The Star Citizen Thread v5

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So we have a guy who suspects a large company of being less than honest with it's customers money, and is trying to bring this to the attention of as many people as possible.

And you want to shut him up?

I don't personally want to do anything of the kind - I don't care enough eitherway! If he wants to make this a personal crusade that's up to him... I'd just prefer he and everyone else do it elsewhere. I'd rather this thread be given over to game mechanics and features ... you know ... stuff about the game, rather than conspiracy theories and cash projections. Though like I said, I would actually shut down the whole thread now if it were up to me.

These are the Elite dangerous forums. You would think that people here play Elite Dangerous and also have an interest in SC. Derek and his kind seem to have no interest in ED and an obsession with SC! -all I'm saying is, why hijack our forum?

There are plenty of places to express your views on the internet. Why here?
Kind of ironic to complain about not talking about SC, and has yet to make a post actually talking about SC, and has shown no interest in talking about SC in the SC thread. And instead just wants to talk about Derek instead. I wonder if he is one of Dereks special friends? It is really odd thing, complaining about other posters talking about the game in the game's own thread.
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I don't personally want to do anything of the kind - I don't care enough eitherway! If he wants to make this a personal crusade that's up to him... I'd just prefer he and everyone else do it elsewhere. I'd rather this thread be given over to game mechanics and features ... you know ... stuff about the game, rather than conspiracy theories and cash projections. Though like I said, I would actually shut down the whole thread now if it were up to me.

These are the Elite dangerous forums. You would think that people here play Elite Dangerous and also have an interest in SC. Derek and his kind seem to have no interest in ED and an obsession with SC! -all I'm saying is, why hijack our forum?

There are plenty of places to express your views on the internet. Why here?

We do have an interest in SC. If it was any good I, and many others would be playing it. But it isn't, so we aren't.

I suggest that maybe the RSI forums maybe the place to go for all your SC needs. Oh but wait. They are shutting them down today.

Bad luck.
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Kind of ironic to complain about not talking about SC, and has yet to make a post actually talking about SC, and has shown no interest in talking about SC in the SC thread. And instead just wants to talk about Derek instead. I wonder if he is one of Dereks special friends? It is really odd thing, complaining about other posters talking about the game in the game's own thread.

You are not wrong there... you have to trawl back through about two years worth of moaning to find my last SC related comment! ;)
I don't personally want to do anything of the kind - I don't care enough eitherway! If he wants to make this a personal crusade that's up to him... I'd just prefer he and everyone else do it elsewhere. I'd rather this thread be given over to game mechanics and features ... you know ... stuff about the game, rather than conspiracy theories and cash projections. Though like I said, I would actually shut down the whole thread now if it were up to me.

These are the Elite dangerous forums. You would think that people here play Elite Dangerous and also have an interest in SC. Derek and his kind seem to have no interest in ED and an obsession with SC! -all I'm saying is, why hijack our forum?

There are plenty of places to express your views on the internet. Why here?

I applaud your bravery and agree with the sentiment.
Brace yourself for the attacks by those who now view you as belonging to 'the other side' and feel the need to use the word bucket in every post they make.
You are not wrong there... you have to trawl back through about two years worth of moaning to find my last SC related comment! ;)

So you also have no interest in SC, if you just want to talk about Derek there is a Reddit for like minding people such as your self.

Funny how you said you didn't read the thread and yet claim that it is "two years of moaning". Perhaps if you did a little research into the topic of the thread, you know SC, and not Derek you would see that it is criticism of the game in this thread. We all can't just blindly believe in SC like you.
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So you also have no interest in SC, if you just want to talk about Derek there is a Reddit for like minding people such as your self.

Funny how you said you didn't read the thread and yet claim that it is "two years of moaning". Perhaps if you did a little research into the topic of the thread, you know SC, and not Derek you would see that it is criticism of the thread. We call can't just blindly believe in SC like you.

Last post as I really have nothing more to say...

I don't blindly believe in SC at all. It is you my friend who have not read my posts... I recently had my entire contribution to SC refunded, as their obvious lack of VR support tested my patience one too many times. We are talking a lot of money and, to their credit, they were gentleman about it and the matter is resolved. I still have an interest in the game, though at a much reduced financial price point. Your attempt at logic is flawed on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin, so I shan't.

By all means continue as you were ... the internet is nothing if not a place to vent and rant and bask in collective misery. The fault is mine I'm sure - it usually is! :p
Last post as I really have nothing more to say...

I don't blindly believe in SC at all. It is you my friend who have not read my posts... I recently had my entire contribution to SC refunded, as their obvious lack of VR support tested my patience one too many times. We are talking a lot of money and, to their credit, they were gentleman about it and the matter is resolved. I still have an interest in the game, though at a much reduced financial price point. Your attempt at logic is flawed on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin, so I shan't.

