That was my point Discourse. I agree, the visuals are excellent and do show some future potential, although I still suspect they were pre-rendered in the editor (as opposed to the in-game engine). The problem is with shills like proZac who try and pass it off as "in-game" footage from "super secret builds" that only they have access to. It's bad enough here, where enough people know better, but he and his ilk try and flog that off on potential backers as what they CAN see, not "still in development. To me, that is an even worse fraud than just shilling. He would probably be one of the first screaming "But it's only alpha, you don't understand game development" if a someone came in and asked where all this was after they convinced them to back.
You've approached the discussions in a reasonable way, clearly identifying opinion or hope from fact. He has not, and has outright lied to support his claims. One of those approaches deserves respect, the other nothing but pity and contempt.
yup, pretty much...