The Star Citizen Thread v5

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That was my point Discourse. I agree, the visuals are excellent and do show some future potential, although I still suspect they were pre-rendered in the editor (as opposed to the in-game engine). The problem is with shills like proZac who try and pass it off as "in-game" footage from "super secret builds" that only they have access to. It's bad enough here, where enough people know better, but he and his ilk try and flog that off on potential backers as what they CAN see, not "still in development. To me, that is an even worse fraud than just shilling. He would probably be one of the first screaming "But it's only alpha, you don't understand game development" if a someone came in and asked where all this was after they convinced them to back.

You've approached the discussions in a reasonable way, clearly identifying opinion or hope from fact. He has not, and has outright lied to support his claims. One of those approaches deserves respect, the other nothing but pity and contempt.

yup, pretty much...

I think you should calm down lol, I apologise if you took it personal or that if you feel mislead or trolled, it was not my intention to hurt anybody's feelings, this thread is quite humorous constantly for way more aggressive reasons lol.
But ultimately it is not my fault that you are investing so much time posting in a thread about a game you have basically no knowledge whatsoever that lead you into making a picture in your head based on (wrong) assumptions. I never lied, I just posted pics, lack of knowledge about Star Citizen did the rest.

I'm taking time out of work time occasionally and game travel time mostly, it isn't personal time where I can do anything other than stare at the wall. I'm not losing sleep over this. I'm sure you are since you are bringing this huge campaign to expuriment and for the lulz. The comedy is you chuckles, I'm laughing at you. However, this isn't personal. I mean, I can't believe you would so feverishly defend something so inherently broken but that's on you.

I'm only here replying to your idiocy to ensure you don't drown out the sane people that know the project is in development hell and is led by someone who hasn't developed a game since the '90s and thinks several separate studios spread across the globe for their very first game is any kind of logic.

You can stay, I'm certainly getting laughs out of it. I mean, this is the most entertainment I've gotten out of the money I've burned away with CR/CIG/RSI and it will most likely be the last since the head honcho has proven to be over the top incompetent and inept.

But keep on buying ships commando, he needs YOUR money more than anything.
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I think you should calm down lol, I apologise if you took it personal or that if you feel mislead or trolled, it was not my intention to hurt anybody's feelings, this thread is quite humorous constantly for way more aggressive reasons lol.
But ultimately it is not my fault that you are investing so much time posting in a thread about a game you have basically no knowledge whatsoever that lead you into making a picture in your head based on (wrong) assumptions. I never lied, I just posted pics, lack of knowledge about Star Citizen did the rest.

^^ This is what I meant lol

By the way Prokar, care to explain how the EXACT SAME screenshots of your alleged "set up" ended up on another forum posting dating from.... LAST YEAR!
That guy was remarkably accurate with his shoe. If Bush hadn't of moved he would have got nailed right in the melon.

Apparently they are quite well versed in the throwing of their foot wear over there, it is a traditional insult I think. So foot wear toss is equivalent to US horse shoes, or darts.
Star Citizen: We don't know as of yet how each system will be balanced.

Still, development only just began so I can't blame them for not having their game systems designed yet. Once they sort out jukes once and for all and redo the netcode for the sixth time, THEN they design and balance the game systems. But not before. Not EVER before.
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I know this is tough for you to accept mills, but I don't believe a word you say.

Yes, the "I know you are but what am I" defense is internationally regarded as almost unbeatable in adult conversation. I'm not sure where I expressed an interest in your opinion of me or my opinions, but good luck with that tedious stuff!

Now back to Star Citizen, still stalled in the mud.

This thread is almost charming:


"Is the focus of this game too much on the ships?"

"You have to start somewhere, might as well start with the ships. Besides, how often to you go to arccorp? I'm guessing little or not at all. But you fly you "SHIP", right? so the focus is fine."

"I think that you are too worried too early, we only know of 1/3 of what is going on behind the closed doors for SC and that the campaign of squadron 42 ill be done before the P.U will be which will increase the progress rate of the P.U. Until then you will just have to be understanding of the progress rate for now."

