Time to make Fleet Carriers Squadron's only..

Haha, shame they started off this way.
And it made sense, members with different levels being able to perform duty and jumps.

All squardon members able to transfer and contribute to money balance on carrier.
All share stored items, etc.

I wish there was more squardon features and benefits in linking a cmdr and his carrier to a squardon.

I guess the forum keyboard warriors convinced fdev to make them personal. Fdev then tried to keep everyone happy instead of sticking to they original designs. Shame.

I do wish fdev didn't listen so much to the most vocal people on the forum.
I like that they're ownable by individuals and am looking forward to being able to afford one and try out some bulk trading/arbitrage that would be hard to do if they were a squadron only asset. I have no problem with large numbers being present in systems. Being able to filter them out of the system map would be nice, however.
I like that they're ownable by individuals and am looking forward to being able to afford one and try out some bulk trading/arbitrage that would be hard to do if they were a squadron only asset. I have no problem with large numbers being present in systems. Being able to filter them out of the system map would be nice, however.
Agreed. Also, more filters for the right hand panel. I just want to see MY FC, not ALL of them.

Eventually, the issue is the server. Which, quite frankly, is a Fdev issue. If we didn't have any server issue, we could have more FC per system and bodies, and nobody would complain or even notice (if they also added a filter for them).
OPs complaint is that fleet carriers should be removed because they're clogging up the nav panel and system map.

That smells like a problem with the nav panel and system map to me.

If you gave me separate filters on the nav panel for "my carrier", "landable carriers" and "non-landable carriers" then I'd have the third one there permanently off and the second toggled only when I have business with a carrier, and the presence of carriers would never be a problem for me on that panel again.

If carriers around the same body on the system map were collapsed into a single object instead of each being treated as a separate megaship, then they would cease to be a problem there too.
Haha, shame they started off this way.
And it made sense, members with different levels being able to perform duty and jumps.

All squardon members able to transfer and contribute to money balance on carrier.
All share stored items, etc.

I wish there was more squardon features and benefits in linking a cmdr and his carrier to a squardon.

I guess the forum keyboard warriors convinced fdev to make them personal. Fdev then tried to keep everyone happy instead of sticking to they original designs. Shame.

I do wish fdev didn't listen so much to the most vocal people on the forum.
Actually I think they couldn't work out how to sell carrier cosmetics to squadrons.

Does everyone in the squad have to buy it?

What about new members then?

Ok just the leader?

But then it's one sale to potentially hundreds of players... We could sell it a hundred times of they were personal...

What was that about "it's just cosmetic, it doesn't affect the game" again?
Just visited a System I call my Home, Barnards Star and in that system alone, we have at a guess...50(ish) fleet carriers.

Fleet carriers should not be a single owned entity, but owned and run by a Squadron.

let people store commodities in stations and you might have a point.
Torgnys revenge
She's named after a good friend in elite.
There's absolutely no way l would ever sell her. Like most elite pilots, it's intrinsic to storage and navigation within the game.
She's parked in a system I call home. Currently shut down, as I'm focused on foot content.
OP does have a point about the ugly strings of carriers in systems that cmdrs flock to for whatever reason.
But it is what it is, not ideal.
But asking us to give up our carrier..not gonner happen. Hehe.

Make them Squadron only nope, especially not bound to high member numbers, i play with 3-4 friends.
to accommodate their stuff i needed to equip everything except black Market, currently this costs me 24,5 M Cr per week, initially this was well over a 140 M per week.
Loved this change since i play multiple games and if it was not changed i would not have bought one.

there are no options except the market or dumping cargo for them to help me bankroll it, only Tritium can be donated straight into the fuel tank.

