It is just an isolated url that no one will ever get to by just navigating/browsing the RSI site.
It can indeed be found by browsing the site.
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It is just an isolated url that no one will ever get to by just navigating/browsing the RSI site.
If you dont have the link you wont find it at RSI.
The actual page exists but there is no link at all to it from the RSI website menus. It is just an isolated url that no one will ever get to by just navigating/browsing the RSI site.
I challenge any of you to try and find a direct link to that "Our Pledge" text in the RSI website main menus.
looks suspiciously like an old screen capture to me. It certainly doesnt look like the official RiS site to me. Anyway Thorn care to add the link to that screenshot? or break down where I have to go in order to find it?
I m willing to face insanity and find that nudget
I am currently sitting at the front page. What do I click from here?
looks suspiciously like an old screen capture to me.
You go to the frontier forum and ask someone to give you a direct link, as that's the only way.
Seriously though, I googled a line from that page-view "it's gratifying to see star citizen" which found the page in question. Which does have a working link to the pledge, however the page with the link is which is commlink 12815 from November 20th 2012. If you try to navigate to that page from the front page there's no direct link, if you go to commlink there's no direct link if you use the search function there you get no results older than a few days. I tried searching commlink for "pledge" and for "12815" nothing from either.
It's a dead link isolated from the website, the only way to access it is to use an outside search engine to look for specific phrases within the page. the only way to know what those phrases are is to have access to the page.
It's dead Jim.
I personally took the screenshot 10 seconds before I added the arrow in Photoshop, 50 seconds before I uploaded the image, and approximately 70 seconds before I posted the reply.
You go to the frontier forum and ask someone to give you a direct link, as that's the only way.
Seriously though, I googled a line from that page-view "it's gratifying to see star citizen" which found the page in question. Which does have a working link to the pledge, however the page with the link is which is commlink 12815 from November 20th 2012. If you try to navigate to that page from the front page there's no direct link, if you go to commlink there's no direct link if you use the search function there you get no results older than a few days. I tried searching commlink for "pledge" and for "12815" nothing from either.
It's a dead link isolated from the website, the only way to access it is to use an outside search engine to look for specific phrases within the page. the only way to know what those phrases are is to have access to the page.
It's dead Jim.
Strange, when I go to comm-link and transmissions and enter "the pledge", I get the correct result...
I personally took the screenshot 10 seconds before I added the arrow in Photoshop, 50 seconds before I uploaded the image, and approximately 70 seconds before I posted the reply.
Strange, when I go to comm-link and transmissions and enter "the pledge", I get the correct result...
Me neither.
The issue still remains that unless you know the link exists at all there is no way to get a link to it at the main RSI site menus. It is to all effects buried from the key descriptors of SC at the main menus, where it should probably be as the backbone driver of this project from the start.
My personal guess is that The Pledge must conflict with some of the terms in the ToS or other relevant CIG policies plus it is obviously detrimental of CIG's communication and development practices in many ways. And as such it is a text that probably does more harm than good to CIG if it was to be featured in a direct and easily accessible manner.
I don't, I just tried that and got some ship adverts and a thing about gifting ships.