The Star Citizen Thread v5

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One of the largest things that annoys me about the December 2016 supposed release date is how there has never been a direct official comment about it. No acknowlegemt of how idioticly optimistic it was (I personally believe it was a flat out lie). I suppose the other thing that annoys me is just how apathetic supporters are of CR saying something like that and then not delivering on it.
I see that someone above is calling it 3.0v2, that would imply that at some point there was a version 1 in existence, which is a load of baloney.
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Nope, gonna be a riot if they fail t deliver 3.0 V2.0 with at least the minimum they have on their list.

If Star Citizen development history has taught us anything, is that.... no, there will be not a riot.
Faith is stronger than logic with this bunch.

I mean there's people who have bought spaceships worth thousands of dollars already and they're opinion on rioting is:
"I will only buy one or two new ships if 3.0 is not what I want.... but I'll buy a couple of Idrisesses if it is".
Then CIG releases a new tech video, slaps another "coming in two weeks" at the bottom and they get all excited and get out their wallets and give them another couple of million.
It's like this every time.

It's fascinating :)
So much for open development.

Yup. Overall they are pretty good at telling us what they are up to but I would not mind hearing about problems as well.

I do not expect a project of this size to go smoothly so if they get into development issues it would be a mark of honesty to tell us WHY something went . Illfonic was a good example of why something went bad but even then they were tight lipped about it.

it would be BETTER to tell us if something went completely wrong and how they will fix it but it will take X time. At the same time, the community following the game might explode in rage just because X was not delivered on "promise" of Y.

And that could be it, overreacting forums from a vast majority that does NOT know anything about game development are hardly a prime candidate to stress test in regards to release dates and deadlines.
If Star Citizen development history has taught us anything, is that.... no, there will be not a riot.
Faith is stronger than logic with this bunch.

I mean there's people who have bought spaceships worth thousands of dollars already and they're opinion on rioting is:
"I will only buy one or two new ships if 3.0 is not what I want.... but I'll buy a couple of Idrisesses if it is".
Then CIG releases a new tech video, slaps another "coming in two weeks" at the bottom and they get all excited and get out their wallets and give them another couple of million.
It's like this every time.

It's fascinating :)

Unfortunately, yes.

But I bet even the most hardened whale will want result sooner than later since a lot of them already have their "fleets" ready. Especially after an already missed release date of 2016 and no clear and concise explanation to WHY the delay happened.
One of the largest things that annoys me about the December 2016 supposed release date is how there has never been a direct official comment about it. No acknowlegemt of how idioticly optimistic it was (I personally believe it was a flat out lie). I suppose the other thing that annoys me is just how apathetic supporters are of CR saying something like that and then not delivering on it.
I see that someone above is calling it 3.0v2, that would imply that at some point there was a version 1 in existence, which is a load of baloney.

You don't know how amazing 3.0 will be.
They do.
That's why you don't understand.
You see random hand movements, they see the a quantum drive powering up.
Whenever, if ever 3.0 comes out, all of the non fans here will have to test it for a reasonable amount of time if they wish to carry on discussing its gameplay with any authority.
I already got rid of the machine I planned to play the finished SC on (I pledged for the game roughly five years ago) and replaced it with a modern laptop with an integrated GPU.

While the project stays in development hell, the world around it moves on, even day one backers do. However I might have a look at the inevitable console release. :D
I see that someone above is calling it 3.0v2, that would imply that at some point there was a version 1 in existence, which is a load of baloney.

That was me.

It was more about CIG hoping to have 3.0 to Christmas 2016 and now they promise it again in 2017 so it's 2.0 of 3.0...this time with schedule.

Makes me wonder what that 3.0 was supposed to include in 2016 since it would have been impossible to even have the 2.0 version...
I already got rid of the machine I planned to play the finished SC on (I pledged for the game roughly five years ago) and replaced it with a modern laptop with an integrated GPU.

While the project stays in development hell, the world around it moves on, even day one backers do. However I might have a look at the inevitable console release. :D

probably done some day until then i still have other things to play.

- Battletech
- Subnautica
- Stellaris
- Etc...
But a forum member officially authorized and recognized by Frontier Development as an official company forum moderator, yes?

I'd make the same point against a non-moderator, btw. People are constantly throwing odd accusations and hysterically long "but what if!?" posts on a regular basis... despite the fact it's far more noise than substance.

But hey. #Sources and all that. Or not.

I don't have to look for a fight here. It's already be going on for awhile. I'm just participating in the opposing viewpoint.

Really thorn? Really?

Must forum users who are also voluntary moderators post a sentence "posting this as a forum user mod hat off" every time to satisfy you?
That was me.

It was more about CIG hoping to have 3.0 to Christmas 2016 and now they promise it again in 2017 so it's 2.0 of 3.0...this time with schedule.

Makes me wonder what that 3.0 was supposed to include in 2016 since it would have been impossible to even have the 2.0 version...

Don't we know already what December 2016's version was going to contain? They had all those slides describing all the features and gameplay (which was more extensive than what they are now intending to deliver 7/8/9 months later) which is why I cannot believe that it was anything but an outright lie from Chris Roberts.

Full set of slides from Citizencon
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Unfortunately, yes.

But I bet even the most hardened whale will want result sooner than later since a lot of them already have their "fleets" ready. Especially after an already missed release date of 2016 and no clear and concise explanation to WHY the delay happened.

