The Reasons You'll Want to Play Star Citizen
A huge universe to explore, trade and adventure in
Space is unending, endless and so are your opportunities. Strike out to make your fortune amongst the Stars or sign-up for a tour of duty in the UEE Fleet.
Constantly expanding and evolving universe
We’re committed to making Star Citizen a living, breathing universe that is its own entity. It will be a constantly shifting and evolving place for players to explore and affect.
Micro updates rule!
We’re not interested in having yearly updates. Once live, we will have a team of people adding content on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. So we’ll always be adding data, stories and campaigns as well as reacting to the needs and actions of the players.
Squadron 42 - A Wing Commander style single player mode, playable OFFLINE if you want
Playable offline or online, co-op with friends, you sign up for a tour of duty with the UEE fleet, manning the front lines, protecting settlements from Vanduul warbands.
Life during wartime
If you distinguish yourself in combat, you might be invited to join the legendary 42nd Squadron. Much like the French Foreign Legion of old, they can always be found in the toughest areas of operation and always snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, regardless of the odds.
The conflict never ends
Upon completion of your tour you’ll re-enter the persistent Star Citizen universe with some credits in your pocket and Citizenship to help you make your way. But in the universe of Star Citizen when one conflict ends, another is just around the corner. You’ll have opportunity to spend more time with your squadron mates as additional Campaigns are released as part of the content update plan.
Actions of the players impact the universe and become part of its history and lore
The universe will change based on the players' actions and adventures allowing them to become part of the history of the universe. As an example, players can scan for gravitational anomalies while out in space. If one is discovered and the player manages to successfully navigate this uncharted jump point, they’ll be able to sell their Nav- Computers recording of their jump flight path for a great profit to a space company for other users to download. But the real prize is getting the system or jump-point named after them!
Allowing user generated content is a key design goal
Our modding tools will allow players to design new ships for both submission to the persistent RSI ship dealer network or to build custom ships and items for the self-hosted multiplayer mode.
It’s about the gameplay and your interactions with others
We plan to put a lot of social ideas in the universe. Since the universe is dynamic, it will create some divisions and factions. For example, it’s a perfectly valid choice not to be a Citizen and operate outside the protection of Earth. We think there will be people that gravitate to crime or helping enforce the law or defending the galaxy from the alien raiders or just accumulating as much money as possible. We want to include all these social divisions so players will gravitate to one or the other much like the real world operates.
Fully dynamic economy driven by player actions
If too many people fly iron ore to the smelting plants of New Pittsburgh, steel prices will drop. Buy low… sell high… you hope.
The cost of society
In game trade landing and trade tariffs pay for law and order in the civilized systems. Want to make a bigger profit? Try the outer world - outside earth’s infrastructure and protection. The downside? No military or local police to protect you from an opportunistic pirate!
Money isn’t everything
You could be a trader, a miner or an industrial magnate. Amass great wealth or just run enough missions to earn a comfortable living and upgrades for your ship.
Space is empty but you’re never really alone
If caught alone in an online ambush, send a distress broadcast to your friends and if they’re nearby they can jump in-system to save your bacon. In each combat instance player slots are reserved for your friends so you can rally forces to join you in combat!
Bigger ships offer bigger multi-player action
On larger ships, friends can join you to man turrets, repair systems, or switch with you on the pilot’s chair. Think the Millennium Falcon with Han-Solo piloting and Luke on the turret.
Full rigid body simulation of all spaceships
You wanted proper Newtonian mechanics. You got it! Spaceships adjust their trajectory and orientation just like the real thing.
Intelligent Flight Control System (IFCS)
Like a modern day F-35, the ships have fly by wire systems which take the player’s inputs and then translate them into the commands for the ship’s engine and thrusters to articulate and deliver the required thrust to achieve the pilot’s request.
Dynamic Ship Maneuverability
Ship’s performance is calculated dynamically based on various physical variables and the ability of your jet maneuvering to deliver thrust towards a requested vector. What does this mean? Infinite customization with component damage, mass or energy changes affecting maneuverability on the fly – allowing for endless combat strategies and results.
Ship Components matter!
Because we are fully simulating the physics and flight dynamics, the actual components matter. If a port thruster is damaged, it will affect your maneuverability organically. If you upgrade your thruster package with enhanced thrusters that gimbal faster and deliver more thrust it will affect your performance. Dump cargo, you may be able to get the edge in turning in a dogfight.
10X the detail of current AAA games
Most current gen “AAA” games have around 10,000 polygons for a character and 30,000 or so for a vehicle. In Star Citizen, the characters are detailed at 100,000 polygons, the fighter at 300,000 and the Space Carrier 7 million! This allows unparalleled detail, making the visuals more immersive than has ever been achieved before.
Everything you would imagine would move or articulate on a spaceship or a device – does!
Every spaceship is built from 100s of sub-components, many of them moving and articulating just like they would in the “real” world. If a component gets damaged during combat be prepared to feel the effects on your ship.
Range of scale never seen before in a game
From a vast 1km long carrier to a 27m fighter, to your 1.8m tall pilot, Everything is rendered and to the same level of detail. Zoom in to the paneling of the carrier and its texel density is the same as the 27m fighter. All without a load screen or loss of visual fidelity.
Really feel the scale of ships and space battles
Because of the ability of the game to scale seamlessly you could be looking out the windows on the bridge of a carrier watching the battle unfold or jump into a cockpit and take the fight to the enemy.
Joystick, gamepad, mouse, keyboard are all supported.
We’ve all got our preferences, so why be forced to choose?
Advanced peripheral support
As part of commitment to high end gaming we are dedicated to supporting the more exotic enthusiast peripherals; HOTAS, flight chair, rudder pedals. It’s all about the immersion and if you've got the equipment we want to support it!
Virtual Reality is here!
We have backed Oculus Rift and will support it in Star Citizen / Squadron 42. Who doesn't want to sit in their cockpit, hands on your joystick and throttle, swiveling your head, to track that enemy fighter that just blew by?
Next generation, TODAY
Built on top of Crytek’s award winning CryEngine3 technology, Star Citizen’s engine is built to scale for the PC’s of today and tomorrow.
A PC gaming enthusiast’s friend!
As you upgrade your PC, Star Citizen will take advantage of your extra processor cores, memory or GPUs. This is why you’re a PC gamer – you love being on the cutting edge, not stuck in the past!
Today’s game publishers, like their Hollywood counterparts, want predictable returns from sequels to last year’s hits. A game in an out- of-favor genre, set in an original universe is viewed as a bad investment. And the concept of developing a new product exclusively for the PC sends publishing executives and most Venture Capitalists running for the exits.
And that hero is you, the unappreciated PC gamer. The ignored Space Sim fan.
This is your chance to have your voice heard. To tell the world that high end PC gaming lives. That you want to sit in the cockpit of your space fighter defending the galaxy or making your fortune as a wily entrepreneur.
Star Citizen is meant to be everything you ever dreamed you could have in a Space-Sim, all in one glorious ever-evolving package.