Also... this whole "evocati" nonsense. I was in a test group over a year ago for the organization module. I had to sign an NDA then. Having a test group prior to PTU release has been common practice since the very beginning. This is a fact, "every single PTU build or module add-on has had a test group... it has just now been named "evocati" "... you can quote me on that. So, there is no drama there. In fact the only real drama seems to be with Derek Smart and the rest of you.
Also, for some reason people keep saying that SC is a "twitch" game. It is not. In fact Chris Roberts has repeatedly said that he does not want a "twitch" game experience in the first person shooter mode.
And lastly, CIG stated months ago that they were not going to be attending E3. This is nothing new, they did not "pull out", they said they simply did not have the time to spend on it (and it is a huge effort involving major time from several teams) with trying to get Squadron 42 ready. Also last time I checked Sandy is a person and allowed to attend anything she wants. Are you going to start saying she cannot go to movies, conventions, or any other thing simply because she works for CIG? Doesn't that seem more than a bit silly? Also, even if she is going representing CIG and RSI... great! That is her job last time I checked. So she is just doing her job by attending a major gaming advertising event. Where is the problem?
Sigh... look, Star Citizen is a different game than Elite Dangerous. Just as Elite Dangerous is different from Battlefront 2. They share some traits but that is all. There has been a resurgence in space simulation games. That is great. That means people who like to play all these different types of space sim games get a chance because more are being developed. In the end, if we as backers of Star Citizen choose to spend our money on it... why do any of you care? Seriously, it's not like I cannot afford it. Further, no matter how much I spend... if I lost it tomorrow... it's nothing I cannot afford to lose. Even if I did, wouldn't that really be my business? Unless you are a backer of Star Citizen, and a large one (since many $60 or $100 Kickstarter projects fail I really am not going to include minimum backers here) at that I really don't think you have anything to say. I AM a large backer... and I have been around long enough to watch Smart pull these same high jinks time and again when he gets upset at something. I just don't understand why anyone else would even care.
*note to admin. While I have mentioned Mr. Smart in this post, I have not called him any names nor have I actually disparaged him in any horrible fashion. I am hoping that you will not delete this post simply because it disagree's with him and the majority (it seems) of other posters in this thread.
SC Nick - Mani
ED - Sixthscents