Update 9.01 - Patch Notes

In repeated testing yesterday if you have no weapons on your ship you are unable to set your firegroups. So imagine the frustration of explorers that aren't carrying a mining laser suddenly having no way to honk or scan and stuck in a place where buying a weapon isn't an option. Lucky for you they work but that isn't the same for most.
In repeated testing yesterday if you have no weapons on your ship you are unable to set your firegroups. So imagine the frustration of explorers that aren't carrying a mining laser suddenly having no way to honk or scan and stuck in a place where buying a weapon isn't an option. Lucky for you they work but that isn't the same for most.

Oh then I've luck that I've two small laser on my Asp. I wasn't aware that this helps with the issue. Wow, that is really a mess if you're deep in space without opportunity to get a weapon to avoid this problem. Let's hope that this issue is fixed soon.
Testing update:-
At Shinrata
Bought a Federal dropship.
Equipped fully (mostly stored modules) so full armament.
Finished outfitting - message "allocate fire groups"
Fire groups had just 2 weapons as "1" - these are the default ones in the first column.
The rest of the weapons could be allocated as desired - including adding extra columns.
Changed to my Hauler (existing ship)
Fire groups locked. (but correct number of columns).
Logout, Login
Hauler fire groups can be managed.
Changed to Dropship - fire groups work correctly.
Changed to exiting type 10 (Mining ship) - fire groupps (A-H) work OK
Back to Hauler - fire groups still locked.

It seems odd that a ship with no fire groups allocated doesn't have the "allocate fire groups" message...

Deleted member 182079

Just saying that there's an experimental branch on Steam that they use for what I assume to be player beta testing of updates. Isn't ED also on Steam? Either way, it's proven it can be done, whether it will be done is up to the developer of course.
That's ok, I'm just saying that from FDev's perspective it's irrelevant because they don't rely on Steam to facilitate beta/alpha testing. My main account is directly with Frontier, and previous alpha/beta versions were deployed through their launcher. It's possible other devs might use Steam for this no idea but Frontier I don't think needs to, and doesn't.
In a way I envy your poor state. I've already done 3 wipes in the 7+ years I've been playing and I always enjoyed the first few days. In the beginning it was the first months, then weeks and then only a few days. Since then, progress has by and large become completely trivialised so that at some point I no longer saw any point in it.

But if I had to start from scratch these days, I'd probably skip mining, just "grind" (hehe) a DBX with a decent FSD and then head off into the unknown. There will be no unexplored systems in this galaxy any time soon, neither in our lifetime nor in that of our children or grandchildren.

And exploration, for me anyway, is still the heart of the game and more or less always works, even when everything else threatens to go under. But then I like to be alone - just me and this mindbogglingly vast galaxy...
Part of me regrets wiping my main account, mostly because being able to access rank locked ships and locked modules (tech broker/PP) which still takes a fair amount of effort/repetition to regain access to now was handy. I miss my FC and its personal storage facility, access to engineers to some extent, the ability to quickly build and engineer a new ship and try it out 15 minutes later by quickly jumping to the Pleiades or Coalsack in my FC. Going back to vanilla gameplay without FC is for sure more of a chore again (ship transfers, having to jump in each ship from engineer to engineer etc.).

When I wiped I hoped that starting with Harmless level rank across ship and on-foot ranks would yield better results in terms of balanced income but that wasn't the case (ship stuff is still much more lucrative, high ground CZs being the exception, but I can't do those all the time as it gets tedious fast, as anything else in the game really), neither was the ability of starting in the Horizons noob-zone on-foot which was disappointing, too. So from those aspects wiping wasn't worth it.

