The Star Citizen Thread v5

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We've seen the same thing here over the years the various cult minded posters well they come...and they go never to be seen again.


I didn't read the last 5000 pages of any Star Citizen threads online, but here's my up-to-date opinion about all this:

Too much talk, too much discussions of little details and obvious scam-sales scheme, too much wait beyond what was estimated/promised, too much false advertising, too much donations of individuals, too much promises, too much buzzwords and micro-details to appear in magazines/articles to try to scam more people, or for fancy screenshots or for youtube videos... and in the end... all that for basically nothing, no game, just meh...

Duke Nukem Forever or any other failed game of the history of the game industry deserves more attention and talking than this.

People of reality shows like Georgie Shore deserve more fan-base and attention than any of the devs or marketing people behind this project are getting.

End of Story.
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That sub just confuses me. I wondered at first if it was a parody, but it appears legit. People really do sit hating on DS... i mean, its not like DS is Kim Cardassian or anything. Let's be honest here, Derek in the wider world is a nobody (Sorry Derek, but its true), he's only famous in a relatively small circle, and that's mainly because of his campaign against SC which all kicked off around the time of the Escapist article.

I can only think they feel that DS threatens the existence of SC, when the real threat to the game comes from within CIG, not any external force. Of course, should SC fail, then they will be pointing to DS or other reasons as the reason for that failure.

It will of course be highly amusing, i think DS might also find it amusing "1 man singlehandedly brings down 140+ million funded project from the outside! Here are 10 ways in which he did it! Number 7 will shock you!"

Though infamous better explains it; the reason this whole "Derek Smart vs CIG" took off is because the media took my July blog statement (you did read this "How I got involved" blog, right?) and made news out of it.

If I were just some guy around the block, nobody would care; let alone make it media news. This is evidenced by the fact that the alarm that I was raising, had already been raised long before I brought a pulpit, a megaphone, a flamethrower, and asbestos knickers with me.

I just happened to be a notable developer who was not only known for making vastly ambitious space combat games, but also rumored to be in some competition (it's rubbish) with Chris Roberts from decades ago.

Funny thing is that, some of the media people who were using me as the spear of dissent, didn't quite reconcile the fact that I could be right. All that some of them saw was click-bait, and a chance to create headlines with me as the scapegoat.

Naturally it backfired spectacularly.

Then CIG made the one mistake that they're still paying for. They made it personal, then issued a bogus press release that was designed to vilify me. When they couldn't prove their statements made, that too backfired (in typical CIG fashion).

At that point, /r/ds was formed when the creators (also the purveyors of profit who run /r/starcitizen_trades) decided that I was a threat to their income. Then the anti-social clowns showed up and started using it as a staging ground to wage a proxy war obo of their ilk and CIG. And there, they've done everything from harassment and attacks, to outright doxing (most of the time involving people who aren't even me), under the guise of "archiving". Yet, they're very upset that their activities aren't encouraged anywhere else, not even in /r/StarCitizen. So they remain quarantined and coraled in /r/ds. Like cattle.

The Escapist didn't get involved until months (Oct) later, after my blog about the ToS changes went live, along with my well publicized legal action against CIG.

Then croberts and his crony Ortwin, in their infinite wisdom, took the nuclear option and came after me, the article writer, and the site.

That too backfired.

The rest is history.

- - - Updated - - -

Yup. Some thought DS was claiming CR literally send him a schedule personally, and they were doubting that. When pointed out he was referring to the schedule they all got, some thought DS was pretending to personally have gotten a schedule from CR. Its like a tasteless parody of autism. If these guys are for real crap will really hit the fan once they realize they wont get what they want...

Well, think about this: these are people still furiously throwing money into a dumpster fire only because they feel that if they don't do that, then the day will come when "Derek Smart was right' becomes a major reality.

- - - Updated - - -

The Reddit DS thread clearly only exists because of the participants' own insecurity about SC. If they were half as confident about it coming to fruition as they make out, they would simply ignore him. Instead they broadcast DS's comments to an audience that has mostly never heard of him, making him seem all the more significant. Stupid beyond words...

Yes. Which is why I've always stated that they are the worst thing that could ever have happened to the project. Bar none.
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Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
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I didn't read the last 5000 pages of any Star Citizen threads online, but here's my up-to-date opinion about all this:

Too much talk, too much discussions of little details and obvious scam-sales scheme, too much wait beyond what was estimated/promised, too much false advertising, too much donations of individuals, too much promises, too much buzzwords and micro-details to appear in magazines/articles to try to scam more people, or for fancy screenshots or for youtube videos... and in the end... all that for basically nothing, no game, just meh...

