This Hello Kitty thing.
How ironic would it be if Roberts was brought down by a jpeg? [haha]
More fitting, than ironic, I think.
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This Hello Kitty thing.
How ironic would it be if Roberts was brought down by a jpeg? [haha]
I would quite like to see Chris Roberts show off Excel at Citizencon. The fans could cheer at his leet pivot table skillz
You're too polite, you're not a REAL gamer!I am offended by your allegation that gamers complain all the time, and wish to complain about it!![]()
The major change this week in 3.0.0 is the delay of the network bind / unbind, which is now schedule AFTER the 3.0.0 release. Since it's a stetch goal, I think it's safe to say it probably won't be met, and therefore not included in 3.0.0. This has important implications, since it's the component responsible for improving dramatically the FPS by reducing the amount of useless data each client has to process.
Another big change is the volumetric fog, which has been delayed by 25 days. But it's still far from being a problem, since it was scheduled very early.
This week's update on the 3.0/Global schedule
It's possible CIG brought the rights to Hello Kitty.
It's not like it's their own money.
Ooooh, lots of upvotes on this one:
This week's update on the 3.0/Global schedule
Here is something I haven't heard much discussion about:
How is CIG even going to deliver the promised 110 hand-crafted fully landable star systems?
It's been 5 years of development yet the first star system is still far from being complete, and there have not been any attempts whatsoever to introduce an proper economy that would support space game activities like trading and mining. This simply isn't possible to deliver within a timespan that isn't completely absurd, and they would probably run out of funding if they actually tried to do this as they promised.
The only option they have with this is to pull their "minimum value product" card for legal immunity and then deliver something that falls very short of their promises, like a few landable systems or 110 star systems where assets are frequently reused and planetary landings are limited to port areas locked behind loading screens and invisible walls. CIG has no option to use procedural generation, as the systems were stated to be hand crafted and thus they have lore for around 60 of their systems that has to be manually put into the game, so procedural generation won't be an option at all for over half of the systems if they decide to use it. Even if the planets were completely procedurally generated, the amount of work going into hand crafted landing sites and settlements would still be enourmous. Also, don't even let me get started on the networking required for 110 systems while the game currently chokes on less than a single one.
In the end, many promises like this will just end up being lies to grab more cash. While CIG may get away with it with their minimum value product and lawyers, the storm will be something unprecedented, since claiming that they couldn't have known about the workload when making the promises and that they are sorry for it just wouldn't work.
Then leave. Things change. Kickstarters are not "investments",
Remember the new Star Citizen referrals (the latest scam) I wrote about yesterday? They are now buying/selling them