The Star Citizen Thread v5

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Go look in the archived forums and you'll see all the stuff that was suppose to happen which wont, offline was just the easiest and most obvious. I am happy you got what you wanted, some of us didn't.

You know how Christ Roberts says they'll launch with a MVP smaller feature set then add the stretch goals people have already paid for if they get enough sales/funding from people buying more stuff?

This is kind of like that only FDev didn't take loads of our money in advance - those features are being added in subsequent seasons e.g. planetary landings.

Can we stick to Star Citizen rather than "here's a load of scattershot at Elite because it's all I've got"?
I recall that cig said they would spend January planning 3.0 (despite saying it was ready to be delivered end 2016) and would share the plan, confirming, I suppose, content and a revised delivery date.

Has anyone heard a glimmer from them? I'm assuming this is yet another no-show from cig?
It's a little odd we've not had news - this seems a bit out of date?

Like I said SC and ED went opposite routes. One cut stuff to keep the deadline the other added stuff and pushed the deadline way way further.
I'm half convinced the feature creep in SC has (at least partly) been used to obfuscate the fact that they weren't going to hit their original deadlines in the first place. It makes a very convenient excuse, provided you can keep the backers credulous enough to keep paying.

Bare in mind they still haven't come anywhere near completing their original feature set, never mind all the stuff they added later, and Squadron 42's original release date was 2014.
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I'm half convinced the feature creep in SC has (at least partly) been used to obfuscate the fact that they weren't going to hit their original deadlines in the first place. It makes a very convenient excuse, provided you can keep the backers credulous enough to keep paying.

Bare in mind they still haven't come anywhere near completing their original feature set, never mind all the stuff they added later, and Squadron 42's original release date was 2014.

Not really the original KS made what 2 or 3 mil. That's like what less than 3% of what they have so yeah they made the right choice. I do think they need to stop selling ships though.

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You know how Christ Roberts says they'll launch with a MVP smaller feature set then add the stretch goals people have already paid for if they get enough sales/funding from people buying more stuff?

This is kind of like that only FDev didn't take loads of our money in advance - those features are being added in subsequent seasons e.g. planetary landings.

Can we stick to Star Citizen rather than "here's a load of scattershot at Elite because it's all I've got"?

Ah but they will sell these season to you wont they. Btw it not scattershot at ED I have made it quite clear I hope ED does well with future seasons but it bothersome to try and discuss SC when obvious ED fans keep telling us we are foolish to spend money on SC or we didn't buy the game but pre ordered it or we are wrong to XYZ and SC failed this and that but ED is 100% a perfect holy example etc etc
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Fact checking - original KS made 7m, biggest KS at that point. Before KS there was another form of crowdfunding where they got 1M - 2M and did their Star Citizen demo from that money.
Not really the original KS made what 2 or 3 mil. That's like what less than 3% of what they have so yeah they made the right choice.
What you're saying here doesn't contradict my point that they might have kept adding feature creep to hide the fact they couldn't make the original pitch on time (and therefore on budget).

It's pretty clear they couldn't, considering they haven't even managed it three years past their original deadline with a budget an order of magnitude larger.
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Fact checking - original KS made 7m, biggest KS at that point. Before KS there was another form of crowdfunding where they got 1M - 2M and did their Star Citizen demo from that money.

Actually your mistaken. You got it turned around KS ended with *look down* then went on to crowdfund from their website.

34,397 backers pledged $2,134,374 to help bring this project to life.

Last news I saw was them switching to amazon lumberyard and opening new regional servers.
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SC keeping a deadline HA! I would love to see that *chuckles*

Tippis that link doesn't work.

It works now. By the way, according to the funding spreadsheet, CIG did collect 6.2 million dollars by the day Kickstarter has ended. I think they were having an auxiliary funding campaing simultaneously.
It works now. By the way, according to the funding spreadsheet, CIG did collect 6.2 million dollars by the day Kickstarter has ended. I think they were having an auxiliary funding campaing simultaneously.

Ah yes but it wasn't from the KS. Had a google to refresh my memory and they did KS and crowdfunded from their own website at the same time. for a total of 6.2m which only 2.1m from KS itself.

