I can explain why the idea of the MVP isn't an issue. Because people like you hear it and immediately think "WOW Chris just admitted Star Citizen is going to be a gutted empty shell and everyone will be disappointed!" Meanwhile, people who have been paying attention to the development over the years think "that means what Chris has been saying all along; not all the stretch goals talked about will be in at launch day." See the difference? See, there's even evidence to support that we're still getting a rather robust feature set at launch, considering within the next few months we'll be landing on fully rendered planets and carrying out rover drive-bys.
Wouldn't it make more sense, especially to the backers that don't fall into one or two highly convenient polarized camps, if open development involved merely EXPLAINING what the MVP consisted of? All these hundreds of hours of videos, why not spend five minutes in one of them telling the backers what CR considers the MVP?
Wouldn't that be SOMEWHAT helpful to more than a few backers who you don't immediately sneer about as "people like you," hmm?
Because leaving it fuzzy and open to interpretation is better for business, isn't it. Leave it as a matter of faith... then only the foul unbelievers, LEAVERS, and special snowflakes would POSSIBLY quibble. Whereas the pure and those that Walk With Chris, knows what he means. Innately. Completely. Because in His Presence his Grace allows us to understand game development.