Updated Permit List

Just want to add my thanks to Swift Arrow for maintaining this list.

I'm just about to complete getting the permit to Isonor and then I'll have all the current permits. This list has been a great help in achieving this.
Great work!
Even with most permits...still do not have the CQC system and still a bit grumpy they removed PHEKDA permit before I could earn it...I return here regurarly to check for news. ;)

Reads PHEKDA description ... "Ancients of Mumu" ... is this literally just an Easter Egg for KLF, or does it go even deeper into the Illuminatus! trilogy? :ponders: :tinfoilhat:
We know there is definitely some kind of distance rule in effect, because the Sirius permit mission is never given out at their stations at the edge of the bubble. Anecdotally it seems that the permits are only given in systems fairly close to the permit system, not sure if there's ever been an attempt to really test this or narrow it down ... or ask the devs outright.

The 15 LY rule comes from the patch notes, first mentioned in this thread in 2015, and also referenced in the OP.
Yep...they're justified...and they're ancient...
...and I'm quite sure....they drive an ice cream van! :D

Recently , I founded Ancients of Mumu hidden somewhere deep into black. Need to check screenshots.
[up] for the sense of humor.

Edit: O.K. They are present in 3 systems. I was probably hunting Alioth permit.
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Also, if you want to give back, please take a bit of time to modify the community spreadsheet.

And upvote this thread on reddit if you can so more people are aware of this thread's (and spreadsheet's) existence. :)


EDIT: you will have to change np to www to vote. I include the np link for your protection, since reddit doesn't take kindly to users to vote on a link they arrived at via hyperlink. You can google why this is a thing if you like, but this is my reasoning.
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FYI you linked to a read only version of that thread that doesn't allow voting. Remove np. from the start of the domain name to fix it.

I would but I've heard that users can get in trouble with reddit if they vote on a thread that they arrived at directly via a link. It's actually a policy on my discord group not to link directly to reddit thread to avoid obvious upvote/downvote brigades and such (people have been shadow banned unintentionally actually). If people like it, they can change it themselves. :)
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Also, if you want to give back, please take a bit of time to modify the community spreadsheet.

And upvote this thread on reddit if you can so more people are aware of this thread's (and spreadsheet's) existence. :)


EDIT: you will have to change np to www to vote. I include the np link for your protection, since reddit doesn't take kindly to users to vote on a link they arrived at via hyperlink. You can google why this is a thing if you like, but this is my reasoning.

I've upvoted the Reddit thread, and I've also imported the sheet with the permits from my own version as a starting point.
I got allied with them a couple of months ago, no permit yet. Just been out collecting a mass of exploration CR, so planning to level up with more factions when I get back.

I've just finished getting allied with 4 Sextantis Inc, and ran many missions from their controlled base Aikin Relay in HIP 48768. During the process I never once saw a permit mission. When I was doing the same thing for other factions I would occasionally see the permit mission, even though I couldn't take it. Now that I'm allied, I have not had the permit mission appear. I'm fairly certain that 4 Sextantis Inc does not give out the permit.
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