Duke Nukem Forever or any other failed game of the history of the game industry deserves more attention and talking than this.

People of reality shows like Georgie Shore deserve more fan-base and attention than any of the devs or marketing people behind this project are getting.

End of Story.

Star Citizen: Too Much of Everything and still being nothing


derek is just salty, he has no business in attacking cig at the first place anyway, especially given his capacity as self proclaimed lod developer which is in more or less the same state as star citizen even to this very second, 1 BILLION dollar or not, pretty irrelevant, using money and popularity excuse to differ his game and his company (and his own self) from sc and cig (and croberts) doesn't really work when one know he has the exact same crap with his lod game... it's a perfect example of the saying that one who live in a glass house shouldn't throw rock.

derek, croberts... same crap different name, and actually one might as well say that derek is worse because croberts didn't attck derek first.

fun fact, derek didn't refund his customer on steam, despite his parade on how he got refund from cig, say a lot about the whole shenangians.

another example, derek making fun of cig censorship? newsflash, he himself censored his game steam forum.

and where is that game anyway? as vaporware as star citizen, hence derek = croberts.

Having reported your post as instructed, I am only going to address the two blatant falsehoods which you guys over on /r/ds like to parrot

1) Steam handles refunds. The developers and publishers have no control over that

2) We censor and police our Steam forums just anyone else else (including this forum) would

3) The notion that LoD is vaporware, is hilarious - on merits alone. But do feel free to compare a self-funded indie game developed with less than a dozen people, to a $146 million crowd-funded game which over 500 people have been involved in

- - - Updated - - -

Well this explains why they're heavily pushing that Drake. The sales have completely flat-lined. It's almost as if they need the money.


ps: VD = Valentines Day
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Getting back on-topic after that unsuccessful attempt to derail the thread...

SomethingAwful forum regular Hav has posted a list, compiled by the still missing-in-action Something Jones, of all the stretch goals that CIG have so far failed to deliver to their faithful backers.

(It's a bloody long list so it is going behind a spoilers tag for brevity.)

Stretch Goals Not Delivered
Professional Mod Tools
100 Star Systems
RSI Class II space suit.
Hibernation Mode (Saving your game)
“Behind the Scenes of Star Citizen” documentary film
Escort Carrier, digital 42-page “overclock” Upgrade Handbook
Ship engine modifier upgrade package, Battlecruiser
Pre-launch backers get exclusive star system
Jane’s Fighting Ships style manual, Manage Space Stations, RSI Museum will air monthly. They tried RSI Museum but gave up on it.
Planetside FPS combat.

Salvage Mechanic.
Enhanced Mission Design for Squadron 42.
Tamsa System.
Tanga System.
Cano System.
UDS-2943-01-22 System.
Kabal System, Oretani System.
Procedural Generation R&D Team. (With the December 2015 “Pupil to Planet” video, they claim procedural generation teams are doing stuff.)
Omni Role Combat Armor (ORC) mk9
Stellar Cartography (It’s defined as a map room that’s in the game directly, not to be confused with the $51 Million Map goal)

Hadesian Artifact
Updated Scanning Software.
Engine Tuning Kit.
Retaliator Commercial. Still in the plans. It’s not happening near term because all our cinematic folks are working on SQ42… but it’s a stretch goal and we will get to it.
Alien Languages. (“We will work with real-world linguists to create distinctive and realistic alien languages for Star Citizen’s three biggest alien races, the Vanduul, the Xi’An and the Banu.”)
Independent Arbitrator’s Guild.
More Detailed AI Activities.
Ballistic Gatling.
Anvil Aerospace Crucible. Last seen as being in the “Concept Phase” as of Dec 2015/Jan 2016.
Espera Prowler.

Genesis-class Starliner.
MISC Reliant. (It’s in the hanger, only marked Red because you can’t fly it yet. Video Proof)
Enhanced Ship Modularity.

