Update 11 Patch Notes

Piper Copeland hasn't got around to updating her avatar in the messaging system to match the dull new generic NPC appearance she has in the carrier management screen.

2 is terrible in no-VR regular rendering too..
Versus what you had in Update 10? Because I noticed the poorer AA performance as soon as I launched Update 11. Trying to pinpoint if this is an issue in my system or a larger problem introduced with Update 11.
OK EDO still has a lot old bugs that are not fixed yet, the difference now i can visit my carrier on foot. Thats at least somthing for the price and weekly upkeep.
OH btw it seems thease glowing effects on my decals do not work before and after the update plus some metallic effects seem to be to low to notice.
When i go back to horizons its fine.
Well the misplaced pictures of NPCs a lot ppl did already post, thouse was already before the update just not as often. Often seen on engineers.

I really want to install services on my carrier, but actually there is still to low use to dish out that kind of money every week or to install em.
Thats really a pitty a bar and weapon shop would been a nice add on, but cost is way to high. How many ppl go to my carrier and buy weapons, ships or modules if they can buy them way cheaper at stations?
Trading seems pretty much useless on carrier, i cant even park the carrier in the CG System, because its crowded then. That the only usefull thing i can think of. Then again the time spend to buy and store the wares and later to unload and sell should be round about the same as i have i nearby system and jump between them.
If i would do exploring the carrier could be usefull too, buy paying for booth services and a high weekly upkeep, dont know then i must be douin this all day. Otherwise i can just sell it later at a station, even better when a CG is goin on.

Yeah so basicly the carrier is still waste of money to me beside of eye candy, I gotten all on foot stuff to grade 5, edo play is mostly when Combat CGs goin on else im better off to play in Horizons.

Well maybe next time.
I really appreciate the work involved, the continued progress, and communications being restarted! With that said, I just wanted to pass some constructive feedback along:

These issues are still broken in Update 11:
https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/44533 Ship lateral and vertical thrusters weaker - Impacting AX combat on Odyssey
https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/43172 THERE IS NO NIGHT VISION SMOOTHING IN THE ODYSSEY
https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/44245 AX-Conflict zones progression bonds don't give the right amount of Cr

Also, this fix in Update 11 does not seem to be completely fixed yet:
Fixed misaligned text on Fleet Carrier nameplates and decals.


Auto launch just failed to find the mailshot ... six times. Had to take manual control before either my shields or the exit window timer ran out.

It's got worse?
I wouldn’t know I have never let auto-launch keep control after three failures to get through the slot or half the timer if it was just drifting around waiting for something. But as I have seen posts from people that lost their ships due to auto-launch failures I doubt it has got worse.
About the "Cannot Disembark" problem, yesterday was noticing this:
View attachment 296614

Maybe the FC inherit the gravity of the body it's orbiting around?
Wow, this is new.
I wonder whether it's the body you're orbiting or the one you landed last.

I had a vaguely similar occurrence last night, in fact.

I came back to my FC from a high temperature planet: when the temperature is high, your avatar grimaces in pain and discomfort.
As soon as I disembarked on my FC I went in camera mode to have a look (for unrelated reasons), and my avatar was still in pain, as if he had inherited the conditions of the last planetary visit.
As I was able to disembark, however, I could go to the lifts, and once in the concourse, my status was reset to normal.

Perhaps these two issues are related?
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Thanks for the update!

I only had a bit of time to try it last night, but it's great seeing it in game.

Things I noticed are...
Frame rates were a bit faster in starports. Keep going!
Interacted with a chair and was blown away seeing it's a smooth transition. Was really expecting a fade-to-black. Could this mean smooth transitions are possible for other things like getting in and out of SRVs and scorpians, and ships? That'd be nice!
The different aesthetics in starports is more apparent. Well, I was only in one, but was in the same one before, and it was no different from before announcing starport interiors would get facelifts. Can't wait to visit more!
Hair on the NPCs didnt change colour/shape when approaching from a few meters away. Nice.
The hair on the frontlines NPC didnt protrude through his hat. Nice!
Elevator door and other LOD's initially loaded a bit worse, but seemed to load fully faster than before. Keep trying!
Did a medium intensity CZ. In the dropship, there seems to be a freeze just before releasing to the ground. Then on the ground a bit of freezing, as stuff loads? But the playing was a bit smoother than before, after that. Keep trying!
Went to a FC, and disembarked. That's great. I hope some folks set up FC's as meeting points. Lots of potential!
On the walkthrough before, for FC interiors, the elevator had 3 different options. That now has been reduced to 1. Any reason for that? Or maybe that FC didnt haven't something installed, which allows multiple destinations?
Nice views in the FC, but I'd suggest having the bar facing the landing pads, as well. I'd say the same for Outposts too. That's where the action is!
Went to a Megaship and landed. The disembark button is there, but was greyed out. Is that coming in future? I hope megaships have more or different layouts, etc., but cant wait!

While seated, I noticed there is no option to chat, or do anything. Im guessing that's in development, though. Im quite fine seeing the ability is there, for now, though.

I haven't even tried the new mission types yet, so looking forward to getting home tonight.
Overall, good job! But you realize this makes me want more, seeing more possibilities, yes? :)
Ok. Played the update for a few more hours. Not even going to ask for a pre-installed Genomics, not asking about alcohol purchases but can we at least have the bar comes pre-installed???
Just want to say thanks for fixing the Cutter autodock when landing on a carrier. Before Update 11 my cargo hauler would do a ballet dance involving four laps of the deck before finally setting down. Now it's straight in and dock, no fuss.

I didn't see this in the bug fixes, but it's very welcome.
About the "Cannot Disembark" problem, yesterday was noticing this:

Maybe the FC inherit the gravity of the body it's orbiting around?
I hit that initially and thought the same, and after jumping to a carrier admin system and making sure to park it in orbit of a lower G planet I was able to disembark, which kinda confirmed that, but I was only able to disembark a single time - now I get a different message there (something along the lines of "disallowed by port"), so I think it's just a bug.

(Also, the carrier is in orbit = free fall = zero gravity regardless of the body it is orbiting, so it wouldn't make sense to prevent disembarking due to high gravity)
Just want to say thanks for fixing the Cutter autodock when landing on a carrier. Before Update 11 my cargo hauler would do a ballet dance involving four laps of the deck before finally setting down. Now it's straight in and dock, no fuss.

I didn't see this in the bug fixes, but it's very welcome.
I also auto landed the Cutter, and yes it seemed to land a little smoother.
Also I have been noticing improvements in the UI.
My FPS has also risen in stations
Very happy with the overall update
Thank You Fdev
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I hit that initially and thought the same, and after jumping to a carrier admin system and making sure to park it in orbit of a lower G planet I was able to disembark, which kinda confirmed that, but I was only able to disembark a single time - now I get a different message there (something along the lines of "disallowed by port"), so I think it's just a bug.

(Also, the carrier is in orbit = free fall = zero gravity regardless of the body it is orbiting, so it wouldn't make sense to prevent disembarking due to high gravity)
The other issue with the gravity of the body you are parked by theory, is that the strength of gravity falls of with distance which you can see quite clearly in ED as you approach a planet to land.
Regarding disembark not possible I got the following info today:
"...It looks to be affecting FCs that were purchased in 3.8 (Horizons)
We've just now deployed a speculative fix server-side, so if this happens again please let us know!...."

Lets see and hope the found the issue and have been able to fix.
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