Time to abandon it

I still believe the New Era is essentially Elite Dangerous 2. A new core game engine re-using all of the current assets, with most of the feature modules simply swapped over as is but a lot of the feature code modified to utilize the new and improved features of the rebuilt core. Improved graphics, networking, reworked vehicle code including first person, etc.

Very much like what Blizzard is doing with Overwatch 2. That's what I think ED's New Era is.

Totally hear where you're coming from, and it makes a lot of sense
After many years of play I think it's time to abandon it, in the end you realize that the game has too many limits that I hope will be introduced in the future, now everything is limited to grinding and making money and once you get the ship and build properly you have finished the game because everything only leads to making money and nothing else, everything brings you back to this.
For years people have been asking for storage in the stations for the materials and resources collected, being able to walk on the planets and build outposts, add a videochat directly in game with the group's participants, as they are doing on Star Citizen, an audio / video player, make the planets with realistic textures and not all the same with a single color pattern, there is no life in this game and maybe they will be limits of the engine, but I believe it is the lack of desire of the devs to improve the game by investing money, but obviously it is more important to sell skins, what is left to do in this game? jump from one system to another, farming, do missions to get only to make money, too little, there is no capital ship where you could invite party players, it would be more fun to be able to manage the entire ship, mining on foot and missions, I lost all interest, perhaps the new players have not yet understood but at a certain point yes and the money is of no use.

I gave up too, because I've seen that they really don't have the skills to do something better.
Gosh, I have almost 700 hours in ED & I feel like I am just getting started with ED. I can see myself playing ED for years to come, till Frontier releases a next gen Elite game. I am definitely really looking forward to the New Era, all the new content out at the end of 2020.
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