By all means continue as you were ... the internet is nothing if not a place to vent and rant and bask in collective misery. The fault is mine I'm sure - it usually is! :p

Be careful where you admit to getting a refund, it's been known to trigger death threats.
I don't personally want to do anything of the kind - I don't care enough eitherway! If he wants to make this a personal crusade that's up to him... I'd just prefer he and everyone else do it elsewhere. I'd rather this thread be given over to game mechanics and features ... you know ... stuff about the game, rather than conspiracy theories and cash projections. Though like I said, I would actually shut down the whole thread now if it were up to me.

These are the Elite dangerous forums. You would think that people here play Elite Dangerous and also have an interest in SC. Derek and his kind seem to have no interest in ED and an obsession with SC! -all I'm saying is, why hijack our forum?

There are plenty of places to express your views on the internet. Why here?
1. Wait. It isn't Smart's fault if we're left with only disappointment regarding SC. We all would love talking about gameplay mechanics and features, but for this CIG would have to deliver at long last something tangible, consistent and of a level of quality on par with their claims.

2. And you'd close this thread because of negativity? Nonsense: first, refer to 1. Second, this place is one of the few where there's still some kind of freedom of speech regarding this mess. It's of public utility :)
I'm grateful to Frontier Developments for allowing us to discuss Star Citizen here. I don't know if everyone posting here has an interest in both ED and SC, but I'm sure most posters do. There are relatively few places where there's this level of freedom to discuss the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 without either official censorship (incidentally, and on an *entirely* unrelated point, today's the day the CIG forums will be set to read-only) or a horde of evangelists condemning you to eternal damnation for doubting the Word of The One True Chris Roberts.

Perhaps some would say we (by which I mean the bulk of people posting here) are a bit pessimistic about the chance of Star Citizen being everything it set out to be, or indeed ever being a released game at all. I'd say we're just being realistic. There are some people here with a more positive perception, and that's good - we need to be open to all opinions.

Still, when the situation seems this bad (to me at least), well - you've got to Lulz, haven't you?
I'm also grateful for the allowance to discuss Star Citizen however people see fit, providing it stays within the forum rules. Too much scrutiny and criticism is shouted down everywhere else, if the downside is that the thread gets a bit silly at times then so be it.

What I will say is that I've tried starting threads on other forums to discuss mechanics, gameplay, features etc and very rarely does anyone get involved, not even diehard fans and yet they are all over the drama threads. Just the internet being the internet...

Maybe one day we'll see an Elitist Jerks for Star Citizen but that seems a long long way from happening at this stage.
I don't personally want to do anything of the kind - I don't care enough eitherway! If he wants to make this a personal crusade that's up to him... I'd just prefer he and everyone else do it elsewhere. I'd rather this thread be given over to game mechanics and features ... you know ... stuff about the game, rather than conspiracy theories and cash projections. Though like I said, I would actually shut down the whole thread now if it were up to me.

These are the Elite dangerous forums. You would think that people here play Elite Dangerous and also have an interest in SC. Derek and his kind seem to have no interest in ED and an obsession with SC! -all I'm saying is, why hijack our forum?

There are plenty of places to express your views on the internet. Why here?

These topics started because we wanted to discusd the features and gameplay of SC. Alm we have left now is to discuss why we dont have features and gameplay. I am sure people here will discuss itvagain oncevCIG delivers something.
Personally, I am very grateful for this thread. It is the one place where you get an array of opinion which you need to percolate in order to get a balanced view. Thanks to Rolan we get the news and on the other side we see the scepticism. I don't post much because I never backed SC, I missed the KS and then having a background in accounting and software development and seeing the stretch goals and what they promised, I came to a conclusion I would wait and see. Nothing since then has made me change that opinion, in reality my view had hardened. However, it has become a fascinating soap opera and I am agog to see how it works out.
I suspect one of the main reasons there's such a focus on "free-speech is wrong, detractors, lulz-gatherers, non supportive press and above all Derek Smart must be silenced" is the complete lack of any positives available for supporters of the game to use as counterarguments.
As others have said gameplay will be discussed when it exists - there's only so much theorycrafting that can be done in 5 years of waiting.

Anyone who wants info only needs to filter on Rolan's posts to see official output - I no longer bother with CIG output because as far as I can see it's mostly about what they're planning to do which again gets a bit old after 5 years. If they start talkig about what they are actually doing no doubt it will be brought to our attention.

This thread - like other ongoing threadnughts - has become like a sub community almost - or as someone said a while back a bit like a bar where you see the regulars proping up their usual spots mostly repeating the same old stuff. Every now and again one of the doormen pops in to get someone to settle down.

I ran out of things to say a while ago so I mostly lurk now.

But at least it is one of the very few places where dissent and non complimentary opinions don't get drowned out by and Reddit (& presumably Spectrum now) exists for those that only want to see the .
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