Disclaimer: I don't care for SC. I despise the business model, and the lack of playability in VR alone is a turn off for me. To be fair I would not play Elite without VR either, though. Anyway, I have no first hand experience with it, and I'm not planning on it.
I tried watching Drew's first SC streams, but got turned off pretty quickly by the constant "look, my new girlfriend is much prettier than the old one" attitude. I like his childish wonder and exitement about stuff, but he needs to get over the fact that Frontier didn't want or need his services anymore. It was the same with his (first) NMS streams (which I didn't continue to watch as I don't like NMS). You play a different game now, get over it.
Apart from that I remember he spent what felt like half an hour admiring the interior of his ship while constantly emphasizing that he could never go back (to Elite). Look, a bunk bed to sit on. And a locker to store stuff in. Yay. And the gameplay was... zero. Granted, it was pretty to look at, but that was it.
Apart from that he took too long and his launch request timed out... so he had to store his ship, run all the way back to a terminal, re-request the ship, and then run back to the ship to launch it, all of which took what felt like an eternity. Then I stopped watching. If there is compelling gameplay (and I'm not saying there is not) it is well hidden amongst tediousness.