But then I also play the game differently now, thanks to the introduction of those silly Elite I-V ranks I no longer care about being Triple Elite, and G5ing every ship is way overkill, escaping gankers in a G3 build works just fine. But also the main driver why I'm still motivated to play regularly is because I'm chasing credits again, and no longer suffering from billionaire syndrome (too much stuphz = boredom and procrastination - spending 10 minutes pondering which ship of my 30+ fleet to fly, then log off without choosing any).
Yup fire groups seem to be fixed.
It remains to correct the display of enemy ships in red in the battlefields. And then, for example, a wing of three pirates arrives. One of them is highlighted in red when it hits it, and the other two are not highlighted in red. And they try to blend in with the ships of the system authorities. And at the same time they are also firing at me. This is not good – I can accidentally shoot at a Security Service ship instead of a pirate. It is necessary that all the enemies in the wing also become displayed in red when you are fighting with one of these three pirates.
Yup fire groups seem to be fixed.
Does this mean if I log into Horizons now, not having logged in for weeks (meaning the last time I logged in, I had fire groups set), my groups will be intact? Or will I still need to redo all my groups?
Hi all - we're continuing to look into issues with the genetic sampler - can I get a sitrep on Fire Groups post 9.01?

How many of you are still seeing issues with Fire Group management and what are they? Bullet point answers if possible please!
Still having the same issue in Horizons post 9.01. All the fire groups were wiped post- Update 9. I was able to reset one or two ships' fire groups, but after that the game crashed to desktop whenever I tried. After update 9.01 the issue remains: most of my fleet has no fire groups, and when I try to edit them nothing happens at all.

Hope this helps.
Consider this your one and only warning regarding your attitude. My team are working flat out, as they have been since launch, listening and communicating issues that are raised by the community to the the development team.

Resolutions to these issues are not always as easy as you seem to think. When we have the answers to these questions or issues, we communicate them. Whilst I can understand your frustration, I do not and will not accept this type of attitude towards my team.

Well said.

There is never need for personal attacks. We're all frustrated at bugs but FDev are doing their best to sort them.
Seems there are other things that broke with Patch 9. Objects not appearing at all or not in proper positions. Wonder what I will find next ....
Hi all - we're continuing to look into issues with the genetic sampler - can I get a sitrep on Fire Groups post 9.01?

How many of you are still seeing issues with Fire Group management and what are they? Bullet point answers if possible please!
Experiment two.

Called in another existing ship, one with no weapons this time.
  • When ship arrived fire groups were empty but this time there was no cursor.
  • Exited to main menu, on return the cursor was available for fire groups.
  • Set up two groups of scanners.
  • Switched to a previously 'fixed' ship and returned.
  • Fire groups were still as set but no cursor present
  • Exit to main menu and return restored cursor function.
  • Left fire groups window then returned to find cursor gone again.
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16 forum pages of complaints in less than 24 hours. And thats not counting other threads.

Where are the community managers? What are they doing all the time? Aren't there 4 of them?


CMs should be on top of this and answering people, instead they post some trivial answers that have no meaning whatsoever!

To have the main features in game unusable is a MAJOR issue and would/should be fixed within HOURS in a normal dev company.

P.S. if you do your job right you never have to work weekends!
If the Dev team would not make the mess in the first place there would not be such a topic.
On the other hand, if Managment would not take such path for the Elite to reliase the Odessy in Alpha/Beta state and write poor scripts for the community managers, we could see a totaly different game now.

I am upset and mad as most people here, but if we should blame any one here, it is Managment I think.
NOP fire groups are still broken. The only way to assume them at the start of the session, for me, is to restart the whole game. Switching ships brings back the bug. The "hot-fix" was a partial failure.
I'm glad Odyssey doesn't really require you to use a ship, actually just the mere thought now of having to pilot a vessel yourself makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I'll Apex my way around this until they fix it.

Deleted member 182079

I'm glad Odyssey doesn't really require you to use a ship, actually just the mere thought now of having to pilot a vessel yourself makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I'll Apex my way around this until they fix it.
As a temporary EDH pilot... well. I guess the free Arx don't depend on firegroups at least... not yet.
Yup fire groups seem to be fixed.
fire groups are still not fixed, and the patch note does not indicate what we should do, reassign groups on dozens of ships, or wait for fdev to return saved groups from patch 8. Apart from that, group assignment works in a very strange way now.
Well, as the hands on the clock grind around to 5pm, another working day finishes, and again no feedback from FDev staff on the diagnosis or repair of the significant issues introduced in Update 9 and not fixed in 9.01. It's not unreasonable I think that some kind of regular statement would be made just to keep us updated.
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