That said.... 2.1m or 7m big whoopie my statement stands they could easily refund the 7m and that's still less than 7% of their crowdfunding so....

... don't delay to make 7% happy or delay to make the other 93% choose.
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Ah but they will sell these season to you wont they. Btw it not scattershot at ED I have made it quite clear I hope ED does well with future seasons but it bothersome to try and discuss SC when obvious ED fans keep telling us we are foolish to spend money on SC or we didn't buy the game but pre ordered it or we are wrong to XYZ and SC failed this and that but ED is 100% a perfect holy example etc etc

Yup and nothing wrong with that.

The trouble is the last megasentence - nobody literally nobody has claimed that here. You're talking to people who simply aren't present if you think that

And this is an Elite forum, there are likely to be obvious fans and they're allowed to have opinions. You don't have to try and stop them - most of them are keen to see SC (or at least Sq42) and just frustrated at the sideways progress
Yup and nothing wrong with that.

The trouble is the last megasentence - nobody literally nobody has claimed that here. You're talking to people who simply aren't present if you think that

And this is an Elite forum, there are likely to be obvious fans and they're allowed to have opinions. You don't have to try and stop them - most of them are keen to see SC (or at least Sq42) and just frustrated at the sideways progress

There's also nothing wrong with pushing back deadlines to get something done right.

I have no problem with Elite fans saying ED is the holy grail and expressing their love of ED.

I however have a problem when those same people try and and nitpick terms SC enthusiasts use and generally act passive aggressively rather than live and let live. Just go back one page from here in this thread and you can see atleast two people jumping down SC enthusiast throats.

I wont name names but it's not you or the last few posters. ;)

I understand the frustrations though, I really want to see Squadron 42 come to life before I die of old age!
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I have no problem with Elite fans saying ED is the holy grail and expressing their love of ED.

I however have a problem when those same people try and and nitpick terms SC enthusiasts use and generally act passive aggressively rather than live and let live. Just go back one page from here in this thread and you can see atleast two people jumping down SC enthusiast throats.
Really sorry but are you sure those very same people are busy saying ED is the holy grail?

I think you're reacting against a much more aggressively polarised stance than posters on here actually take
I understand the frustrations though, I really want to see Squadron 42 come to life before I die of old age!
It's the only bit I'm really interested in! Should have been so easy
Just a reminder to Space Dandy that this tiny part of the ED forum is to talk about Star Citizen, not compare it with ED.
There are other places to complain/whine about ED.
Just not here.
Raising concerns about validity of heavily marketed claims isn't "nitpicking".

Ofc it isn't but that wasn't what I was talking about and I wasn't talking about you if that's what you think.

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Just a reminder to Space Dandy that this tiny part of the ED forum is to talk about Star Citizen, not compare it with ED.
There are other places to complain/whine about ED.
Just not here.

See this is the kind of thing that I mean, I came here to talk about SC instead immediately found a couple people bashing some people talking about SC cause ED this and that but when we try and refute the comparison we are the ones somehow in the wrong?

This is about SC sure but if someone quotes us and goes on about ED we have every right to reply in kind cause lets face it they are both space games so are bound to be used in comparison same as they are both crowd funded game on top of it so again will be compared.

Also I dislike your insinuation that I came here to "whine" about ED. If there a rule we can't talk about ED in this thread then I expect no talk period of ED in it... be it positive as well as negative.
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I swear, if this forum didn't have a cursing filter, I'd be lighting up this post filled with them. So just imagine the stream of adult words I'm wishing I could type.

When some people say they bought the game, they get criticized by others saying "You didn't buy anything. You supported it with a donation on Kickstarter." When I say I donated, I'm being told it's some mental safespace, and that I bought it.

Use whatever word you want to describe "I have a Star Citizen account and I can play in the Public Universe. This was the result of a bank transaction between RSI and myself."


I feel exactly as you do. I came here in good faith to talk about SC but doesn't look like that will happen. It's a shame really but it's difficult to have a conversation when you dunno what word or term will set some people off.
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