Updated Permit List

so - these permits where the faction is only in the permit locked system - is there any way we can get them to expand by using the bgs? would we be able to weaken their opponents by attacking them outside the system? Would much prefer an in-game way to free these up rather than getting FD to change the universe for us.

And it could come in handy if the Sirius wreckers manage to force Sirius back ;)

Edit: Hmm, none of the factions are present outside the permit locked system (according to eddb)

You can't increase or decrease a faction's influence in a system without visiting that system so the BGS will be no help unless someone actually has the permit.

EDDB's faction information is unreliable unless it is a very well travelled area. The only way to be sure is to visit every populated system within 20 ly range of the permit system and check for the faction.
TIL : Anarchy faction don't deliver permit.

I've trying to obtain Nastrond permit from Dragons of Nastrond (controlling faction, anarchy aligned). I had been allied with them during 3 months. They has never deliver the permit. I've tried to manupulate artificialy my reputation (switching ally from friendly), but with the same result.

I've eventualy obtain the permit from another Nastrond's faction.

As far as I know only Defence Party of Nastrond ever gave out the permit, and this is mentioned in the OP here.

You can't get permits from just any old faction from the locked system - it's only ever one specific faction.

Anarchy factions DO give out permits - Brotherhood of Terra Mater gives out the permit for Terra Mater, for example.
EDDB's faction information is unreliable unless it is a very well travelled area. The only way to be sure is to visit every populated system within 20 ly range of the permit system and check for the faction.

However, in all the time that EDDB has existed and people have been reporting info in the systems around most of these locked systems we can't access, the factions we think we need have never shown up outside of the system. It's very unlikely that this will change, because as you said, you can't really manipulate a particular system's BGS meaningfully if you can't access that system. Given how long those systems and the factions have been known about, I tend to trust EDDB's info on this one.
Ltt198 order not in control of Ltt198 and dont issue permit.
Ltt198 patrons of law control system, but dont control other systems
Correction got it from another lt198order station, weird
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Would someone be willing to summarize all the changes that need to be made to the OP?

Made some new minor changes based on what I was able to see in the postings. :)

Kudos to ironshirt for the Mbooni find. Gave credit in the OP.

BTW, for those of you curious whats at Kamba.....yeah.....

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Another mystery solved!...maybe...Is it open or can the permit be earned now?

What about the other Kamba...aka Mbooni? Any news there?
I am using exploration data to get permits. So controlling faction needs to be the permit issuer, rather tham having a presence in a system.
So therefore is there a list of systems who has control. I have obtained most of the permits by dumping 6+million data with controlling faction, but some cant find a system run by the faction.
I am using exploration data to get permits. So controlling faction needs to be the permit issuer, rather tham having a presence in a system.
So therefore is there a list of systems who has control. I have obtained most of the permits by dumping 6+million data with controlling faction, but some cant find a system run by the faction.

This is simply not true. The only known limitation on whether a faction issues a permit is distance from the system that needs the permit. If you're allied with the permit giver but not seeing permit missions, try systems closer to the permit locked system.

I know for sure this isn't true because it would make some of the current permits impossible to get, as many of the factions don't control entire systems. In the last 3 weeks or so I have unlocked every available independent permit.
Not true - pi mensae brotherhood controls stations https://eddb.io/faction/3838 . Where did you sell the nav data if the faction doesn't control anywhere??

Huh. Well there you go. I wonder if that changed recently or something.

In any case, selling exploration data isn't the sole way to get repped up with a faction, you can use any means to become allied, and I didn't go to a controlled station to get that particular permit. That's just not a requirement. I know for certain that Brotherhood of Terra Mater didn't own a station when I ground reputation with them to get the permit.
Huh. Well there you go. I wonder if that changed recently or something.

In any case, selling exploration data isn't the sole way to get repped up with a faction, you can use any means to become allied, and I didn't go to a controlled station to get that particular permit. That's just not a requirement. I know for certain that Brotherhood of Terra Mater didn't own a station when I ground reputation with them to get the permit.
You are quite correct that you don't need a permit faction in control of a system or station to earn a permit. However, missions is by far the slowest way to earn a permit, yet it's nearly the only way left to you when they don't own a permit.

Bountyhunting, mining, and trade are all far faster then missions. If you already have enough exploration data, then this is an instant way of getting a permit. But you need the permit faction to own the station or outpost for all of these methods.

Actually, the fastest (non exploration data) way of all to become allied with a faction is to cash in combat bonds during a war or civil war. This doesn't need the faction in control of a station at all. You just need the faction to be in a war.
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No, I had to do it the hard way and run missions. Either they got control of stations since I worked on it, or (more likely) I simply didn't see the stations they had.

Me too, but the poster wants to do it with exploration data, so a faction must be in control of a station.
Me too, but the poster wants to do it with exploration data, so a faction must be in control of a station.

You're right. I completely misread the question and thought they were asking about places to get permits from, not places to gain reputation.

So, to answer the OP more directly and helpfully (sorry about that!): https://eddb.io/faction

I've also linked every one of the factions directly to their page on eddb in the spreadsheet I made, here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_effICDgwn3IuXWPhboFL5Bt9B-6tvx_v55QTmSl3Vo/edit?usp=sharing
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