Features advertised but not delivered
Rentable ships
Some ships with artificial gravity (or not)
Different HUDs for different ships
Hull Breaches
Shuttles for larger ships to land on planets
Banu ports and stations for trading
Parking smaller ships in the Idris
Inertia on objects not anchored on ships
Beam weapons for larger ships

Tractor beams and EVA for cargo
EVA ship repair
Wreck exploration
Benefits for ejecting from a ship about to explode
Wreckage as a navigational hazard
Using inertia for flight rather than burning fuel all the time
Dangerous and Dynamic Jump Points
Changeable gravity systems for ships
Booby traps and trackers for cargo
Detailed navigation system

Weapon slaving
Detailed ship destruction for large ships
Ship repair and cleanliness/degradation
Ship Trade-in and buying used ships, naming your ship
Manual and auto-docking
Customizable AI voices for different aspects of your ship
Organization Infiltration
Playing as another alien race
Relaying radar information to C&C Center
Run your own business

In depth non-FTL communication
Bounty hunting system
Player influenced politics
In-game VOIP and “Live Driver”
Track IR Support
Shareable star map locations
Group mining operations
In-fiction “Live Team” that will report player driven events as in-fiction news
Dynamic population count
Character damage and aging

Character histories and/or ancestral trees
Large scale dynamic events
Player Rating System
Taxes for Organizations
Dead (Wounded) body recovery
Player or organization ran medical facilities
User generated content
Shared organization hangars
Combined arms missions
Location for contributors’ names to be found in the PU

Organization reputation system
Damageable cyborg limbs and cybernetic repair facilities
Dynamic social interaction with NPCs
Space creatures
Planet day/night cycle
Cargo damage (item damage)
Potential In-game “Voice Attack” system

NPC Generation
Docking and Undocking Tech
Realistic Audio Options
Personally Owned NPCs
Tri-Monitor Support
Your Name in the Game
Getting Everyone into the Same Instance
More Economical or Versatile Corvettes

Planetary Ship Entry
Repair and Items System Capability
Manned Turrets
Character Customization
Ship connected to User Online/Offline Status
Picking Up Objects On Planets
Multi-Monitor HUD
Large Ship Damage Control Lockers
Dogfights Through Space Stations
Ship Persistence

Stealth Game Play
Ability for Privateers/Corsairs/Buccaneers
Landing on Planets
Procedurally-Generated Environments
Starfarer's Refueling Mechanic
Anchoring to an Asteroid
Kill Boards
NPC ranks
Thruster Trails

Non-Lethal Combat Modules
Raid Supply Shipments
Owning an Alien Ship
Hidden Ship Compartments
Catapulting Through Space
Locking Ships
Jury Rig Repairing
Dynamic Weather
Automatic Battle Flight Pattern
Living Spaces

Insurance for Pilots
Escape Pods
Personal Armor (FPS)
Extreme Ship Maneuvers
Start up Sequence for Large Multi-Crew Ships
Voice Commands
Remotely Hacking Ships
Pacing NPC's
Incentives to keep your orginal Ship's Hull

Game Generated Missions
Communication Between Two Ships
Ship Armor
Controlled and Uncontrolled Space
NPC Crews
Guild Wars
Inflation and Deflation
Hiring NPC's for missions
Travelling in Fleets

Tactical Game modes in FPS
Trading weapons in the FPS
Bounty Hunting
Player Generated Content
Assigning Ships to Landing Zones
UI Customization
Radar features
Future Playable Maps
Ships Developed by the Community
Warning NPC's of Attack

NPC crew AI
Clothing Damage
Character Creator
Interior Damage System
Roaming Floating Structures
Vehicles for Planetside
NPC dialogue
Electronic Warfare in the PU
Player Owned Cargo Space
NPC population in the PU

Salvaging Mechanic
Ship Aging
Linux Client
In game Banking
Medic and Surgeon Skill progression
Mining and resource gathering
Fabricate weapons/armor/ship parts
FPS Armor Types
Join in-progress free flight games

Hangar parties & instancing
Physical grappling beam
Multicrew keycards
Repairing Gold Horizon Space Stations
Natural areas in the 'Verse
FPS environmental hazards
Store ore in your hangar
Organic ships
Ship spoofing

Non-combat ships
Search players for weapons
Flying a ship without a hud
Starting wars between the different races
Tractor Beams
NPCs react to weapons
Drop pods
Limb Damage
Bounty Hunting
Org recruiting NPCs

NPCs using different loadouts
Resource Spawning
NPC & Human scanning
Location based damage for pets

(Credit: SomethingJones)

So, how's that 3.0 coming along Chris? It's just around the corner is it now?
The team have been working hard on all of these, and soon there will be a meeting to decide if there will be a meeting about the go/no-go of a meeting to schedule the previous meeting.

