I think there are 3 basic things at play here.
A) What CIG says will happen in the game in livestreams, marketing, etc. (The Hype)
B) What actually does happen in the game (The Result)
C) What players personally want/enjoy in the game (The Fun Factor)
Some people are quite focused on A vs B, whereas I pay very little attention to A. I'm mainly focused on C (which is the result of B).
If the ships have physics, great. If they don't, great. Are they fun to fly? For me, yes. I really don't care about the code mechanics.
I don't watch the all streams, read every update, scan through all the email updates, etc. I've seen people here talking about the "oxygen-blood modeling" more than once - I'm guessing that's some wild thing that Chris discussed, wanting the Player's blood & O2 to be based on realism. At the base level, it could simply mean that The Result will be that a player uses more O2 and looses more Blood when they are running, vs standing still. Maybe CIG has a few people wearing a FitBit and culling the results. Who knows. I know who really doesn't care much about the marketing vs mechanics of blood/O2 - that's me.
I mean - sure, it's a great topic to harp on, make a meme, poke at, whatever. And if A vs B is really important to you, then I get why it might be so important. But realize that A vs B is NOT what 100% of the players are concerned with. Some of us are mostly just interested in C.
That's not to say that A isn't relevant to me. Of course, Cargo Shipment isn't in the game yet. And I'm hoping/expecting it will be. But this micro-analysis of every single thing Chris has ever said - I'm really more concerned with the patch notes, than last week's Roundtable Discussion Podcast.