I like the ability to take the ships i need into deep-space and do some exploration, mining and with Odyssey: Genetic sampling.

things that actually need to be changed with FC's:
  • as mentioned earlier, ability to set Access-Rights so that people you appoint can:
    • donate funds;
    • store cargo, with quota's assigned;
    • move the carrier;
  • Ability to plot routes instead of single jump every 20 minutes, jumping out to 20k Ly, takes 40+ jumps (also 4M Cr for repairs) that's a lot of time to simply wait to click a few buttons and wait some more. now i use Jump Anaconda to plot route and follow it with carrier to not stray of the path ;);
  • Option to manually or automatically transfer Tritium from the hold if the Fuel-Tank is empty, I pay those Crewmembers a ton of cash to handle the ship and they do very little to make my life easier;
  • not sure if implemented, but the ability to turn in Genetic Samples, at reduced rate just like exploration data at the FC;
  • It's nice that NPC dock at my carrier but they don't buy anything, so no steady income to offset the upkeep on the FC;
i also agree with previous posts, about the possibility to implement smaller size carriers for single commanders or friend groups, why do i need a FC with 16 landing pads?
If you have two of each that's more then enough landing pads for this category. Maybe reduce the amount of storage for Ships ( 10 for player, 5 for guests, maybe even less), components and cargo to match the size of the FC.

Reducing the jump-range I'm not a fan of, at least not the 100 Ly mentioned in some posts, unless infinitely more fuel efficient coupled with a faster jump sequence. otherwise it would take you 5 times as long to get some where compared to the regular FC.

i like the utility the FC gives me and my friends but there is room for improvement. Some should not be difficult to implement others would take more work or completely design a new vessel.
Agreed. Also, more filters for the right hand panel. I just want to see MY FC, not ALL of them.

Eventually, the issue is the server. Which, quite frankly, is a Fdev issue. If we didn't have any server issue, we could have more FC per system and bodies, and nobody would complain or even notice (if they also added a filter for them).

Except there's an upper limit you can have per system determined by the number of 64bit ID's available per system, so no, nothing to do with the server, all to do with the galaxy map and 64bit address space!
Except there's an upper limit you can have per system determined by the number of 64bit ID's available per system, so no, nothing to do with the server, all to do with the galaxy map and 64bit address space!
Isn't the 64bit space very large, like in the billions or something ? I'm no expert, really^^
And if it's not, then couldn't they have used something else to store that data ? MMOs can have thousands of people on a server, and even if they decide to cluster all together at the same spot, you'll get massive lag rendering them all and the server might crash, but it's not related to the high number of different people.
There appear to be lots of carriers in certain systems. These systems or those close to it must be popular I believe. On the edge of the bubble in areas with no local draw, you do not get the problem of carriers numbers.
I think that FCs were originally intended to be for squadron ownership but FDev realized that this would cause a huge backlash from everyone who would want to have their own personal carrier, particularly as the FC update was the first significant content drop in a long while.

Perhaps a good compromise solution would have been to introduce small player-owned carriers and large squadron-owned carriers, but that ship has long sailed.

I guess there's still the option to add smaller carriers with a much-reduced upkeep.
Just visited a System I call my Home, Barnards Star and in that system alone, we have at a guess...50(ish) fleet carriers.

Fleet carriers should not be a single owned entity, but owned and run by a Squadron.

I am sorry, I cannot agree. I have owned my own carrier since they launched them. I have no issues maintaining it, I use it daily, and I allow anyone and everyone to use it. I never play with anyone, so, it would make me owning one impossible. It has radically changed how I play the game. My fleet goes where I go.

I do understand that they are not for everyone. I know a lot of people who love EDO, but hate grinding. They will never own a carrier, and rightfully so. I EARNED mine the hard way, I ground it out, and I deserve to keep it. I, however, am not against making OTHER ways of getting a carrier, like, maybe individuals can own one, AND, if a squadron can earn one in a squadron kinda way, then why not. Hard part is that people come and go, change minds, and I can see 100's of abandoned carriers floating around the galaxy with no owners.
I think that FCs were originally intended to be for squadron ownership but FDev realized that this would cause a huge backlash from everyone who would want to have their own personal carrier, particularly as the FC update was the first significant content drop in a long while.

Perhaps a good compromise solution would have been to introduce small player-owned carriers and large squadron-owned carriers, but that ship has long sailed.

I guess there's still the option to add smaller carriers with a much-reduced upkeep.
The problem is the design. Frontier decided FCs are basically stations - that can occasionally change system.

That's why we get pearl necklace system maps and artificial limits of how many FCs can be present in a system.

Imagine if all our ships behaved liked that. "Sorry, can't jump to ShinDez, 10 other CMDRs already logged off there."
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