Very expensive Turkey for Crytek at Christmas..
Very expensive Turkey for Crytek at Christmas..
Very expensive Turkey for Crytek at Christmas..
So you can't pay your employees wages, but you can invest $500m. Colour me confused. [???]
See here for an example of a backer in for $5000 currently seeking a refund: didn't realise you could get a refund. I'm all in to the tune a few thousand £, but probably won't ever play if the VR implementation isn't ever prioritised. Not sure I'd want a refund though.
See here for an example of a backer in for $5000 currently seeking a refund:
You don't need Lumberyard for those.
Lol VR support hasn't been dropped lol as a matter of fact the engine just got updated with even more VR compability... [rolleyes]
Star Citizen is in active development , we already have 1st & 3rd Person animations integrated, we have visual stabilization, we have the head detached from the body and diegetic user interface.
Overall god report, but no way Q1, but ObsidianAnt most likely don't obsess over details about SC as we do.
PU framerate is miserable and it looks buggy. AC looks more eye candy, combat still....meh.
OA has more sense than to stick his face in this sarcastic salt-mine of a thread. Makes for a nice objective viewpoint.
Yeah, he seems to be genuinely happy about all good looking space games, although to be fair, he didn't recommend backing SC at this point, and mentioned bugs and issues.
Last note though - that radar jumping around is really distracting. Not sure who thought that is good idea.
Overall god report, but no way Q1, but ObsidianAnt most likely don't obsess over details about SC as we do.
PU framerate looks jaggy and it feels buggy. AC looks more eye candy, but combat still feels very floaty, but I guess it is matter of taste.
Yeah well balanced and down to earth report.....I agree mostly except the FM I am still kind on the fence.......In my opinion there is some positive FM changes as he claim but most of the dog fights will turn into the turret-fest as usual.....
Head bob in general is a stupid idea, imo. Yes, IRL our heads bob when we walk/run, but our brains are wired up such that we don't notice it: Undoing that is something I find incredibly immersion breaking...
Hopefully there'll be a toggle for it down the line.
It's kind of funny how that whole cycle of style keeps going 'round.
In the olden days, there was no headbob because that would be too costly to render. Then 3D came and made it possible, and everyone threw in headbob because obviously your head bobs (just go back and play OG Half-Life… brrr). Then everyone figured out that it just looked bad and wasn't even that realistic — what matters is what we perceive, not how things actually are.
But at the same time, as graphics became better, the “cinematic” ideal became more possible, so other nonsensical stuff was introduced — lens flares, or motion blur, or depth of field. Artefacts from the inherent flaws of film cameras were replicated because they could be replicated, and because we have spent decades learning that these imperfections “look good.” Then some numpty made shaky-cam popular, and before long, that appeared in video games as well… and soon, we were back to that now doubly nonsensical headbob.
If it does nothing else, I'd praise the advent of VR for finally forcing developers to get rid of that visual junk and start letting the brain do its own processing, which is where it should have happened all along.