Update 11 - Release Date Change

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I like the forums, but they're not very practical.

For example, the current CG. The reward details are buried 8 pages deep in one of the two threads about it, meaning most players have absolutely no idea about it, what the decals are, the fact the rewards are super-engineered, and so on.

If they were posted on Twitter instead, then everyone could know immediately. All the memes and crap could be filtered out, and only the important questions(which is to say, the ones Fdev replies to) would be seen.

The forums are 85% useless memes, 10% useless suggestions that will never be seen, 4% player-run events(which would probably be better on Reddit or Discord anyway), and 1% actual, relevant information.

And that's probably being generous.

If they ditched the forums, let the community fully shift over to Reddit, and did everything via twitter, I don't doubt for a second that the overall experience would be dramatically better.

Why don't you leave first and we'll meet you there?
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Why don't you leave first and we'll meet you there?

Unfortunately, one or two players leaving the forums isn't going to be very useful, so long as the devs continue to post the majority of their information here.

So while starting a community movement is a nice idea, it just wouldn't be practical.
Go on give it a try I promise we'll be right behind you.
I appreciate your support! Unfortunately, it has less to do with the forum regulars, and more to do with the irregular Posters, who make up the bulk of forum activity.

If they want to make things more effective, the change has to start from the top.

However, it's always nice to know you have my back. With all the arguments that happens around here sometimes, It's the little moments of appreciation that really help me stick around and keep posting.
I appreciate your support! Unfortunately, it has less to do with the forum regulars, and more to do with the irregular Posters, who make up the bulk of forum activity.

If they want to make things more effective, the change has to start from the top.

However, it's always nice to know you have my back. With all the arguments that happens around here sometimes, It's the little moments of appreciation that really help me stick around and keep posting.
I appreciate your support! Unfortunately, it has less to do with the forum regulars, and more to do with the irregular Posters, who make up the bulk of forum activity.

If they want to make things more effective, the change has to start from the top.

However, it's always nice to know you have my back. With all the arguments that happens around here sometimes, It's the little moments of appreciation that really help me stick around and keep posting.
Can I offer you some nice trying times in these eggs?

The forums are 85% useless memes, 10% useless suggestions that will never be seen, 4% player-run events(which would probably be better on Reddit or Discord anyway), and 1% actual, relevant information.
That is parsimonious in the extreme...

More 90% useless memes and GIFs, 9% totally useless suggestions by armchair game developers and 1% other stuff.

I would imagine discord in particular is much more active, for those like-minded individuals, than the forum.

As for reddit, please feel free to migrate there, I promise I won't miss you!
I like the forums, but they're not very practical.

For example, the current CG. The reward details are buried 8 pages deep in one of the two threads about it, meaning most players have absolutely no idea about it, what the decals are, the fact the rewards are super-engineered, and so on.
I find it difficult to imagine anyone interested in a CG not reading the first post in the live thread or being so unsavey about the forums not to bookmark important information, but if you say that they are I will try an believe you.
If they were posted on Twitter instead, then everyone could know immediately. All the memes and crap could be filtered out, and only the important questions(which is to say, the ones Fdev replies to) would be seen.
Well everyone who knows more about twitter than that it is a thing and are prepared to use it. There are a lot of fairly important questions, especially in CG threads, that are not answered by FDev but by the community are you saying we should lose that?
The forums are 85% useless memes, 10% useless suggestions that will never be seen, 4% player-run events(which would probably be better on Reddit or Discord anyway), and 1% actual, relevant information.
As the proportions of useless material to information varies depending which sub forum you are reading and on your own knowledge that is a fairly useless made up stat.
And that's probably being generous.

If they ditched the forums, let the community fully shift over to Reddit, and did everything via twitter, I don't doubt for a second that the overall experience would be dramatically better.
For you yes, for everyone else maybe, for some it would be much worse.
I wonder if sitting on the FCs means that we'll be able to sit in the station concourses and settlements too.

It's an interesting thought, the seating in FC's is required due to all players being stationary for the jump, that's not necessary of course in stationary...em...stations, but maybe this will be proof of the tech at least and maybe if not now sometime time the future it will come to all concourses.
It's an interesting thought, the seating in FC's is required due to all players being stationary for the jump, that's not necessary of course in stationary...em...stations, but maybe this will be proof of the tech at least and maybe if not now sometime time the future it will come to all concourses.
"Proof of the tech"? Makes it sound like it's an impressive feat. NPCs can already sit down and stand up again anyway.
"Proof of the tech"? Makes it sound like it's an impressive feat. NPCs can already sit down and stand up again anyway.
Can they? I have seen seated NPCs and standing ones but I don't recall seeing one sit down or stand up.
Can they? I have seen seated NPCs and standing ones but I don't recall seeing one sit down or stand up.
You can see NPCs sit down and stand up in settlements (generally in tourist settlement cabins, or in the hab area of some little industrial settlements, where the hab is connected directly to the power centre via a single corridor).
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