The Star Citizen Thread v5

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Hmm, such great fun that you can *tell* everybody about just how fun it was.... yet just as has been the case for the last few folks who have made similar comments on this thread, there never seems to be any *visual* evidence to support said claim.

Yes, please give video evidence or it never happen ;)

I sometimes watch WTFOSAURUS (who is regular SC streamer, probably paid by CIG...) and his experience is about 20-30 fps and sometimes about 2 fps in PU and basically all he is doing is those basic comm array missions and rarely some "turret" in space PvP combat...

Or he is playing that bare bones SM with few people online...

Maybe you can have some fun for few days, but than it goes old pretty fast..
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Well, I am simply stating the experience I had last night, period.

Its rather strange that you deny visual proof fort your claims. Is this some kind of "revenge"? Are skeptics not allowed to see all this stuff? Do we need to "pay for proof" to be baptized? You state your opinion, and thats fine, after all there will always be people who like crappy, ugly, buggy and glitchy gameplay.

Thats the logical conclusion you provide. If all we see all over the internet is on par with the terms I just listed yet you claim performance was solid/good and you had a ton of fun doing all these things (without offering anything else then what the internet provides) then I have to assume you actually like bad games.

Words are just that.....words. You should know that by now as the pro-SC brigade demands PROOF above words for any claims made. Yet they cannot return with the same. Heh. Coming here with a simple opinion stating is fine....just dont act defensive if people dont believe a single word of it.

I could do a Twitch stream/record to "show" you all, but tonight, would likely not be like last night convenient :)
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Frankly, if the most fun you can have in a game is walking around in a ship you haven't seen before, it doesn't seem to me to have much in the way of long-term potential...
How can I put it, dear boy...

Asp Explorer was pulling your leg. He was being sarcastic. I'm pretty confident that given what other people experienced in SC, no one believes you.

I truly have had some wonderful moments in SC though. That one time when nobody tried to sneak on board my ship - because they had all exploded into horrific tentacle monsters of most foul abomination, unable to <USE> the cargo bay door was quite something - I can assure you!
Its rather strange that you deny visual proof fort your claims. Is this some kind of "revenge"? Are skeptics not allowed to see all this stuff? Do we need to "pay for proof" to be baptized? You state your opinion, and thats fine, after all there will always be people who like crappy, ugly, buggy and glitchy gameplay.

Thats the logical conclusion you provide. If all we see all over the internet is on par with the terms I just listed yet you claim performance was solid/good and you had a ton of fun doing all these things (without offering anything else then what the internet provides) then I have to assume you actually like bad games.

Words are just that.....words. You should know that by now as the pro-SC brigade demands PROOF above words for any claims made. Yet they cannot return with the same. Heh. Coming here with a simple opinion stating is fine....just dont act defensive if people dont believe a single word of it.

Hey, I am not necessarily a "PRO" SC brigand. I simply and telling you all my experience last night. I do not need to "prove" to you all that experience.... i am simply telling you what happened. Not sure how many others on this thread play SC too, but my experience last night is really not that unique. I have commandeered ships many times before, but the only thing "new" in my experience last night was discovery of the two derelict starfarers and being able to explore them. In the past Yela wreckage was simply a debris field with some crates around. Now, there are actual wreckage that can be explored.

All in all, it is funny how the "critics" demand proof, when you can quite easily experience it for yourself for $45 and a few gigs of SSD space.

And to further, see my sig. I am an ED fan too, and have plenty of time and am looking forward to the 2.3 drop hopefully today?! However, for all the spaceleg/"Elite feet" wishers out there, simply get SC now. Exactly what you wish for is there.
Hey, I am not necessarily a "PRO" SC brigand. I simply and telling you all my experience last night. I do not need to "prove" to you all that experience.... i am simply telling you what happened. Not sure how many others on this thread play SC too, but my experience last night is really not that unique. I have commandeered ships many times before, but the only thing "new" in my experience last night was discovery of the two derelict starfarers and being able to explore them. In the past Yela wreckage was simply a debris field with some crates around. Now, there are actual wreckage that can be explored.