They are only a few days away from showing wondrous levels of fidelity that you'll need to upgrade your fidelity sensors to see just how wondrous it really is. Meanwhile, buy an Idris.


Volunteer Moderator
Getting back on-topic after that unsuccessful attempt to derail the thread...

SomethingAwful forum regular Hav has posted a list, compiled by the still missing-in-action Something Jones, of all the stretch goals that CIG have so far failed to deliver to their faithful backers.

(It's a bloody long list so it is going behind a spoilers tag for brevity.)

Stretch Goals Not Delivered
Professional Mod Tools
100 Star Systems
RSI Class II space suit.
Hibernation Mode (Saving your game)
“Behind the Scenes of Star Citizen” documentary film
Escort Carrier, digital 42-page “overclock” Upgrade Handbook
Ship engine modifier upgrade package, Battlecruiser
Pre-launch backers get exclusive star system
Jane’s Fighting Ships style manual, Manage Space Stations, RSI Museum will air monthly. They tried RSI Museum but gave up on it.
Planetside FPS combat.

Salvage Mechanic.
Enhanced Mission Design for Squadron 42.
Tamsa System.
Tanga System.
Cano System.
UDS-2943-01-22 System.
Kabal System, Oretani System.
Procedural Generation R&D Team. (With the December 2015 “Pupil to Planet” video, they claim procedural generation teams are doing stuff.)
Omni Role Combat Armor (ORC) mk9
Stellar Cartography (It’s defined as a map room that’s in the game directly, not to be confused with the $51 Million Map goal)

Hadesian Artifact
Updated Scanning Software.
Engine Tuning Kit.
Retaliator Commercial. Still in the plans. It’s not happening near term because all our cinematic folks are working on SQ42… but it’s a stretch goal and we will get to it.
Alien Languages. (“We will work with real-world linguists to create distinctive and realistic alien languages for Star Citizen’s three biggest alien races, the Vanduul, the Xi’An and the Banu.”)
Independent Arbitrator’s Guild.
More Detailed AI Activities.
Ballistic Gatling.
Anvil Aerospace Crucible. Last seen as being in the “Concept Phase” as of Dec 2015/Jan 2016.
Espera Prowler.

Genesis-class Starliner.
MISC Reliant. (It’s in the hanger, only marked Red because you can’t fly it yet. Video Proof)
Enhanced Ship Modularity.

Features advertised but not delivered
Rentable ships
Some ships with artificial gravity (or not)
Different HUDs for different ships
Hull Breaches
Shuttles for larger ships to land on planets
Banu ports and stations for trading
Parking smaller ships in the Idris
Inertia on objects not anchored on ships
Beam weapons for larger ships

Tractor beams and EVA for cargo
EVA ship repair
Wreck exploration
Benefits for ejecting from a ship about to explode
Wreckage as a navigational hazard
Using inertia for flight rather than burning fuel all the time
Dangerous and Dynamic Jump Points
Changeable gravity systems for ships
Booby traps and trackers for cargo
Detailed navigation system

Weapon slaving
Detailed ship destruction for large ships
Ship repair and cleanliness/degradation
Ship Trade-in and buying used ships, naming your ship
Manual and auto-docking
Customizable AI voices for different aspects of your ship
Organization Infiltration
Playing as another alien race
Relaying radar information to C&C Center
Run your own business

In depth non-FTL communication
Bounty hunting system
Player influenced politics
In-game VOIP and “Live Driver”
Track IR Support
Shareable star map locations
Group mining operations
In-fiction “Live Team” that will report player driven events as in-fiction news
Dynamic population count
Character damage and aging

Character histories and/or ancestral trees
Large scale dynamic events
Player Rating System
Taxes for Organizations
Dead (Wounded) body recovery
Player or organization ran medical facilities
User generated content
Shared organization hangars
Combined arms missions
Location for contributors’ names to be found in the PU

Organization reputation system
Damageable cyborg limbs and cybernetic repair facilities
Dynamic social interaction with NPCs
Space creatures
Planet day/night cycle
Cargo damage (item damage)
Potential In-game “Voice Attack” system

NPC Generation
Docking and Undocking Tech
Realistic Audio Options
Personally Owned NPCs
Tri-Monitor Support
Your Name in the Game
Getting Everyone into the Same Instance
More Economical or Versatile Corvettes

