Update 17 Release Notes

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@sallymorganmoore A bug that I found when restocking tritium on my carrier is that the "Transfer all to carrier" button is now broken.

Issue Tracker: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/62025

While we are talking about the transfer buttons, the "Transfer all from carrier" to ship button has never worked if your carrier has more commodity than your ship has holds. What it should do is transfer the amount of commodity to your ship as your ship has holds. ie: your ship has 500 holds, it should transfer 500 to your ship and then subtract the 500 from your carriers holds.

There is a work around by setting up a buy order on your carrier but then you are paying for the commodity twice. Once when you buy the commodity at the station and then you pay again when you sell it to your carrier. Double dipping is not cool lol!

This is going to cause major problems on CG's for anyone that uses their carriers to transfer the commodities being asked for. So we need to vote to get this fixed asap please.

Thank you.
I've experienced this since U16 with transferring Limpets between Ship and Carrier. Tried a few different times to create a ticket but it wouldn't complete ticket creation properly and then the ticket was unaccessible when link provided. Gave up.
The cargo transfer issue has now been confirmed and is in the voting stage to get fixed. So if you haven't voted yet to get it fixed, now is the time :)
Sorry, where do I cast a vote for bug fixes, this is a new concept for me!

Edit: Sorry NVM of course I found it 2 secs after posting, and I can't see a delete button.
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Sorry, where do I cast a vote for bug fixes, this is a new concept for me!

Edit: Sorry NVM of course I found it 2 secs after posting, and I can't see a delete button.
There isnโ€™t one, other than some variation on what you did the only option is to report your post and ask for it to be removed by a moderator.
Truly remarkable

Kudos - Just noticed that the docking port horizontal is now once again correct

The price for that fix - the landing pad descent is offset by the same amount of offset that it took to fix the approach to the docking port

Can't make it up...

Anyone ever hear the phrase, "root cause" ?

Sorry - you get one or the other - not both...

Every fix requires that we break something else

Indeed, landing on carriers is offset now (tilted on a side)- so lots of pressure on the left side landing strut(s) at touch down
Also when auto launching from station, ship is tilted till it reaches the mailslot

๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I mean, seriously... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

(and if i start making jokes about interns and junior programmers, the power that be will start raining sanctions on my account)
Indeed, landing on carriers is offset now (tilted on a side)- so lots of pressure on the left side landing strut(s) at touch down
Also when auto launching from station, ship is tilted till it reaches the mailslot

๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I mean, seriously... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

(and if i start making jokes about interns and junior programmers, the power that be will start raining sanctions on my account)

Where is SJA? Oh where, oh where can she be?

Help us SJA, you're our only hope... (as I record my message and feed it into my droid) :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Missions to restore power to settlements in Thargoid-controlled systems now properly fail if you lose the item due to getting killed whilst on-foot
Could you please review this fix, because getting โ€œkilledโ€ in ONE mission(before I had even engaged the regulator) due to game nonsense* and it just caused ALL OF THEM to fail, even though two had been successfully completed and Iโ€™d already returned to my ship.

*Read : Banshee spawned and camped right in the middle of a military settlement with only one way into the command and connected power center, so I got spotted by no less than 9, probably more, Revenants, since a Scout also now immediately drops off a bunch whenever a Banshee is present. You may want to review this one too, because itโ€™s just a little bit unfair if you donโ€™t feel like bombing the place or killing everything in it with a Scorpion beforehand.

So yeah, that marks the end of my short-lived stint into trying to do U17 AX reactivations in controlled territory(and my Elite playtime for tonight because that just makes me want to point a finger at the game and turn it off for a few days). The base in question was Malakar Defence Barracks in Warnones, if you must know.
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Indeed, landing on carriers is offset now (tilted on a side)- so lots of pressure on the left side landing strut(s) at touch down
Also when auto launching from station, ship is tilted till it reaches the mailslot

๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I mean, seriously... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

(and if i start making jokes about interns and junior programmers, the power that be will start raining sanctions on my account)
I've lost one Python loaded with trit for that.. didn't even bother for a ticket but what the *********************************** !!!!
Indeed, landing on carriers is offset now (tilted on a side)- so lots of pressure on the left side landing strut(s) at touch down
Also when auto launching from station, ship is tilted till it reaches the mailslot

๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I mean, seriously... ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

(and if i start making jokes about interns and junior programmers, the power that be will start raining sanctions on my account)
It smashed my fast Eagle down sideways onto the carrier pad, severely damaging the shields - luckily they were strong! Would've been wiped out otherwise. Why doesn't it level-up to the pad first?
Why doesn't it level-up to the pad first?

as @GJ51 pointed out on the previous page, it seems to be related to the fix for our ships approaching to the mailslot tilted on one side.

Somehow in my mind this connects to that scene when you try to fix a smaller bedsheet on a bigger bed. You fix in on one side, then you notice the other side is left exposed. So you go and fix the other side, and notice the other side is left exposed and so on and so forth...
Freacking hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚
Can confirm AX reactivations (the ones targetting abandoned settlements in control systems) have been messed up by this update; you can successfully complete the mission by powering up the settlement and collecting the required item, but then if you die (in a completely unrelated way) before cashing it in it will be failed and you will be fined for the loss of the power regulator (even though it's in the power reactor, at the settlement, exactly where you were hired to put it, doing its job of supplying power to the location).
Can confirm AX reactivations (the ones targetting abandoned settlements in control systems) have been messed up by this update; you can successfully complete the mission by powering up the settlement and collecting the required item, but then if you die (in a completely unrelated way) before cashing it in it will be failed and you will be fined for the loss of the power regulator (even though it's in the power reactor, at the settlement, exactly where you were hired to put it, doing its job of supplying power to the location).
O.K. So I'm neither imagining this, nor am I the only one with that problem.

Also I hope that they nerf the Banshees. Getting spotted and shot up while running around >500 m from the settlement is no fun.
Not only do you get attacked by police and system forces but you can now not even fight the aliens.. Combat is broken after update 17 and now they are not gonna fix it before the end of next month.. This is just great lol
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