The Star Citizen Thread v5

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A bit more about the Lumberyard switch and "open development": I'd say that a likely scenario was that they didn't let people know about this beforehand because they weren't sure it would work.
Imagine this scenario. Let's say CIG announced one year ago that they'd partner with Amazon, switch to Lumberyard and so on, work starts now. Then six months later, they find that they still can't manage to get it working. (Before SC fans call me insane again, do note that this is a theoretical "what if" scenario, as they have managed to get Lumberyard working.) But they already announced the switch, and people notice that in the latest patch, the Lumberyard logo still isn't there. So they keep trying, while fans get a bit antsy. Then one year later, CIG gives up. So, who should take the game? They could do either take the blame themselves (which is something they rarely, if ever, do) or they could try to shift it to Amazon like they did with Illfonic.
And well, I think you can imagine how well that would have gone with Amazon. They would certainly not have let a small game development company tarnish their reputation.

So no, announcing the Lumberyard switch before it was actually done would have been very high risk, and for precious little reward.

Good thing the project's development isn't actually open, because this could have gone far worse then than it did. Although I would be quite curious just how many hours have gone into making the switch.
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Because this thread is the one place they cannot control the narrative. Everybody sees how they go into articles or threads on PCGamer, Massively, MMORPG, Polygon et al and shout down criticism or discussions but they can't do it here and they hate that. All that's left to these man-babies is to throw their toys out of the pram and make impotent threats at Frontier and the Elite community.

Well, they could do it here if they keep it civil. Guys like Hi-Ban and Orlando (and Rolan, of course) who actually actually stand up for what they believe I have nothing but respect for.
Just don't call me a stupid bustard (I am no sort of avian, thank you very much) but tell me why I'm wrong...
When I tried "Star Citizen Forum" (without quotes) on google just now, this thread was the 9th result.

Interesting - I searched that term earlier looking for the SC forum which was obviously top - didn't even look down the page.

Also in related searches this shows up;

repetitive strain injury forum

And Derek's forum makes page 3 - good job reddit!

I think most of the zealots who point the finger in this direction, are those with lots of expensive jpegs of rare ships to sell to gullible Citizens once (if) SC is released. They don't want us stirring things up and possibly reducing the value of their portfolio by spreading FUD. :x

I really doubt us cretins could influence the development of the game, even if we wanted to. Well, Ben could I guess, but I doubt he would as they pay him. :)
So no, announcing the Lumberyard switch before it was actually done would have been very high risk, and for precious little reward.

Though it inevitably triggers the open development pith taking, not telling anyone about Lumberyard till it was in was absolutely the right thing to do from CIG's pov. If they'd announced it months ago that would have probably just played into the doom and gloom theorycrafting from fans, detractors and the gaming press.

They've had a bad year PR wise with one thing and another - they really didn't need that to add to it.

I know CR said otherwise but it still looks like it was deliberately dropped as a fat accomplice (Latin - obviously!) on Christmas Eve.
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Oh boy, buy some FD shares instead, you support a honest company, greats devs and an outstanding portfolio of products. At least you will get a return of your real investment.
oooh oooh ssssh that's gonna be a sore topic with how much they're risen over the last month!

obviously the value of shares may go down as well as up, but since jpeg's only go down the better investment is fairly clear and i doubt they're happy about it
Well sounds like we are the annoying mosquito that keeps them from falling asleep..and dream...


Its amusing to know how annoying we are, isnt it? :D

The best part, even if they swat us...there is a whole lulzbucket full of a breeding ground for more annoying stuff to come out :p
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Well, during discussion on subreddit yesterday they clearly stated many times that this thread attracts their interest because they can't outshout criticism, criticism of SC, mocking, ridicule is allowed here. And ohh, you allow Derek to post here occasionally (when he is not banned for something stupid he has done or rather harsh rhetoric he use sometimes) and you are also being bad towards SC too (for them mods are FD employees and should be SHOULD be impartial...otherwise Internet gods kill kittens or something).

I just realised what this whole thread criticism reminds me of: the Counter Strike players viewed through the lens of Concerned (NSFW, language). In particular that logic, both internal and external, in the last panel…
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Google 'star citizen 2.6' and notice how generally you only hear how disappointing the stream was and how things are delayed. Mainstream interest in 2.6 is pretty much zero, just reddit and SC forums.
I didn't realise you could get a refund. I'm all in to the tune a few thousand £, but probably won't ever play if the VR implementation isn't ever prioritised. Not sure I'd want a refund though.

If you have put thousands of pounds into a game that is turning into something you expect to never even play, why on Earth would you not want a refund? What kind of logic is that?
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