Doubts and concerns have been part of this project ever since:
Remember back in 2014 how people doubted that CIG could create large seamless large maps in Cryengine? It got done.
We know that CIG have done their 64-bit addressing updates, but have we seen a single map that's anywhere near the size promised yet? Progress, for sure, still not demonstrated fully.
There's also the slight problem that all of these updates may have completely wrecked the CryEngine/LumberYard update path, which would mean more work for CIG to introduce new features in the future.
Or that they couldn't make multiple physics grids work and allow for people seamless walk inside moving ships in a 3D environment while operating turrets, engaging in FPS or simply change seats? They did it.
We'll forget all the problems with people clipping through walls from one grid to another, shall we? Not saying that they haven't progressed again, but it's not entirely stable is it?
There also seems to be fundamental issues with physics handling as a whole (wooo zero mass!) so we have no idea when all of that will be locked down. Much as we may rag on FDev, their basic physics model has been stable since the very beginning... well, most of the time, the spinning ships bug that was briefly in the game was pretty funny.
That they wouldn't be able to "stitch" together the different modules of FPS, EVA, Multicrew, Space Flight into one cohesive package? They did it.
Cohesive is a subjective opinion! I also don't see why you have EVA as something special, ditto multicrew as multi-player crewed vehicles is not a new thing. I've played games that have most of the items you describe here - maybe not all in the same place - so I have a real problem seeing how this is in any way revolutionary...
Or, rather, stitching the elements together isn't the problem in and of itself, rather can a convincing game be made of the component parts. And this is subjective!
That they wouldn't be able to iron out FPS servers with good FPS and PING for more than 4-6-8-10-12-16-18 players? They did it.
You are 2 or 3 orders of magnitude under what is being promised:
1 player - FPS, done that, CryEngine is a decent choice
10 player - CryEngine not really best choice. OK, CIG have updates planned but they are not at, say, the accuracy of something like CSGO (10 players, up to 120 tick/sec IIRC). SC is here, currently.
100 players - There is no current multi-player FPS that runs with this number of people in a map.
1000 players - Planetside 2 got up here, but it was essentially broken as an experience.
10000 players - Run this in real-time??
100000 players - Well, as there will never be 100000 players simultaneously active in SC I think that we can write this off. CSGO and DOTA 2 are the only games on Steam to top this figure today.
You're telling me that CIG seriously think that they can even break the 100 player mark for a twitch-based shooter? You'restarting to run into problems with the laws of physics vs basic maths at this point.
That they wouldn't be able to do seamless planetary landings (TBF Chris Roberts himself said it wouldn't have at the beginning, before magic Germans and all). They did it.
They haven't done this yet, have they? You should really not put this on the list.
The progress is in plain sight, game keeps on getting better and better and we constantly see CIG actively seeking and pushing to make the best game possible!
There are plenty of talented folks at CIG's coalface. The problem is elsewhere. Management are coming up with statements about still looking for fundamental technologies this far into development does not bode well.
And as for plain sight, where's the gameplay that was promised for CitizenCon?
And all of this with a "buggy tech demo", can't wait for when they actually release the 3.0 version of their "buggy tech demo" [praise]
Buggy - Well, it is buggy. Or, rather, "alpha" as some people might say.
Tech demo - Until you've got the gameplay loop in place that is all that it is: getting the various components to function in-engine. Again, to note, CIG haven't fully committed to all of the technology yet therefore it can't seriously be considered as anything else.
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