The Vive discussion Thread

So I've never seen anyone post about this, but I'll take my chances.

Back in early VR Elite there was a bug usually when entering super cruise where the view would warp and show the completely wrong position (like back of the cockpit chair) for 1 frame and then resume. It was an irritating little flash. It got fixed all good.

Ever since Vive got ATW in the SteamVR beta, seemingly randomly and some places more than others I'll get similar 1 frame flashes where all I think I make out is black space and the star. It's very simular the bug we had previously that got fixed. I feel like it's triggered by terrain cell loads or when your frame of reference changes in supercruise.

Playing around with it, I don't get this issue at all when I run either with ATW Off and Reprojection On, but ATW is so nice I don't want to switch it off.

Am I totally alone on this one?

Hello Cmdrs. Im having a weird issue with the Vive and maybe someone can help. I recently update SteamVR, updated the base stations etc and now when im flying about in space the hmd will go blank for a few seconds. It happens quite often ad its getting annoying. It seems to happen randomly, i thought it might be the headset losing tracking but im not positive. When it occurs i wiggle my head around and the picture comes back but for the last few times ive kept dead still and the picture still comes back. Could it be a gpu issue? I have a titan X. it gets pretty hot - 88degrees - i think thats still in acceptable levels. Anyone else get this?

Loss of tracking is a fade to gray. You can test this buy covering up the Vive with your hands to the point most sensors are obscured.

SteamVR when performance is taking a dip that ATW or Repro can't compensate for can fade out to black to prevent you getting motion sick.

Zero out your settings to the absolute minimum just to test it out. If it still appears to happen, and randomly consider your background apps. If something spikes the CPU VR performance can suffer. An old version of EDEngineer for instance would spike CPU every minute or so and flash my screen black.
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It's off and on between updates, sometimes it's fixed, then it returns.
I see flashes of planets when going into super-cruise or jump.

Loss of tracking is a fade to gray. You can test this buy covering up the Vive with your hands to the point most sensors are obscured.

SteamVR when performance is taking a dip that ATW or Repro can't compensate for can fade out to black to prevent you getting motion sick.

Zero out your settings to the absolute minimum just to test it out. If it still appears to happen, and randomly consider your background apps. If something spikes the CPU VR performance can suffer. An old version of EDEngineer for instance would spike CPU every minute or so and flash my screen black.

Cheers for the response. I did try the other night reducing settings and im still getting the issue. I have a pretty beefy system (Titan X, 4970k) and so would expect to be able to run at the higher end of the settings scale (as some here seem to be able to do). Also the other night i started to lose sound as well as picture (which didnt happen before) and so im now thinking its a wire connection issue. Someone mentioned that in a thread in the VR section called blackouts - i will try fiddling with the wire connecting the HMD and see. Hold tight.
I noticed a new thing that ticks me off when playing in VR. I made sure to position my throttle and stick in the same space as in game but the in-game character sometimes makes a finger stretching motion. Seeing this in the corner of my eye feels kinda weird, almost as if someone took control of my body. Would be nice to give an option to disable these animations.

Looking down for the first time and seeing was a second of puzzlement for my brain the first time I put on the vive in ED.

Super easy fix to this problem; I just stretch my finger the same way as the pilot does. :D

- - - Updated - - -

I had the same problem for some time, and the only way to fix it: is to go to options/controls AND configure the Galaxy Map controls for your controller (I assume you have a joystick, preferably HOTAS). When you have done that, it will become much much more usable.

Do you need more details?

Thanks. I have manged to somehaw config galaxy map and hotas, but there are some issues. I need own buttons cause UI left / right are taken. Could you screenshot how you have configured it? What do you do about search? :) Figuring out trade routes is pretty hard when I cannot type or are lacking the 2nd monitor.
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I use the default HUD colors.

A few days in with my Vive I was starting to miss the steam overlay for accessing websites during long flights etc..

I've tried out a few things:
- SteamVR overlay / desktop: it is accessible through the button on the Vive. That's a bit impractical. I did not find a solution to rebind that to a shortcut on keyboard for example (maybe someone knows). Does not seem to support mouse or keyboard. At least it's not reacting to my attempts. I don't want to use the Vive controller. Guess that does not work for my purposes.
- switching between Bigscreen Beta (a virtual desktop) and Elite Dangerous: like described there. I can't seem to get both instances running at the same time. So when I open Bigscreen it closes Elite Dangerous and vice versa. Any ideas? It seems like SteamVR is doing that, but I have not found a solution to that yet [???].
- OpenVRDesktopDisplayPortal: it's pretty nice. Interacting with the window is not that straight forward, though. I ended up using a beta build of the portal (v1. that allows to have a global window on/off button and set the shortcut to F10. With an Autohotkey-script I've managed to blend in my browser window steam-overlay-like. It works well.
The script:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
game = -1

browser = Opera.exe
portalHotkey = {f10}

if game != -1
toggleBrowser(browser, portal, game, portalHotkey)

WinGet, game, ID, A

toggleBrowser(browser, portal, game, portalHotkey)
IfWinActive, ahk_id %game%
SendInput %portalHotkey%
WinActivate, ahk_exe %browser%
;Winset, Alwaysontop, On, A
;Winset, Alwaysontop, Off, A
SendInput %portalHotkey%
WinActivate, ahk_id %game%

