Unofficial Post-Beta1 Fleet Carrier Survey

Well done and hats off to all of the work you've put into this.
One point of contest for your side note re: preferred play-style when wanting to make money. I answered the question "what's the only way you can see to make enough money to buy a carrier" with mining, as that's the extreme-best way to gain the funds quickly. Doesn't mean I'm going to do it (i.e., abandon my preferred play style in order to make that cash), so I'd be cautious about generalizing the idea that a lot of players are fine with swallowing whatever the [broken] cash meta of the day is.
Well you'd be wrong. These charts prove that.

Not in the slightest, as it's an opinion. I see nothing unreasonable in a ton of LTDs being worth 1 million credits. Maybe the top end should be less than 1.6 million, but I also like the mechanic that creates these gold rushes for short periods of time.

And none of the above is to say I object to other "professions" being able to earn more money, I just disagree that the issue is with mining.
I'd also argue that it is not correct to judge FCs on how fun they are, as they themselves don't bring any new gameplay, and there is nothing to judge. The best they can be without a big rework is a convenience and support platform for existing content, and the least they can do is not make that content less fun.
Hard NO on triple-Elite from me. I have 2,000+ hours in-game, double-Elite in Exploration and Trade (without exploits), Admiral and King, all but 2 Engineers unlocked, almost all obtainable permits, I've been to Colonia, Sag A*, Beagle, Formidine Rift, all outlying asteroid bases... and I should be denied a Carrier just because my Combat rank is Competent?

They're not warships.

I imagine many who have signed up to the DSSA would object too.
Hard NO on triple-Elite from me. I have 2,000+ hours in-game, double-Elite in Exploration and Trade (without exploits), Admiral and King, all but 2 Engineers unlocked, almost all obtainable permits, I've been to Colonia, Sag A*, Beagle, Formidine Rift, all outlying asteroid bases... and I should be denied a Carrier just because my Combat rank is Competent?

They're not warships.

I imagine many who have signed up to the DSSA would object too.
Unfortunately your argument of "I don't qualify because of X stipulation" can be used by everyone. For example, "I don't qualify because I don't have enough credits."

This is why I say wipe the playing field clean and start a new Alliance ranking system. Every single one of us is on the bottom rung right now.

Of course then every explorer out in the black will complain that they are too far away from populated systems to earn ranks.

When it all boils down to it someone is going to complain no matter what FDev do.
Well, another nice confirmation about the state of incomes balance in the game...

I think that the thing that underwhelmed me the most with FCs is that they are a completely new feature added in a GAME and they lack one major thing : FUN

FCs are actually a tool making things easier for players...that's new real gameplay, mechanics or content that will be FUN.

I just don't understand how they've missed this opportunity to create something FUN instead of a TOOL.
lol, how to tell your game's economy is broken six ways from Sunday.
Hall-a-LUJAH, man!
Anytime a sim has a single "who wants to be a bazllionaire by 9am?" function, something is very, very wrong.
I'm definitely not a miner (as my piddly little 68mil in the bank shows), so I often wonder why the devs seem to be allowing (or even pushing?) people to mining to make the big$$? Who knows - maybe the code that implements rock collecting is the easiest to modify, &/or the lowest-upkeep code in the game?
Question 40 is an interesting one: to avoid a fast and indefinitely macroable infinite money pump [1] that doesn't even require leaving the deck, carriers can't get a purchase discount on ships or outfitting that's larger than the hit an individual player takes for selling a module or ship (so currently 0% for modules and 10% for ships [2])
When you sell the ship, you get 90% of what you paid for it. So if I’m understanding you correctly you are mistaken about that mechanic.

Also there’s a funny money-printing exploit that’s unlikely to be fixed since it’s intrinsic to the tariff system and “fixing” it will likely break other stuff.
I am quite surprised that so many were happy for the FC to stock unlockable ships and modules and go to permit locked systems tho. I might have have imagined that "endgame" players would have more sympathy with the immersion perspective rather than the "give me it all" perspective.
It’s quite immersion breaking to me that I can’t jump my carrier into systems that I have access to and can’t stock stuff that, again, I have access to.

At the same time I don’t get enjoyment out of not allowing “unworthy” players to exploit such a capacity to circumvent parts of the game (i.e. going shopping at Jameson before hitting Elite). Them getting free stuff doesn’t hurt me, my carrier not being able to go where I want it to go does.
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