Planetary Ship Entry
Repair and Items System Capability
Manned Turrets
Character Customization
Ship connected to User Online/Offline Status
Picking Up Objects On Planets
Multi-Monitor HUD
Large Ship Damage Control Lockers
Dogfights Through Space Stations
Ship Persistence

Stealth Game Play
Ability for Privateers/Corsairs/Buccaneers
Landing on Planets
Procedurally-Generated Environments
Starfarer's Refueling Mechanic
Anchoring to an Asteroid
Kill Boards
NPC ranks
Thruster Trails

Non-Lethal Combat Modules
Raid Supply Shipments
Owning an Alien Ship
Hidden Ship Compartments
Catapulting Through Space
Locking Ships
Jury Rig Repairing
Dynamic Weather
Automatic Battle Flight Pattern
Living Spaces

Insurance for Pilots
Escape Pods
Personal Armor (FPS)
Extreme Ship Maneuvers
Start up Sequence for Large Multi-Crew Ships
Voice Commands
Remotely Hacking Ships
Pacing NPC's
Incentives to keep your orginal Ship's Hull

Game Generated Missions
Communication Between Two Ships
Ship Armor
Controlled and Uncontrolled Space
NPC Crews
Guild Wars
Inflation and Deflation
Hiring NPC's for missions
Travelling in Fleets

Tactical Game modes in FPS
Trading weapons in the FPS
Bounty Hunting
Player Generated Content
Assigning Ships to Landing Zones
UI Customization
Radar features
Future Playable Maps
Ships Developed by the Community
Warning NPC's of Attack

NPC crew AI
Clothing Damage
Character Creator
Interior Damage System
Roaming Floating Structures
Vehicles for Planetside
NPC dialogue
Electronic Warfare in the PU
Player Owned Cargo Space
NPC population in the PU

Salvaging Mechanic
Ship Aging
Linux Client
In game Banking
Medic and Surgeon Skill progression
Mining and resource gathering
Fabricate weapons/armor/ship parts
FPS Armor Types
Join in-progress free flight games

Hangar parties & instancing
Physical grappling beam
Multicrew keycards
Repairing Gold Horizon Space Stations
Natural areas in the 'Verse
FPS environmental hazards
Store ore in your hangar
Organic ships
Ship spoofing

Non-combat ships
Search players for weapons
Flying a ship without a hud
Starting wars between the different races
Tractor Beams
NPCs react to weapons
Drop pods
Limb Damage
Bounty Hunting
Org recruiting NPCs

NPCs using different loadouts
Resource Spawning
NPC & Human scanning
Location based damage for pets

(Credit: SomethingJones)

So, how's that 3.0 coming along Chris? It's just around the corner is it now?

That list is quite incomplete tbh. Some fairly key promised elements missing there even from the kickstarter in particular.

Otherwise this is a great source:

I really hope someone is archiving all the statements by CIG to tell the story. There is indeed a possibility that when SC 1.0 releases Murray´s NMS retribution onslaught is going to look like a boring meme compared to that. There is even a sand worm.

The key to survivability is that whatever the MVP for SC ends up being that at least it has quality and content enough to overcome that market contact and all the inevitable broken promises.
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They are nearly there though. Just the odd stretch goal to complete....

Stretch Goals Not Delivered

Professional Mod Tools
100 Star Systems
RSI Class II space suit.
Hibernation Mode (Saving your game)
“Behind the Scenes of Star Citizen” documentary film
Escort Carrier, digital 42-page “overclock” Upgrade Handbook
Ship engine modifier upgrade package, Battlecruiser
Pre-launch backers get exclusive star system
Jane’s Fighting Ships style manual, Manage Space Stations, RSI Museum will air monthly. They tried RSI Museum but gave up on it.
Planetside FPS combat.

Salvage Mechanic.
Enhanced Mission Design for Squadron 42.
Tamsa System.
Tanga System.
Cano System.
UDS-2943-01-22 System.
Kabal System, Oretani System.
Procedural Generation R&D Team. (With the December 2015 “Pupil to Planet” video, they claim procedural generation teams are doing stuff.)
Omni Role Combat Armor (ORC) mk9
Stellar Cartography (It’s defined as a map room that’s in the game directly, not to be confused with the $51 Million Map goal)

Hadesian Artifact
Updated Scanning Software.
Engine Tuning Kit.
Retaliator Commercial. Still in the plans. It’s not happening near term because all our cinematic folks are working on SQ42… but it’s a stretch goal and we will get to it.
Alien Languages. (“We will work with real-world linguists to create distinctive and realistic alien languages for Star Citizen’s three biggest alien races, the Vanduul, the Xi’An and the Banu.”)
Independent Arbitrator’s Guild.
More Detailed AI Activities.
Ballistic Gatling.
Anvil Aerospace Crucible. Last seen as being in the “Concept Phase” as of Dec 2015/Jan 2016.
Espera Prowler.