VarSetCapacity(llrectA, 16)
WinGetPos, cornerX, cornerY, sizeX, sizeY, %window%
Loop, 4 {
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+0+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,cornerX >> 8*A_Index-8)
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+4+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,cornerY >> 8*A_Index-8)
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+8+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,(sizeX + cornerX)>> 8*A_Index-8)
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+12+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,(sizeY + cornerY) >> 8*A_Index-8)
DllCall("ClipCursor", "UInt", &llrectA)


hWnd := WinExist("A")
hSysMenu := DllCall("GetSystemMenu","Int",hWnd,"Int",FALSE)

hWnd := WinExist("A")
it's kinda hacky :/

first setup (only once):
Browser:disable hardware acceleration if the window does not show up correctly in OpenVRDesktopDisplayPortal
Skript: change the portal hotkey for showing hiding to the desired shortcut you wanna use (-> a key you'll likely not use for other purposes, including writing); add correct executable name for the browser window to the script;
OVRDDP: position the window like you want in VR space; best enforce a fix window size for the browser, show mouse
ED: disable Steam Overlay (or change the shortcut to something other than shift+tab)

every time you wanna use it:
start script
start OVRDDP (a build that allows the hotkeys to be global, like v1.
select browser window in OVRDDP
set hide/show hotkey to your hotkey (with the tick, so that it's global... sadly hotkeys aren't saved so you have to do it every time)
hide the window
start ED
in ED press ctrl+shift+tab

-> now it should be working. Pressing shift+tab should toggle the browser window on and off. When the window is active, you should have control over the window and the mouse should be locked to it. Mouse lock will be removed when the window is resized at the edges.

How do you go about browsing for information when in-game with the headset on?
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I wanted to point out what hud colors I use but I cannot find the VR post I used.
I don't mean the NO2O tread.
Maybe I want to change from light blue to green.

I will look up the strings if you're intrested:
Here they are;

<MatrixRed> -0.17, 0.23, 1 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> 0, 1, 0 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> 1, -0.27, -0.53 </MatrixBlue>
This is my HUD setting. Let's go with "Pipboy Green"

It's not my favorite colour, but it pops and is so clear as a daisy in the headset. Even at zero'ed out HUD brightness.

You may cringe, but anyone playing VR needs to at least run the experiment.
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New SteamVR beta...

Handy, not such more for Elite anymore with HMD Quality, but for everything else.
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I just want to chime in.

My PC specs are;

i5 6600k OCed to 4.1 GHZ
GTX 1060 OCed to 2100mhz core and 8552mhz mem
16mb ddr4 2400mhz
Windows 10

Elite Dangerous is the only VR game that gives me any performance issues. I get 89-90 FPS is regular space. 65-70 in High rez/intense spaces. 50-60 in Space Ports.

I can change the settings all day long. Low, med, and high. SS off,scaled down, and 1.4-1.5. It does not matter. The game performs sub optimally regardless of what settings I use.

This makes me believe that the issue in on Frontiers side and I've read that 2.2 borked VR. Really hope things change because once you go VR in ED, you don't go back.
How do you go about browsing for information when in-game with the headset on?

Back before i got my Vive i was playing ED on my DK2 and with it i could use virtual desktop to just alt-tab to the desktop for looking stuff up, it was wonderful.

Since i got my vive i hadnt played Elite at all till last weekend and i found that its impossible to runt two VR programs at the same time, ive read that neither Vive and Occulus run more than one VR program at the same time anymore.

To be able to surf ingame i first did a convoluted a thing of opening a VNC window to another computer, putting that window in a OpenVR Display Portal in my cockpit, alt-tabbing out of ED to enable the display portal, doing another command to send my mouse and keyboard to the computer with VNC on it and then being able to browse in a nice window displayed in my cockpit.

Convoluted as i said.

After a day of doing that, getting annoyed, asking around a bit and searching some more i found that its possible to resize and reposition the steamvr desktop.

Resizing i already knew how to do trough steamvr advanced settings, in there i set the desktop overlay to 1.8 instead of 3.

The new bit for me was repositioning the desktop overlay, to do so open:


The changes i made are as follows:
"distance": 2.0,
changed to
"distance": 1.0,
"dashboard_offset": [ 0.0, -0.7, 0.0 ],
changed to
"dashboard_offset": [ 0.0, -0.3, 0.0 ],

This gives me a screen that seems to be about 1.8 meters wide, 1 meter away from my HMD at a good height, very readable for looking stuff up, was using it for hours last night.

You could make it smaller and close for a more normal screen experience.

To get it accessible i turn on one of my steam controllers, press the dashboard button, choose desktop down on the bottom,right click the controller in the steamvr thing and choose power off controller, desktop thing closes and i can get the desktop back by pressing the button on the left side of the Vive.

I still have to tab out of elite to do stuff on the desktop and make elite the active program again before being able to control it when going back in, but this is a lot smoother to do, if less pretty than the VNC, OpenVR Display Portal, Input Director way i was doing.

Resourse i used to find config file stuff, props to DarkVamprismfor this:

My reddit post where i figured this out and outlined the previous method:
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