All in all, it is funny how the "critics" demand proof, when you can quite easily experience it for yourself for $45 and a few gigs of SSD space.

And to further, see my sig. I am an ED fan too, and have plenty of time and am looking forward to the 2.3 drop hopefully today?! However, for all the spaceleg/"Elite feet" wishers out there, simply get SC now. Exactly what you wish for is there.

No-ones saying that you fibbed. But have you considered the possibility that it was otters swimming in a line or maybe just a boat wake ?.
Hmm, such great fun that you can *tell* everybody about just how fun it was.... yet just as has been the case for the last few folks who have made similar comments on this thread, there never seems to be any *visual* evidence to support said claim.
Posst like those are called bait and are attempts to derail the thread discussion to get it away from delicate topics like the controversial RSI forum shutdown. The goal of bait posting is to generate pages over pages replies of to stop the "problem" discussion and slide it out of view.

The attempt worked, because instead of using the ignore function the second you see such an obvious decoy you all replied instead and wasted your time.
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I truly have had some wonderful moments in SC though. That one time when nobody tried to sneak on board my ship - because they had all exploded into horrific tentacle monsters of most foul abomination, unable to <USE> the cargo bay door was quite something - I can assure you!

You can't give any more rep to Asp Explorer yadda yadda...
+1 Virtual.
What amazes me isn't the bugs. Bugs happen. And nobody is trying to pass it off as a release yet.

What amazes me is that the PU still simply looks like Generic FPS 101 after all this time.

What amazes me is that there are people who think it is a decent thing to ask hundreds of dollars for video game graphics, and that there are people who think it is a good thing to pay that for it.

Hey, I am not necessarily a "PRO" SC brigand. I simply and telling you all my experience last night. I do not need to "prove" to you all that experience.... i am simply telling you what happened. Not sure how many others on this thread play SC too, but my experience last night is really not that unique. I have commandeered ships many times before, but the only thing "new" in my experience last night was discovery of the two derelict starfarers and being able to explore them. In the past Yela wreckage was simply a debris field with some crates around. Now, there are actual wreckage that can be explored.

All in all, it is funny how the "critics" demand proof, when you can quite easily experience it for yourself for $45 and a few gigs of SSD space.

And to further, see my sig. I am an ED fan too, and have plenty of time and am looking forward to the 2.3 drop hopefully today?! However, for all the spaceleg/"Elite feet" wishers out there, simply get SC now. Exactly what you wish for is there.

If I have to wait for a game to be developed I think I will actually wait for Elite to sprout E-Legs. :)
But thanks for the totally honest and unbiased opinion.


Volunteer Moderator
All in all, it is funny how the "critics" demand proof, when you can quite easily experience it for yourself for $45 and a few gigs of SSD space.

I find it strange that those who get terrible performance and lots of bugs seem willing to post their experiences up on youtube, but if you want to see the good performance and flawless gameplay you have to pay. Thats OK though apparently, because it's only '$45 and a few gigs of SSD space'.

Think I'll pass thanks.
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Hey, I am not necessarily a "PRO" SC brigand. I simply and telling you all my experience last night. I do not need to "prove" to you all that experience.... i am simply telling you what happened. Not sure how many others on this thread play SC too, but my experience last night is really not that unique. I have commandeered ships many times before, but the only thing "new" in my experience last night was discovery of the two derelict starfarers and being able to explore them. In the past Yela wreckage was simply a debris field with some crates around. Now, there are actual wreckage that can be explored.

All in all, it is funny how the "critics" demand proof, when you can quite easily experience it for yourself for $45 and a few gigs of SSD space.

And to further, see my sig. I am an ED fan too, and have plenty of time and am looking forward to the 2.3 drop hopefully today?! However, for all the spaceleg/"Elite feet" wishers out there, simply get SC now. Exactly what you wish for is there.

