I think the answer that was given saying that 2.7 probably will have Nyx was also the one that basically outlined what he considers the MVP for SC
"Q: I feel like it's some time ago now since we last heard about Nyx. Back then it sounded like it was very close to being finished. Is Nyx still in the works, and if so when will we see it?
Chris Roberts:
Ah-ha! Well that's a GOOD QUESTION. So, uhm... you are DEFINITELY going to see NYX, uhm... we are going to put it in the short term in the STANTON SYSTEM so you will see the LANDING ahhh... environments LIKE NYX um, all, um DEBUTING with... the ahh... PROCEDURAL ahhh... PLANETS sort of... ITERATION of... STANTON... so that's kinda what we, we've been working on, it's one of the reasons why YOU HAVEN'T REALLY SEEN MUCH UPDATES, the... the LANDING AREA and the ENVIRONMENT is DONE... uhm... but now it's all about INTEGRATING it into the BIG HUGE STAR SYSTEM and the whole, ah, you know... how it gets integrated into ah... the PLANETARY TECH and how that streams in when you get... as you ARRIVE to it so it's all SEAMLESS there's no LOADING SCREENS... ahm so we're all actually quite HARD AT WORK uhm, doing that so I think that's... ah... what you'll be seeing when, ah... when... you'll basically see NYX with ah... TWO POINT SEVEN
Ahm and ah... then we'll just carry on to expand beyond that, you know, ah... we won't have ARC CORP in with TWO POINT SEVEN but... you know... not... too... far past that then you'll have ARC CORP and you'll go and land in the planet... ON the planet in the SYSTEM not have to go to a separate LOAD SCREEN so... the WHOLE GOAL IS uhm, to get... to... you just ENTER the PEE EWE MINI PEE EWE and you FLY AROUND between LANDING LOCATIONS whether they're on PLANETS aaahhh... whether they're SPACE STATIONS and you do your MISSIONS you TRADE you make some MONEY upgrade your SHIP and you know that's... that's the CORE um... GAME LOOP of course that we've talked about for STAR CITIZEN and ah... so we're... we're WORKING TOWARDS that all sort of coming together uhm... BY THE END OF THIS YEAR"
Basically, a couple landing pads, a couple stations and some basic missions. That's what they've talked about as the core game loop. Guess we just misunderstood all the rest of that stuff, like the 100 systems at launch, mining, agriculture, manufacturing nodes, etc etc.
Even more happy I didn't sign that new ToS.