Sorry should be a quote here...ooops... was related to the pictures/glyphs
Dots and dashes... more morse?
Dots and dashes... more morse?
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So I noticed that on the Vid Stream yesterday, there was a strong message that the Thargoids are not the ONLY aliens we might come across - did anyone else catch that?
So, biscuit in hand (chocolate digestive), I wonder if the UA are in fact alien but not Thargoid?
Personally, I would have put Scientific Research (that I know they have), and SAP 8 (which I dont know about) above those 2, but whatever the testers think is most likely. Shortcutting a binary search is not a very good idea unless you are pretty damned confident that your shortcut is correct.
Well, if you were going to give someone a mathematical code to unlock their language, you would start with what? Squares?
Fiber... fibernach... what'sisface...sequence?
Maybe not shortcut it then, but sort the data first to provide a higher chance of primary path hit?
- - - Updated - - -
Primes - I'd use Primes.
Here is my contribution to this thread, Just recorded this (sorry for bad video quality, win10 DVR aint great) - Dangerous (CLIENT) 03_11_2015 13_24_13.mp4
Recorded at Aries Dark Region GW-W D1-52 in a Adder with no cargo
Ah! I forgot to say.
Among the other dozen experiments I performed last night (!!!), I had the time to make a friendly chat with the UA as well, via COMMS:
but it didn't like Fibonacci, neither in numbers than in MORSE. Shame.
Primes will be my next try![]()
OK Guys. Pretty sure we are missing a major component of this puzzle. The Glyphs!
Had an insight today. The glyphs on the Nacelles are telling us how their counting system works.
EG: (Running from top to bottom)
View attachment 73149
In total there are 12 symbols, but I believe the top 2 symbols are headers. What value could the base line have? Having the symbols double and change in complexity indicates a base math of some sort?
In 1.4 beta we saw formations of multiple UAs, but not in the main game yet.
With this speculation on the power of 7 - has anyone managed to gather a total of 7 UAs together at the same time - does that cause anything to happen?
Probably almost guaranteed they are not Thargoid.
We might need the Thargoids to help deal with this new... species. I was going to say "threat"... but that's a bit jumping the gun.
Au contraire, I think DB pretty much confirmed that the UAs are Thargoid related. He was asked for one word on Thargoids and he started talking about the decoding of the ship images:
Is a normal one, held by a midgetApologies for the misinformation. It was toooo early in the morning and I have not yet had any biscuits... Plus I only got to watch the first half last night...
Talking of Biscuits: have you seen what Tesco are selling? 0.o
The size of that thing...!
Talking of Biscuits: have you seen what Tesco are selling? 0.o
Here is my contribution to this thread, Just recorded this (sorry for bad video quality, win10 DVR aint great) - Dangerous (CLIENT) 03_11_2015 13_24_13.mp4
Recorded at Aries Dark Region GW-W D1-52 in a Adder with no cargo
I would also just like to remind everybody that T1, T2, T3..T6, T7..T9 and so on are names of bacteriophages.
Her is a T7
View attachment 73296
and a T6
View attachment 73297
Just to make sure we don't forget the past.
Seriously... That's too coincidental for me.
I find it very hard to believe that these references to 7s, Moby , Pleiades, these bacteriophages etc are not deliberate.
What they mean, I don't know, other than to provide a nice bunch of extra layers to the mystery. Because if you roll it back and analyse the links, it's all very human in origin. So might just be a way of enhancing the wider mythology.
Bit stunned with this recent scanning behaviour development, though. Fantastic work.
So of I understand - you drop from a T6/7 outside a station, it doesn't do the ship model vector Morse, but the station name. Dbx, as per Riz's multi-ship test, still did the ship vector regardless.
So if it were a (code) bug, then I wouldn't expect it to be different based on the ship - there's got to be something more to it. That list of ships that become 'invisible' near a station is looking quite important! Hopefully it'll be possible to identify some commonality between them. It's not by manufacturer, surely, since the DBx is lakon, the same as the transporters.
If mass, then logically the t9 and the Conda should also be invisible.
Very curious.
If the T6/7 didnt have a ship image, then it would make perfect sense. No Image ? Go to Default behaviour. However, they do, it seems that only at a station does the behaviour change for a limited number of ships. Not making any sense to me yet.