Ah, full of folks Who Understand Game Development.

"They have a lot of other things they are working on behind closed doors that they don't want to show is for fear of backlash."

Oh my! What IS going on behind the green space door?

"The ship production pipeline is separately autonomous from the rest of the game development. It's a unique thing to SC and what's enabled CIG to set gaming development records."

What? Separately autonomous? Do you think that's wise, sir?

So... I know they set crowdfunding records, but what exactly are these game development records they set?
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Again, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. Your scheme was discovered very quickly, I and many other posters here pointed out what you did. What are you talking about?!?! What is this "did the rest." All you did was humiliate yourself and then pretend it was all part of your plan to be discovered deceiving people.

Does anyone else but proKar somehow think this little display somehow went in his direction and showed us up as ignorants who have "basically no knowledge whatsoever?"

It's such a tedious thing some of the backers love pulling. Especially when there's a media piece that's even VAGUELY negative or hinting at difficulties - "oh they didn't do enough RESEARCH."

Because apparently, it's impossible for backers like us to read the sacred scrolls of CIG and comprehend the words. You have to be purified in the temple, baptized in the fire of watching all 85 episodes of Ten for the Chairman... Don't you dare express an opinion before watching every episode of Around, Reverse, Perverse, and Converse the 'verse! Despite much of it being inherently ridiculous, self-contradicting, and altogether impractical... it'll all true! ALL OF IT!

Yes, dear friends...

Everything you know IS wrong!

In conclusion: Jesus, just apologize and slink off into the darkness. You were caught out being deceptive and it wasn't an experiment, it was sheer laziness trying to impress strangers with the magic of Star Citizen but they could identify the source of the images and cried foul.

The End.

Hmm, so basically Star Citizen is like the Elder Scrolls. Once your eyes have gazed upon the forbidden and glorious knowledge hidden within, the reader will be rendered permanently blind by the sheer brilliance and power they contain... Except in Star Citizen's case it renders your ability to think clear thoughts impossible, fills your being with cognitive dissonance and makes you perform ever more ludicrous leaps of mental gymnastics that you gradually lose all sense of reasoning and critical thought.

It also renders you unable to see the reality of the "glorious game" you are playing, the juddering, jerky, buggy horrors playing out on screen not registering in your retinas... just the unending, blinding light of *His* vision.....
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Query: Since Star Citizen is so great, why are the same two blind supporters here all the time and not enjoying the Best Damn Spaceholder Shazbot Ever?
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Me? Tears? HAHAHAHA!!!! [squeeeee]

I am perfectly content with the current situation. The bitter ones all up in arms about TOS and refunds are everyone else here. ;)

Yep, VERY bitter tears there.

So back on topic. Have you tried 2.4.1 yet?

Have a large percentage of the bugs been smashed?

What do you think Squadron 42 needs to be a successful stand alone module of Star Citizen?

If not.... when was the last time you actually *played* SC? Or, for that matter, *any* game?
Thing is they have some variety to their comments, often backed by supporting evidence. While they engage in some teasing, that is not all they do. I've yet to read a post from you that isn't baiting in some form.
Nah, your gang is heavily invested in baiting.

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I think the Star Citizen lot know that their game is a busted flush and now just want to inflict their misery on the rest of us poor souls by being complete crapheads.

How could anyone inflict any misery on you if you weren't so invested in this drama?
I don't recall joining a gang :D

Do we get Citizen Cards or something?

Just as long as we get to burst out in song periodically, that's all I ask.


I wonder what drives them so crazy about this, really. A bunch of SC backers on a forum following SC development, cracking jokes and trying to have a good time commiserating with similar people in the same situation. All with different opinions on the project. That this attracts a never-ending procession of... (gestures) just weird. I guess somebody could be talkin' crap about Elite on the Limit Theory forum, but it just... doesn't occur to me to race in with guns blazing, trailing deceptive jpgs and alienating forum regulars.

Stomping out jokes made at CR's expense won't make the game arrive any faster. That's all on him and his management style. There's really no need to convert strangers who have heard the sermons before at tedious length!
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