man, nvm I lost it. I called for the fuel rats (btw 10/10 service would call again in emergency) and the cargo hatch malfunctioned. I only noticed it was gone when I was in the next system.
Probably a good idea to spruik my
Asp Penetrator again, specifically designed for retrieving UAs.
This has no fuel scoop, and is designed to punch out up to almost 800LY without refuelling thanks to 96t Fuel rather than the standard 32t. In more solid terms, this will get you from Gliese 1269 to the shell and back in one tank. Reason for no scoop is that you can avoid UA corrosion damage if you spin up the FSD immediately after cooldown has completed. The UA shell is just 100-200LY away from the bubble, so it's designed to get in and get out in one run.
Corrosion damage means you don't have time to scoop much, and even if you do, to do it effectively you run the risk of heat damage when spooling up to avoid the corrosion: Heat damage is way more harmful than UA corrosion (even if you have 20 on board)
A-Rate life support is designed to protect against canopy blowout by the UAs. Once you have 16 UAs in the hold it'll one-shot your canopy which cannot be repaired by the AFMUs. You can very safely make it back even with an interdiction or two.
If you are in supercruise and you hear "Module Malfunction" or see a Cargo Hatch Malfunction, conduct an emergency drop from supercruise. This prevents UAs spilling out in SC.
For this reason, if you are hunting UAs and don't have separate Supercruise/Hyperspace keybindings (like me) you should never have a different star system targeted; otherwise your Hyperspace drive will spool up rather than dropping out of supercruise. Bad juju.
- No weapons/Utility mounts fitted: That's for you to decide. I've not tried mines, but they were popularised in a weak-shield Asp.
- 2 x 3A AFMUs give redundancy, though depending on your needs, one can be subbed out for a vehicle bay if you plan to go on planets with UAs in the hold.
- If you really need a Class 5 shield and don't care about exploring, you can replace the Disco Scanner + Detailed Surface scanner for 2 x 4t Cargo and sub the 3A shield for an 8t cargohold, giving 16t. As mentioned, any more than 16 UAs in the hold will be insta-death for your canopy.
Yes, this is not an optimal-range Asp. The point of this is rapid long-range target exploitation, in this case UA hunting. This fitting also works great for other very-long-distance activities tethered to the bubble (no more than 300LY from a station). I imagine an FSD Range boost from an engineer plus jumponium could do wonders for this build.