I know you said "quietly dumbed it down" but gonna have to get a source for that.
Do you mean that they would accurately model the thruster physics, or that they dumbed it down? For the former, there's the Kickstarter page. For the latter, one might be able to prove it by close examination of a sample ship to see if thrusters do in fact articulate and if they do to (less easily) somehow find out if they're delivering a force to the ship.
e: if the thrusters deliver thrust ingame, then the mass and mass distribution of the ship would matter. If there is some way to load up the ship with mass, or reduce it, then the flight characteristics, in particular linear and rotational accelerations should change if the thrusters deliver thrust. And in addition, the rotational acceleration will be a function of the moment of inertia of the ship: Move a cargo crate to the side, does the rotational acceleration change?
If no to either or both questions, then the mechanic is dumbed down.