The Type-8

Wasn’t there another F19 kit at the time with wings?
Not that one. This one:
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It's the fictional F-19, rumored US stealth fighter from the 1980-s. Of course, later it turned out that the name was wrong (the real one was designated F-117), the shape was wrong (the real one was way more sharp-edged) and it wasn't even a fighter, but a ground attack aircraft🙃

The fictional model looks really cool, though.
Always thought the F-19 was cool. I remember when that model was out and when the plane was also used in Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising.

I can't remember where I read it, but I think the F-19 design was a deliberate leak to throw everyone off of the actual F-117. Not only did the F-19 not exist, but it's design is the exact opposite of how the real stealth fighter worked (smooth curves instead of angular surfaces). Regardless, the F-117 was one of the best kept US military secrets. Everyone was shocked when the real stealth plan was revealed in Desert Storm.

Still love the F-19's looks, though. If that inspired the Python MK2, great. If not, still love the look of the Python MK2 anyway.
Always thought the F-19 was cool. I remember when that model was out and when the plane was also used in Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising.

I can't remember where I read it, but I think the F-19 design was a deliberate leak to throw everyone off of the actual F-117. Not only did the F-19 not exist, but it's design is the exact opposite of how the real stealth fighter worked (smooth curves instead of angular surfaces). Regardless, the F-117 was one of the best kept US military secrets. Everyone was shocked when the real stealth plan was revealed in Desert Storm.

Still love the F-19's looks, though. If that inspired the Python MK2, great. If not, still love the look of the Python MK2 anyway.
I always thought the F117 was featured in the movie Broken Arrow with Christian Slater.
Why should a ship manufacturer stick to only 1 design style for every ship? It's a departure from the old ships, but I don't mind.
I didn't suggest that they should. I was just saying that the reason it feels 'off', is because it doesn't look like a typical Lakon vessel. Lakon's up to this point were boxy and bulky craft.
Regardless, the F-117 was one of the best kept US military secrets. Everyone was shocked when the real stealth plan was revealed in Desert Storm.
The RAF was invited to test the F-117 in the mid eighties so for some it was not such a shock. Its also worth noting the faceted approach was not unique to the US- Germany had worked on the MBB Lampyridae in the eighties too (although it was never taken further)

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