Hmmm......hard riddle........
BUT holding a developer to EVERY single promise is disingenuous and a fruitless endeavor because, as I'm sure you know, what is an idea at the start of the process my just not be reasonable to deliver on. With this in mind, what is the point of counting every 'failed to deliver' as if it's some black mark on them? Surely the end goal is "is it a good game delivered within reasonable time limits and was the funding used in an accountable manner"?
I would hope that we're people first and gamers somewhere further down the line and as such able to conduct ourselves with some level of mutual respect. Hell as gamers I would hope that we could do the same.
You are seriously over estimating the maturity level of this thread, old friend.
Looks at avatar, something something "glass houses".
I agree with you, in part, on this. However, you are forgetting one simple thing: they were front-loaded $147 million to deliver specifically what they promised. There is simply no getting around that. You can't promise to build me a house and a pool, then I see parts of a house - no dug out for the pool - and say I can't hold you accountable. Because reasons.
This distinction is why we get into so many arguments because it's almost as if some people aren't willing to admit that what's going on with Star Citizen, simply cannot be compared to any other game project - let alone one that's not similarly funded.
The bad part is that Chris brought all this on himself. As always. All he had to do was build the smaller game promised. Instead, once he figured out how to tape into the Dream psyche of certain people, he went for the money instead.
Happy Hour: April 21st, 2017 Summary
Source: https://relay.sc/transcript/happy-hour-april-21st-2017-summary
- Today's Happy Hour was a Gamedev feature that had Eric Kieron Davis and Sean Tracy creating a schedule for the Space Whales.
- This process involved listing all the disciplines and what tasks are needed for each discipline to complete their section.
- After all the disciplines had their tasks outlined they then needed to bid how much time was needed for each task to be completed.
- From there the resources were dealt out on how many different people from each discipline would be needed.
- Finally the task of figuring out which disciplines had to complete their work first before another discipline could begin on their tasks. Some disciplines had certain tasks that could be completed within their section long before another task within theirs could be started.
- At the end the spreadsheet they used it compiled all the dates into a chart that we saw just like the 3.0 schedule and something as simple as a Space Whale would take almost till August if started now due to the design decisions made by the fans during the show.
- The show gave a great perspective on how in order to make something happen, you have to sit down and plan it out and then you have to figure out when you want it done by and if you want it done sooner then what do you have to bump in order to get it done by said time.
Is that a joke? That kind of information should be done in 2012!
Accepted and regarding CR and his management cadre I have zero sympathy nor interest in defending them. Their dev team and employees on the other hand deserve some scope for understanding. I also have sympathy for the backers who genuinely want to see something come from this and feel for them when their dreams are stomped all over by doomsayers. There is, I believe, a distinction to be made between management and the game/the staff creating it. A little compassion goes a long way IMO.
Accepted and regarding CR and his management cadre I have zero sympathy nor interest in defending them. Their dev team and employees on the other hand deserve some scope for understanding. I also have sympathy for the backers who genuinely want to see something come from this and feel for them when their dreams are stomped all over by doomsayers. There is, I believe, a distinction to be made between management and the game/the staff creating it. A little compassion goes a long way IMO.
In terms of compassion, is it better to silence critics and allow gamers to throw good money after bad after having been misled, or should people be aware that all the talk of the BDSSE and the game to end all games is to put it mildly somewhat overblown.
I know right, being held responsible for posting on the internet, hate it.
I guess it depends on your perspective of community. I consider myself to be part of this community and as such the comments I make are representative of that group of people. I think I made my point earlier regarding what I think of holding CIG to all `promises` - it`s game development, things get cut. This is not the same of saying that they have no onus on them to deliver and personally I think that they`re drastically behind on that goal, nitpicking is neither properly objective nor is it constructive beyond building a case to tear something down before it`s even completed (if ever).
I`m not attempting to villify anyone, to the contrary all I`m trying to do is strengthen the argument by extracating the toxicity. The argument is strong enough without weakening it through emotive crap slinging and catering to the lowest denominators. Like I said, we`ve been through this before with FDev and the release of ED - it was petty and vindictive and had this gross "if we can`t have it, no one can" approach and seeing it repeated by those in my own community is a sadening thing.
Is that a joke? That kind of information should be done in 2012!
You are seriously over estimating the maturity level of this thread, old friend.
uhm no. We're gamers. We complain about everything. Around the clock. Like all the time.
How is anything said in this thread stomping on their dreams? It is up to CR and CIG to create the game, it is up to them to release those dreams, it is them that created those dreams. All this thread does is point out what is happening, the cause of that is squarely on CIG. This is just another case of you trying to blame the messenger. We get it you don't like hearing negative things about CIG, well perhaps instead of complaining about people pointing out the negative aspects of the company and development you should take that complaining to the company that is creating the poor content.
Keep in mind, if it is that hard for you to read criticism of the game and development there is nothing forcing you to read this thread.