Genesis-class Starliner.
MISC Reliant. (It’s in the hanger, only marked Red because you can’t fly it yet. Video Proof)
Enhanced Ship Modularity.

Features advertised but not delivered
Rentable ships
Some ships with artificial gravity (or not)
Different HUDs for different ships
Hull Breaches
Shuttles for larger ships to land on planets
Banu ports and stations for trading
Parking smaller ships in the Idris
Inertia on objects not anchored on ships
Beam weapons for larger ships

Tractor beams and EVA for cargo
EVA ship repair
Wreck exploration
Benefits for ejecting from a ship about to explode
Wreckage as a navigational hazard
Using inertia for flight rather than burning fuel all the time
Dangerous and Dynamic Jump Points
Changeable gravity systems for ships
Booby traps and trackers for cargo
Detailed navigation system

Weapon slaving
Detailed ship destruction for large ships
Ship repair and cleanliness/degradation
Ship Trade-in and buying used ships, naming your ship
Manual and auto-docking
Customizable AI voices for different aspects of your ship
Organization Infiltration
Playing as another alien race
Relaying radar information to C&C Center
Run your own business

In depth non-FTL communication
Bounty hunting system
Player influenced politics
In-game VOIP and “Live Driver”
Track IR Support
Shareable star map locations
Group mining operations
In-fiction “Live Team” that will report player driven events as in-fiction news
Dynamic population count
Character damage and aging

Character histories and/or ancestral trees
Large scale dynamic events
Player Rating System
Taxes for Organizations
Dead (Wounded) body recovery
Player or organization ran medical facilities
User generated content
Shared organization hangars
Combined arms missions
Location for contributors’ names to be found in the PU

Organization reputation system
Damageable cyborg limbs and cybernetic repair facilities
Dynamic social interaction with NPCs
Space creatures
Planet day/night cycle
Cargo damage (item damage)
Potential In-game “Voice Attack” system

NPC Generation
Docking and Undocking Tech
Realistic Audio Options
Personally Owned NPCs
Tri-Monitor Support
Your Name in the Game
Getting Everyone into the Same Instance
More Economical or Versatile Corvettes

Planetary Ship Entry
Repair and Items System Capability
Manned Turrets
Character Customization
Ship connected to User Online/Offline Status
Picking Up Objects On Planets
Multi-Monitor HUD
Large Ship Damage Control Lockers
Dogfights Through Space Stations
Ship Persistence

Stealth Game Play
Ability for Privateers/Corsairs/Buccaneers
Landing on Planets
Procedurally-Generated Environments
Starfarer's Refueling Mechanic
Anchoring to an Asteroid
Kill Boards
NPC ranks
Thruster Trails

Non-Lethal Combat Modules
Raid Supply Shipments
Owning an Alien Ship
Hidden Ship Compartments
Catapulting Through Space
Locking Ships
Jury Rig Repairing
Dynamic Weather
Automatic Battle Flight Pattern
Living Spaces

Insurance for Pilots
Escape Pods
Personal Armor (FPS)
Extreme Ship Maneuvers
Start up Sequence for Large Multi-Crew Ships
Voice Commands
Remotely Hacking Ships
Pacing NPC's
Incentives to keep your orginal Ship's Hull

Game Generated Missions
Communication Between Two Ships
Ship Armor
Controlled and Uncontrolled Space
NPC Crews
Guild Wars
Inflation and Deflation
Hiring NPC's for missions
Travelling in Fleets

Tactical Game modes in FPS
Trading weapons in the FPS
Bounty Hunting
Player Generated Content
Assigning Ships to Landing Zones
UI Customization
Radar features
Future Playable Maps
Ships Developed by the Community
Warning NPC's of Attack

NPC crew AI
Clothing Damage
Character Creator
Interior Damage System
Roaming Floating Structures
Vehicles for Planetside
NPC dialogue
Electronic Warfare in the PU
Player Owned Cargo Space
NPC population in the PU