I'd rather wait for ED legs to be included, the chance to get a playable game is much higher than waiting for SC to get into any kind of stable state.

Former $3000 backer signing off....
Hey, I am not necessarily a "PRO" SC brigand. I simply and telling you all my experience last night. I do not need to "prove" to you all that experience.... i am simply telling you what happened. Not sure how many others on this thread play SC too, but my experience last night is really not that unique. I have commandeered ships many times before, but the only thing "new" in my experience last night was discovery of the two derelict starfarers and being able to explore them. In the past Yela wreckage was simply a debris field with some crates around. Now, there are actual wreckage that can be explored.

All in all, it is funny how the "critics" demand proof, when you can quite easily experience it for yourself for $45 and a few gigs of SSD space.

And to further, see my sig. I am an ED fan too, and have plenty of time and am looking forward to the 2.3 drop hopefully today?! However, for all the spaceleg/"Elite feet" wishers out there, simply get SC now. Exactly what you wish for is there.

I m not saying you are. As far as I am concerned you simply state your own opinion.

However if you expect anybody to believe your story then you should be ready to provide something substantial in return. Thats how this forum actually works contrary to RiS...people here are willing to back up their claims by hard evidence. If they dont then the rest of the community knows how to handle it. You act as if people demand proof of you. That is not the case BUT people are actually asking for it (not the same you see). You refuse to do so which is your right. No need to do so....just as was mentioned several times.....I probably will see your "story" as dreamcrafting until I see actual footage of comparable activities.

Its funny how you offer proof for money when all you would have to do is stream your experience and share it for free...something you already admitted to be capable of.

What you put in your sig isnt of any concern to me. Also you being an ED fan or not also is of no concern. What you actually SAY and dont show matters and will determine your status in the eye of others. You should realize that when what you offer as "fun game experience" differs drastically from actual evidence found everywhere.
@MTBFritz The goal is to generate as much replies as possible by posting the most contrary texts on a forum. You don't do that by streaming actual proof. In fact a forum troll might not even own Star Citizen and just do it for lulzbuckets.
@MTBFritz The goal is to generate as much replies as possible by posting the most contrary texts on a forum. You don't do that by streaming actual proof. In fact a forum troll might not even own Star Citizen and just do it for lulzbuckets.

I see, on the other hand these people DO provide entertainment, dont they see it?

This thread was going a lil slow the past few days, I was actually wondering if people went on vacation or something but you in these drought times you can count on people to make a contribution to revitalize it :) /cheers
There are the free fly weekends. But I am on a capped internet service, and I've kind of limited myself with the tiny SSD I've bought. Even the download itself is not very inviting. I guess I can wait for the next free fly weekend to see the clips that come from that.

WindWpn, your post did get quite a hostile reception. I'd understand if you don't want to post any videos. But one thing I certainly won't be doing is spending $45 just to see what the game is like.

I do like the look of it, but I'll wait until the game is out before I buy it.
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There are the free fly weekends. But I am on a capped internet service, and I've kind of limited myself with the tiny SSD I've bought. Even the download itself is not very inviting. I guess I can wait for the next free fly weekend to see the clips that come from that.

WindWpn, your post did get quite a hostile reception. I'd understand if you don't want to post any videos. But one thing I certainly won't be doing is spending $45 just to see what the game is like.

I do like the look of it, but I'll wait until the game is out before I buy it.

Many here backed the game. Many others try the free flies. Most here see the vids others put up. Its all completely garbage. So if some dude walks by and start saying things that are completely diametrically opposed to everything anyone has experienced themselves, and can check online, then its not too much to ask for a vid.

And if he doesnt want to do that, also fine, his call. But if you make claims that a game known to be extremely buggy with horrible performance and virtually no gameplay loops is great fun and performs great, you need to back it up a bit if you expect people to belief it.
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