The Star Citizen Thread v5

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That doesn't happen for me.

What are you on about? You said Evochron has Elite's feature list, and I provided to you one of the prime reasons it doesn't.

Sorry to interject but you're splitting hairs! They both simulate a procedurally generated galaxy. It doesn't matter if one is a 1:1 of the Milky Way or not. It's like arguing with someone who says the sky is blue when it's a gradient of blue. Concede the point and move along

By this logic, there is no space game which doesn't have Newtonian physics.

Well considering that we here right now are experiencing Newtonian physics... As far as I understand, Newtonian physics are governed by his three laws. If a games simulates those three laws, regardless of imposed limitations, it's still simulating Newtonian physics. Just because a flight computer automatically applies counter-thrust, doesn't mean that a game does not simulate Newtonian physics.
Sorry to interject but you're splitting hairs! They both simulate a procedurally generated galaxy. It doesn't matter if one is a 1:1 of the Milky Way or not. It's like arguing with someone who says the sky is blue when it's a gradient of blue. Concede the point and move along

No, one simulates the Milky Way - the other has one star system that is not ProcGen.
Sorry to interject but you're splitting hairs! They both simulate a procedurally generated galaxy. It doesn't matter if one is a 1:1 of the Milky Way or not. It's like arguing with someone who says the sky is blue when it's a gradient of blue. Concede the point and move along

Don't be daft. I don't understand how you can pretend that simulating a galaxy one-to-one, complete with celestial mechanics by the way, is not distinct from a play area with a few tens of systems.

Well considering that we here right now are experiencing Newtonian physics... As far as I understand, Newtonian physics are governed by his three laws. If a games simulates those three laws, regardless of imposed limitations, it's still simulating Newtonian physics. Just because a flight computer automatically applies counter-thrust, doesn't mean that a game does not simulate Newtonian physics.

Now this is what I would call splitting hairs.
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Indeed, SC actually runs okay when you cut out all the multiplayer. AC with drones is pretty smooth and actually quite pleasurable for me to fly around in.

Go to Port Olisar and you can see the difficulty of the networking laid bare.

ED has the abrupt transitions (I wish they would change it to a visual distortion show the massive drop/increase in velocity)

SC tries to do the networking more seamlessly. This is a truly ambitious task that seems to be causing CIG to tread water.

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The sky isn't blue.

If it were, the moon would be blue too ;)
I'm not sure the ships in ED act completly inertially with flight assist off, I think there might be some slight fudging going on there but it's really hard to judge.

Mind you I shot a T9's engines out on a planet and watched it bounce around on the surface in a realistic way. It was still firing at me as it was doing so, I did regret that I finished him off rather than seeing if he would just come to rest:

Newtonian mechanics is pretty trivial to implement really, it was in Elite 2 and 3 but was taken out of Dangerous in order to make the combat a bit more fun I assume.
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The ships in E : D are modeled with Newtonian laws but there is a wall - as there is in most -where acceleration has to be stopped otherwise it could keep going and going and going and going like the Energizer space bunny until the speeds are too fast for the computer to simulate everything going on and then insta-gamecrash.

There's also a reason to keep speeds within certain confines so that each ship has a different value to it so there's more point to each ship rather than how many weapons and how much defense one can stack on it.
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Look at this quote from this article from late 2014:

If you own it, you own the idea of flying the Vanduul Scythe around the finished game - a game, by the way, that won't be feature complete until 2016.

Time to start tacking on the years, this thing isn't even core complete and functional 7 months into 2016.

And then there is this glorious piece of, as he claimed earlier in this very article, <REDACTED> -on-feature-creep-and-over-ambition/

Arena Commander, which is still evolving, is a better looking and playing game than a lot of finished games out there.

His head is so far up there he gets breakfast twice a day.
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We just don't understand 2016.

What CIG have delivered definitely does beat a AAA released game in terms of gameplay, finesse, fidelity, mechanics and fun.

I think it was called Advanced Lawnmower Simulator ;)
it's most likely upper management that are pushing things down and the only thing a manager can do is acquiesce their, for lack of a better term, orders.
That just teaches me they have no spine. Their entire purpose in employment in that position is to manage the relationship between those above and below them - if their solution to that is to just dump it on you then they're a total waste of space and money.

We used to have someone excellent at that in my first big-solo company role and they canned her role. Couple of years later the entire cross-multimedia nationally live platform was a spiderweb mess without the guiding hand to stop management screwing with it - was part of what slowly broke the company. They were just upset she said no when they wanted to mess it up :(
See I answer coomments the way I do because I'm poking and prodding your though process; challenge your opinions...,etc. My overall goal is to hopefully allow you to possibly re-evaluate your opinions; to question your stances with the counter arguments I post.
In the nicest possible way (always a bad sign when someone starts like that) that method of discussion is known as being an ass. Let's treat each other as friends and colleagues here and assume we don't speak with forked tongue. I do try and be optimistic and I generally am - but I've seen nothing to inspire it in a long time. I want to - but what I get is folk saying "you don't see what I see" with no specifics of actual things to see, or "look at these pre-renders and editor footage".... meh.

Maybe 2.6 will blow us away and we'll believe 2.7 will change everything - but it's just not worked out like that so far so the burden of evidence lies with them
If someone refuses to even believe that they're wrong, then replying with anything other than a straightforward point-by-point response will not be any more effective. It just makes you look like a .
If someone refuses to even believe that they're wrong, then replying with anything other than a straightforward point-by-point response will not be any more effective. It just makes you look like a .

Dude, I know that I'm wrong (regularly) and also know that I'm close to the end of the bell (pretty much fundamentally).

It's always a weird arguement though...
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Netwonian physics in ED - who cares they never claimed it was going to be the ultimate in newtonian space flight. This question is only being leveled at SC because it made the claim.

And new evidence being ignored? The only new thing in this thread in ages has been a bunch of questionable JPEGs - I pray for new evidence :( I watched so many stupid videos on their channel for proper new stuff... it never came. Please though - show me a live stream of someone exploring a planet - with a build that runs for normal people not a soloplayer closed paddling pool job and I'd genuinely be overjoyed

But more hype. Nah. Done.
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