Titan Hadad is vulnerable!

in 7 hrs approx
that will be around 3am in london
as i have not had the chance to see one kick the bucket yet i may loggin for a butchers.....................
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I missed this one, real life caught up on me.
Didn't have the time.
I already have three badges, so not too bad.
I was thinking about this the other day during an idle moment at work:)
Using WW2 as an example: were there any units amongst the western allies that were present during every single major battle? Maybe the 101st airborne of band of brothers fame a possible candidate?
I'm guessing it unlikely there would be many who could claim such a feat from a largely civilian force (Pilots Fed), so then it would be probs quite fitting that once the end of the war rolls around there should be a missing star or two on our decals.
Maybe the historians amongst us could wade in?
I'd be impressed if life doesn't get in the way of most of us before the final Titan falls. I'm hoping for a full set but I suspect my summer holiday plans will scupper it. As for your other question, 101st airborne wouldn't have joined the war until 1942 at the earliest so would have missed a great deal of actions. Over-glamorisation by Hollywood perhaps makes them appear to have been everywhere. As far as I know from the allies, the British 5th Infantry Division (nicknamed the Globetrotters) could be a contender. They saw action from the Fall of France, the Middle East, the War in the Mediterranean all the way through to NW Europe by the end of the war. To top it all off, they began the conflict stationed in the UK so where there as well!!
not many British infantry actions get the Hollywood treatment as of late but the recent rogue heroes series and the The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare movie
are fun favs of mine so is the old movie attack on the iron coast and of course there are the old classics like a bridge to far also which was part of the failed market garden campaign of which the 101st participated
cmdr actions against the thargoids are more in line with actions of the french resistance imo or of the RAF during the battle of britain during the summer of the 40's
which is also depicted in a classic movie of the same name
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A little unrelated to the specific discussion above, but I noticed a little news widget in GalNet mentioning the imminent (explosive) demise of Hadad. Bit like a live-ticker news but in-game. Can't say I mind... (though I forgot to snatch a pic and the Titan will be reduced to rubble by the next time I get to log on... so, yeah, you might have to look for it yourself, should be at the bottom of the in-game page for the GalNet news)
I was thinking about this the other day during an idle moment at work:)
Using WW2 as an example: were there any units amongst the western allies that were present during every single major battle? Maybe the 101st airborne of band of brothers fame a possible candidate?
I'm guessing it unlikely there would be many who could claim such a feat from a largely civilian force (Pilots Fed), so then it would be probs quite fitting that once the end of the war rolls around there should be a missing star or two on our decals.
Maybe the historians amongst us could wade in?
Given the US missed the first couple of years?
Would have to be German unit, Groesdeuschtland division is about as close as you're likely to get. Even then the theatres are too dispersed for any unit to be present at every engagement, that's before considering all the last stand actions.
GD never served in North Africa and few AK units went to the Eastern Front. So there was no such unit that saw every engagement.
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as for the big red 1 they did participate in all the major campaigns of ww2 on the allies behalf which is also depicted in a movie of the same name
with a young mark hamil in it but he dosent use the "force" in that one
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as for the big red 1 they did participate in all the major campaigns of ww2 on the allies behalf which is also depicted in a movie of the same name
with a young mark hamil in it but he dosent use the "force" in that one
All major American campaigns perhaps.
Unless you can detail their involvement at Alamein, Stalingrad, Bagration etc.
Well I saw it go, but didn't have a chance to get any damage on it, it went down so quickly! Here's hoping fdev will remain forgiving with the rewards this titan :)
All major American campaigns
ya im only going on what ive read i was in bagdad at the time or grandads bag:eek: and i am half irish brit ta boot
he fought in burma and my gran escaped a uboat attack on her convoy across the atlantic
i shall simply quote another good movie here "I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes."
and simply say we are the scariest form of life on the planet
eyes facing forward it's definitely predatorial in nature lets static beam it up an analyse
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