Salvaging Mechanic
Ship Aging
Linux Client
In game Banking
Medic and Surgeon Skill progression
Mining and resource gathering
Fabricate weapons/armor/ship parts
FPS Armor Types
Join in-progress free flight games

Hangar parties & instancing
Physical grappling beam
Multicrew keycards
Repairing Gold Horizon Space Stations
Natural areas in the 'Verse
FPS environmental hazards
Store ore in your hangar
Organic ships
Ship spoofing

Non-combat ships
Search players for weapons
Flying a ship without a hud
Starting wars between the different races
Tractor Beams
NPCs react to weapons
Drop pods
Limb Damage
Bounty Hunting
Org recruiting NPCs

NPCs using different loadouts
Resource Spawning
NPC & Human scanning
Location based damage for pets

(Credit: SomethingJones)
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Or it might be 3.0... (I know, I know, I was the one who was sure that 3.0 is going to release in 2016)

Edit: That's Sputniknews, yuck.
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Happy Hour: April 7th, 2017
  • Today's Happy Hour featured members of the Ship Tech Art Team: Matt Sherman, Patrick Salerno, and Matt Intrieri.
  • The damage modelling system that's currently in the game apparently scales very well when it comes to bigger ships. They did mention that the pixel density may be a little less due to size, but it more than likely won't be noticeable.
  • Someone asked about radars being switchable such as going from a 3D display on one ship to 2D one from another ship for example, the answer was they're not at that point where they can do stuff like that. Their focus right now is making ships have their unique flair and feel to them and down the line they'll look into specifically allowing stuff like that. They want ships to be as customizable as possible, but right now there's a limit.
  • Jared(Disco Lando) won't be shaving his beard until 3.0 comes out.
  • When asked about what tech their looking forward to the most coming online was unanimous in being Item 2.0. We've all heard it, but the way they talk about it will really open up how ships operate such as leaving the cockpit and still having the ship on. Matt Intrieri also talked about the new implementation of turrets and how the work on that has been promising.
  • Damage states in atmosphere won't be any different than space, apart from the fact that debris in atmosphere are affected by gravity. They are however working on another iteration of the damage state system which will create a more realistic look and feel when it comes to parts being shot off as right now they sort of "Pulse" the item off the ship in a cone rather than taking the physics of the projectile into account which is what this new system is aiming for.
    • Someone also asked about deflections and ricochets and they said they will happen, but not to the extent where the projectile will keep travelling and then hit another ship or object as it's too taxiing to do that at this time.
  • Ship ramps and lifts are taken into account when you do land a ship on rough terrain, however there is a limit to how far the ship will account for terrain and finding a suitable landing spot will be important.
Happy Hour: April 7th, 2017
  • Today's Happy Hour featured members of the Ship Tech Art Team: Matt Sherman, Patrick Salerno, and Matt Intrieri.
  • The damage modelling system that's currently in the game apparently scales very well when it comes to bigger ships. They did mention that the pixel density may be a little less due to size, but it more than likely won't be noticeable.
  • Someone asked about radars being switchable such as going from a 3D display on one ship to 2D one from another ship for example, the answer was they're not at that point where they can do stuff like that. Their focus right now is making ships have their unique flair and feel to them and down the line they'll look into specifically allowing stuff like that. They want ships to be as customizable as possible, but right now there's a limit.
  • Jared(Disco Lando) won't be shaving his beard until 3.0 comes out.
  • When asked about what tech their looking forward to the most coming online was unanimous in being Item 2.0. We've all heard it, but the way they talk about it will really open up how ships operate such as leaving the cockpit and still having the ship on. Matt Intrieri also talked about the new implementation of turrets and how the work on that has been promising.
  • Damage states in atmosphere won't be any different than space, apart from the fact that debris in atmosphere are affected by gravity. They are however working on another iteration of the damage state system which will create a more realistic look and feel when it comes to parts being shot off as right now they sort of "Pulse" the item off the ship in a cone rather than taking the physics of the projectile into account which is what this new system is aiming for.
    • Someone also asked about deflections and ricochets and they said they will happen, but not to the extent where the projectile will keep travelling and then hit another ship or object as it's too taxiing to do that at this time.
  • Ship ramps and lifts are taken into account when you do land a ship on rough terrain, however there is a limit to how far the ship will account for terrain and finding a suitable landing spot will be important.

Thanks Rolan :)
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