer is dreaming his own perfect game with PvP sliders everywhere.
Now that is one accurate bar chart representation of the poll outcome! Must be the famous patented 64bit accuracy ©by CIG.

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So...its not done.

At what point do they realize they are making a game that competes with 2015 titles? (might stand up to indie games from 2016)

Not even mad anymore. The prime for this game has passed...especially with 2016 coming to a close.
So...its not done.

At what point do they realize they are making a game that competes with 2015 titles? (might stand up to indie games from 2016)

Not even mad anymore. The prime for this game has passed...especially with 2016 coming to a close.

Exactly...and thats what I finding funny when some ppl. claim that they don´t care even if the SC come´s out after 2020.....I mean if they are not doing grey market trade´s or they are paid shills whats the point ?
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