Titan Hadad is vulnerable!

Got my 2M Tuesday anyways.
But, going in in Open useless today - 8 pulses to get through on way as so many CMDR's - when I did get through Hadad was stuck on blue vents with no core but millions Thargs attacking me and others - straight to rebuy.
Will try in SOLO!!
I have my 2mil and more done. Very easy to get damage in today. And the goid response is not crazy after the attack yet, in solo at least. It will get worse as the hearts go down. I expect Ha Dead will be done by sometime early on Saturday, so get your runs in. Thanks to all those who have shared their builds and videos on how to attack and with what.
I have my 2mil and more done. Very easy to get damage in today. And the goid response is not crazy after the attack yet, in solo at least.
The 2M on Tuesday took 4 runs with little rewards each core.
Just tried today in solo (1st try in open was glitched and core did not come out) is much easier and has better pay-out - got >2M per core run until I was destroyed, rather than time taken to exit and travel back to FC.

Get your runs in at least to get 2M (BTW about 25% of 1st heart gone in last 3 hours or so, it was on about 20% when I started , so about 45% now)

I would expect it to go down Sat or Sun so that it could melt down Sunday or (bank holiday) Monday (I suspect Monday as holiday UK).
If it lasts until Mon/Tues then meltdown would be on Tues/Wed (not very popular at any time of these days or nights!!!!) ;) ;) ;)
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i thought today was the begining of that week and this post was marking that ................
Today is the beginning of the first weekly cycle in which attacks on Hadad will do an amount of damage worth mentioning, and therefore the week it will almost certainly be destroyed.

For the cosmetic rewards, you need to attack [1] sometime in the seven days before Hadad's destruction - exactly when that will be measured from we won't know until later, but based on the previous three it will probably have turned out to have started sometime on Sunday.

While both are seven day periods, they aren't likely to be aligned to each other.

[1] Unless the same thing happens as did with Taranis, Leigong and Oya, where due to bugs this requirement is relaxed to "get into the system"
Does anyone have the link for the heart status outside of Elite Dangerous? It will be helpful for everyone to plan when to get their runs in. Thx to those who created it.
looks weak

I still think it would be a good idea to have some way for players late to the party to acquire all the awards. Like, if you are in the top 10% of contributors, you might get two rewards instead of one.
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