Thanks for replying. Hope you aren't offended CMDR_Orlando. It's just that I don't trust that Chris Roberts. Sounds like snake oil salesman.
I have lived long enough to trust my instincts, and he won't get any of my money until he comes up with the goods.
No problem, you didn't offended a I knew (from your post history) that it was a more or less genuine question, if a bit foolish ( to think that CIG needs to pay people to post about their game [squeeeee]).
The thing is that I understand how sometimes it might seem overly defensive, but that's mostly a reaction because of the constant flow of
atacks to "everything CIG/Roberts/Star Citizen", being it from mockingly jabs to straight up lies or accusations of criminal activity. [big grin]
When its not that is after a media/informative post, being of an ATV episode, the showcasing of a new feature/tech, or just a gameplay video. We have (usually the same set of people) diminishing it or mocking it. For example, when the Gamescom Demo came out some accused it of being "staged", "pre-rendered", ofc me or some other's respond to that, and it goes back and forth.
Recently after the FPS Vision Stabilization video those same people saying that it wasn't a big deal technically, it was a simple task and that what they were showing as a technical feat was just marketing lol. Again, Orlando one of the ones explaining why and how it was such a big feat for a game to do that 1st and 3rd person view and have a smooth player view desbite many doubters, today new ATV with a segment explaining just that...
Even tough all in all I prefer those game mechanics merits debates/discussions than having to explain why game development is harder than it seems. (Hint-Hint: Because most of the hard stuff happens behind the curtains and the only thing that the player see's is the "finished/polished" feature/game.)