So I guess it was indeed dead simple after all [rolleyes]
Chris Roberts Roberts
Very good move from CIG and also Amazon, Star Citizen longevity is secured with Amazon services (top dog in the cloud service) and Lumberyard that is accommodating the future of video-games, online & VR features. And since they have no capital problems they will for sure continue to invest in the engine at full-force while they can use Star Citizen as a flagship top AAA ambitious game to showcase their Lumberyard Engine.
Win Win for everyone except maybe the doom&scam preachers lol. Wonder why mr Agent leaker didn't saw this coming , must have been busy looking over the coffee machine [big grin].
And to anyone looking for an Idris or Polaris the Boxing Day Sale seems to be live right now! [up]
Orlando instead of you admiting that CIG had obvious problem with the CE and that´s why they actually decide to make a deal with Amazon and switch to LY you come in here with the "FORK".....Let me just remind you that it was HERE on FD forum that we have so many debates about the CE and we also had so many debates about the dodgy netcode XxX problems and issues that CIG never manage to solve,heck and there is that irony when Citizen @Rilzi make this thread
and that was almost a year ago.......I BET that you are one of those who voted agains LY back then right?
Sure I also see this as positive change and step in the right direction but let´s not forget that this is also proof and recognition that CIG was WRONG and that very same CIG was hiding and lying their backers in the so called open development for at least more then a year now.....
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