Even though I'd lose a moderate amount of cash that I pledged during kickstarter, and buying one additional ship, I'm still looking forward to the mainstream media reports when this riot and backlash happens. Will be interesting :x

Oh and sorry for all the posts everywhere, maybe I should learn how to use multiquote and post a single post.... hmmm.
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Even though I'd lose a moderate amount of cash that I pledged during kickstarter, and buying one additional ship, I'm still looking forward to the mainstream media reports when this riot and backlash happens. Will be interesting :x

Oh and sorry for all the posts everywhere, maybe I should learn how to use multiquote and post a single post.... hmmm.

For some inescapable reason I would rather have a game. [big grin]
Even though I'd lose a moderate amount of cash that I pledged during kickstarter, and buying one additional ship, I'm still looking forward to the mainstream media reports when this riot and backlash happens. Will be interesting :x

Oh and sorry for all the posts everywhere, maybe I should learn how to use multiquote and post a single post.... hmmm.

Why not grab your money back now before the refund cascade starts, you can always buy back in if the game gets released.


It was a well deserved action/response/claim at that time (2012)... At that time there was a very long painful drought of pc centric games that started on ps3/360 era.

Things only started to change on the last 3 years.

No it wasn't. Were you actually playing games in 2012?

How was he going to "save PC gaming"? Go look up the sheer number of games for 2010-2012, not to mention the ones which were already in development at the time.

How exactly were publishers actually influencing the gamedev industry in 2012? They weren't. By 2012, self-publishing was already a major thing that started as far back as 2008 when Steam made significant moves in that area. Then GoG, GamersGate et all, all made their moves. Humble Bundle and bunch of others joined in.

Unity and UnrealEngine were the major influencers that changed the gamedev and publishing landscape during those years. There is a story up on Gamastutra. A vast majority of games during this era, were self-published and self-funded by the teams and studios making them.

These are claims that he made, not knowing anything about the progress the industry had made since he was forced out. Up until 2012, nobody knew was CR was doing. Heck, even when he was supposedly "working" on the PoC demo with some CryTek guys in 2011, nobody knew about it. He wasn't on social media, he wasn't at conventions - he wasn't anywhere. He just showed up, made all these claims, traded on Wing Commander, then use these ludicrous claims as a battle cry. Most of us just regarded them as hyperbole and delusions of grandeur; we just wanted the games he said he was going to make.
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Why not grab your money back now before the refund cascade starts, you can always buy back in if the game gets released.

Yeah. I know. There's two reasons right now.

1. The "I can't be reason" - the refund process looks long and involved and seems a lot of stress and hassle.
2. If I buy back later, I'd lose my LTI bonuses for backing during the kickstarter stage.

I forgot what point 3 was going to be, I'm pretty tired right now.


Actually, in relation to this, one of the SC fans raised something for me that is another red flag. We were discussing CIGs use of their funds, when they said CIG are free to do whatever they want with the money they got (seriously, they said this). Then they pointed out (seemingly without concern) that the money raised through the CIG website (the vast majority of it) isn't convered by the same protection that covers backers who backed via kickstarter. And they seemed fine with this.

I haven't checked the legal stuff on RSIs website regarding what they promise and how binding on CIG it would be, but if this poster is right, it would mean CIG are free to never deliver on any of their promises regarding funds raised via the RSI website, only on the kickstarter stuff. And if they fail, they only need to refund the kickstarter funds.

Scary thought!

I have written extensively about this in my blogs. Those guys are talking nonsense as usual. The Lily drone fiasco already set a precedent that, Kickstarter ($2m) aside, as long as they were doing this on their own site, it doesn't matter what CIG says, they are pre-selling a product and are on the hook to deliver it to those who pre-ordered it. This is why refunds started being a thing when challenged last year through State authorities.
Why not grab your money back now before the refund cascade starts, you can always buy back in if the game gets released.

This can also have a catch 22 effect.

- A majority demands refunds = Company forced to repay a LARGE amount of money they have tied down into offices and equipment and no cash to cover and goes belly up
- Do NOT demand refund = Game might get released
- Do NOT demand refund = Game company goes belly up regardless

So requesting a refunds could actually be negative since there might not be any game to buy in on.


A forum moderator not posting under an official capacity.

What he brought up was the thinking of other people regarding CIG not delivering the game. I don't see the big deal here, you seem to be looking for a fight over something that hardly warrants a fight.

Seriously, why don't you have him blocked? This is what he does, all the time. Some of us who know better, and who have him blocked, don't read this stuff unless it's quoted. Please stop quoting him. Thanks.

Someone posts commentary about something that someone else said, and all of a sudden, he's blaming the reader, and not the source. Of course that "he's a Frontier Dev mod" is the same ludicrous, tired, old argument they use on me as well that I'm a dev slagging off another product. That one always makes me chuckle because clearly they live in a bubble.


Whenever, if ever 3.0 comes out, all of the non fans here will have to test it for a reasonable amount of time if they wish to carry on discussing its gameplay with any authority.
Perhaps someone should form a SC org and get a dedicated discord server we could call it, 'Derek's Doubters' or 'Star Sceptics'.

We heard that all the way to 2.0. Then 2.6.3. It's all still a pile of rubbish.

I logged in this weekend for the first time in a 2-3 months. It was stable and I was getting 30-40 FPS in SPK with 24 people in the AUS server (I'm in Europe) whilst dogfighting. The party system is very poor, not much else has changed. I will leave it now until 3.0

1st, don't compare AC to the PU. Even so, when you guys make stuff up, we just lol because we know - beyond a doubt - that the server falls over 8+ people. This has been an established fact long before they went from 16-24. And since they haven't made ANY networking changes since then, other than switching from one cloud server to the next, there is nothing in 2.6.x that would have automagically changed the networking performance.

2nd, I doubt it. 3 players + 5 Merlins =
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