I saw someone saying that CIG should release some ships only purchasable in game with earned in game money. I doubt it will happen they want, actually I think they need the money. Contrary to the game is fully funded statements, I doubt if all cash stops flowing in they could finish anything. Also can you imagine the outcry. Wait you mean there are ships I can't buy I have to earn them, and horrors of horrors they may be as good as ships you bought. Not only that but imagine if you could earn the money in game in just a couple months of casual game play. Now I see people screaming if that happened, I also see others screaming if the price is so high no one playing casually will ever be able to afford the ships (unless you use real cash, buy in game credits and use that). Oh in case some are new you can actually buy game money with real money (but no that is not pay to win, no way, no how, not possible. Why because it is magic money it can't buy power only ships and weapons and clothing of course). Nope that isn't buying power, it isn't pay to win as I said, nope it is just having fun without playing the game you just buy your way to the best, but do NOT say pay to win. It can't be because they said so and that is all you need to know, now stop thinking about it.
Why am I so cynical? I bought a Constellation, and a 300I remember when jump drives were not going to be on all ships? I do, but a few would. Now I already owned the Connie so bought the 300I exploration version why? Because it comes with a jump drive. We are talking very early days and that was one of the very very VERY last LTI ships ever to be sold. Wondering how long I was involved in Star Citizen? Remember the Gold Ticket holders? The fuss over them and the 'extra' they get? Well no one knows what the extras are, and I wonder who remembers the Gold Ticket holders. Well I know I have a Gold Ticket. Talk early backer well I am one of the originals, and I am frustrated at the slow pace, bug ridden mess the game is so far. I was in the hanger and never played a single minute of anything else. I am to disappointed in what I have seen, all the bugs and the lies. Star Marine due in weeks not months then told it is already in game, and now told it is being worked on. Which is it? I saw it defended to hell and back in these threads saying how Star Marine is in game, but if it is, why is it being worked on and we all know it isn't as advertised and was a huge lie, saying it already is in. Not only that but people bought it hook line and sinker. People need to take off the blinders, see what is release, analyze it and be honest does it work or have so many issues they need to fix before making another jpeg to sell. Fix the game, make it work no more warping through walls, walking in space without a space suite.